Questions tagged [transition]

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Where to place CSS3 transition

Maybe this is a real silly question but I just can't stand not to know the answer so here I go: A simple background change CSS3 transition can be placed on the element itself and also on the :hover ...
villete's user avatar
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IOS: Transition with modal ViewContorller

I have custom action sheet that I create as VC. I present it with 'overCurrentContex' with the code [self presentViewContoller:myVC animated:YES completion:nil]; I need to add dark background to it. ...
adsjfkasjdflkasjdflk dalfjsdlf's user avatar
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CSS 3 Transitions - Flickering Content with Bootstrap 3.2

I am experiencing a strange flickering effect when attempting to use bootstrap 3.2 and css3 transitions to simulate a horizontal flipping effect. The flipping happens but the content on the back side ...
lilasquared's user avatar
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Transitions in D3 on load

I'm just starting out with D3, and I'm trying to create a simple bar chart that transitions when it loads. I've tried adding .transition() between every selection and attribute change in my code, and ...
hayleyelisa's user avatar
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JavaFX - Changing location of a Node after TranslateTransition

So here is a problem. After each TranslateTransition (tt), I would like to change the location of the Node by setX() and setY(), then PauseTransition (pt) for a second, and reuse the tt from the new ...
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Simple CSS image cross-fading acting weird

I am trying to create a very simple image cross fade effect with four different pictures. It should go smoothly from 1st to the 2nd, from 2nd to 3rd, 3rd to 4th and then back to the 1st. This is the ...
Kristián Filo's user avatar
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AngularJs animation for ng-show faster when showing than hiding

I have an Angular (1.3.14) app (shown below) which is supposed to animate the ng-show when you click the link. I expect it to expand / contract at the same speed, but I cannot get it to work correctly....
Eric's user avatar
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Error with custom transition on loading UIView in Swift

I have UiViewcontroller which had multiple elements. When clicking the accessoryButtonType on a cell it should open a window with a custom transition, however after creating the code for the ...
Brian van den heuvel's user avatar
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Trigger transition on child element, when hovering parent

I have a menu, which I want to animate using css3. When you hover the main-menu, I want to slide in the sub-menu. However I don't know where to put the transition property, to make it animate both ...
LongInt's user avatar
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overriding transition property from

I'm wondering if there is any way to override just the transition-property that I define with the following statement: transition: all 0.2s; I would like to override transition-property to: ...
all jazz's user avatar
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Card flip program in HTML not fliping properly

Link to the Card Flip program! The card do get flipped but then when it turns over there is an error for a split second which disappears immediately.How am i supposed to remove that error? I guess ...
Aishwarya R's user avatar
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Jquery removeClass - addClass within a section

I have a div (#my-div) and an element in it (#element). The element is invisible at origin. I would like that when my-div is on the screen, the element becomes visible and when we leave up or down, ...
Igor Laszlo's user avatar
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Callback complete function not working properly using transit js and jQuery.

So I am trying to build some navigation using jquery transit The opens/slide down navigation is working fine. It sets the child ul to display block and then runs the animation/transition. The ...
lharby's user avatar
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How to make image to move from bottom to top on webpage

I see that this question has come up before, but it did not help me that much. On my webpage I want an image, a small airballon, to move slowly upp from the right bottom and to stop some place beside ...
sky's user avatar
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CSS transitions in different selectors combinations

I have a CSS code, which defines transition to the specified properties like this: button { background-color: #fff; box-shadow: none; transition: background-color .3s ease, box-shadow .3s ...
Vlad Rudych's user avatar
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css3 and jquery load page slider effect

Hi I´m trying to create a full page load slider effect with css3 and jquery. For this I´m using two divs where I load the pages. I have buttons for previous, close and next. I´m having problem with ...
Pablo Levin's user avatar
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LayoutTransition DISAPPEARING Animation not working for Cursor Adapter

So, the title pretty much says it all. I have a listview which is populated with a custom cursor adapter which displays data from a database. I have an animation for adding items to the list which ...
Rich Luick's user avatar
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Transition/animate the creation/removal of a DOM element

I'm building a dashboard using d3js that shows a graph on the primary SVG. However, when there is no data, I would like the SVG to not exist since it just looks like a ton of empty white space. ...
Matthew Herbst's user avatar
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transition expanding menu divs expand in nav bar but pushes other menu divs down when the window is resized

Okay, so im learning html and css, so im relativly new to this. I have followed many youtube videos to create different layouts. However, I am having real trouble in with this particular tutorial that ...
Jesse Davies's user avatar
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fullscreen transition in javaFX

I want to make a full-screen application with javaFX .. i used stage.setFullScreen(true); every time i change the scene like this @Override public void start( Stage stage) throws Exception { ...
Fawzinov's user avatar
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bxslider change width onclick

I have a menu next to my bxslider which i can slide in and out. Therefore my slider is going to resize itself. When I do this bxslider is either hiding parts of my images or showing already parts of ...
user4075462's user avatar
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UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning in Xcode 6 GM

I have a class, SlideAnimationController, that is a subclass of NSObject should conform to the UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning protocol. In Xcode 6 GM, I get the error message that my class ...
erdekhayser's user avatar
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initializing transitionMatrix in kalman filter

I am working on a object tracking project and I want to improve the results I am getting using a Kalman filter. KalmanFilter KF(4 , 2 , 2 ,CV_32F ); Mat_<float> state(4, 1); Mat_<float> ...
Mohammad's user avatar
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background-image transition not working?

I need to do just a simple transition of background img, but searching for tutorials I found out a way to do it. But its not working? Don't know why? #chat { background-image:url(chat.png); ...
user3672971's user avatar
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CSS transitions of multiple HTML elements not triggering

I have a header that I fix to the top of the page after a set scroll amount, and want to perform a set of CSS transitions on multiple elements within the header when the header becomes fixed: the ...
funkadelic's user avatar
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My page transition is not working

I'm trying to create a full page transition using css animations. I've come to a fork in the road. I've placed a class on my link and have called it using JQuery to then apply the css class to the ...
user3874025's user avatar
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How i get back to old scene in SpriteKit?

How can I go to old scene in SpriteKit ( in Swift ) ? I am in scene1 , i paused it and i move to scene 2 and I want to get back to scene1 and i to resume it . I don't want to recreate it again . ...
Ciprian's user avatar
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Transition opacity between 3 images using slide

I have three images stacked one on top of the other with a jQuery slide beneath them. I want the image opacity to change so that as you slide from left to right the images will fade in/out smoothly in ...
GreggBanse's user avatar
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Css3 animation plays twice instead of once

I have integrated a css transition effect into my Wordpress loop (I used Masonry as well, maybe that is where the conflict is). The animation is playing twice rather than just the once which is ...
Archie Butler's user avatar
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What abstraction level should the servo transitions have?

I think I'm using too many methods because of a poor abstraction design. That's why I'm asking this question, different than this one and similar ones, which only focus on the number of methods per se....
Francisco Presencia's user avatar
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jQuery slider (fadeIn / fadeOut) not working correctly

i've made a jquery slider and a user in this website helped me to improve it (adding fade transitions). In the fiddle it worked fine, but when i moved it to my computer it generated a problem, first ...
nick's user avatar
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Spinning circles css3 transition

I want to make 3 spinning circles but I can`t find any examples. How I need it to work: There are 3 circles (big,medium,small) I want to rotate them on hover (small and medium change position on big ...
Cre3k's user avatar
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Want gradual transition of background color when jQuery removeClass

I'm using Google Chrome Version 33.0.1750.154 m and jQuery's latest version, trying to transition background-color in & out upon button clicks. The transition in (fade in) goes just fine, with ...
user3134725's user avatar
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Using D3, how can I transition a line one point at time?

I'm working on a visualization project in which one component is a line chart overlayed on a bar graph. I delayed the bar transitions at a time. I would like the line to transition similarly so each ...
Greg Venech's user avatar
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CSS : Image hover transition not working with display none / display:block and image swap

I want to add a simple blend-in image transition for mouse hover. The hover itself works fine. If I remove the display:none , the transition will work, but the hover image swap will fall apart. Any ...
NaviRetlav's user avatar
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CSS3 transition-duration/delay not working for color property, all others working

Using CSS3 "transition." Strangely, I can successfully manipulate the top and background-color values, duration, and delay. I can also manipulate the color value. BUT, I cannot manipulate duration ...
ELizzy's user avatar
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Multiple opacity transitions using callbacks

I am trying to create an image transition aka slideshow, like they have on: - the first image on the left you see!, it works by just having a script which changes the opacity of ...
Panda's user avatar
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Android Activity transition compatibility

I'm trying to make a transition between two Activities, the following code works with my Android 4.2.1 Device, but doesn't work in my 4.0.4 Intent intent = new Intent(this, MyClass.class); ...
LeSam's user avatar
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Proper way of performing custom transitions with custom segues - WITHOUT SIDE EFFECTS

Considering that there are many tutorials available online that show you how to use custom UIStoryboardSegue's to do custom animated transitions between view controllers, I am wondering if there is a "...
daveMac's user avatar
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Android transition animation linear cross fade effect

I need to make cross fade effect on two bitmaps in a way that first bitmap is being replaced by the second one linearly from top to bottom. In other words first bitmap should dissapear from top to ...
lothar's user avatar
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How can I create a custom event to handle all transitionend events?

I want to create a custom event that handles all the different vendor-prefixed versions of the transitionend event (i.e., webkitTransitionEnd, mozTransitionEnd, msTransitionEnd, oTransitionEnd and the ...
HartleySan's user avatar
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How to have CSS/JavaScript pop-up to transition in?

I'm trying to figure out how to make a div pop-up with CSS and a small amount of JavaScript. I've gotten as far as being able to click a link, have a box pop up, and while it's up the screen around it ...
treboothjD6's user avatar
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Unwanted transition on :active css

I've just started learning html & css and I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing but.. I've added a :hover transition so that when I hover over my header "FIENDS" it fades from #000000 to #800000. ...
Fiend Two's user avatar
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Glitches on iOS view transition animations

I'm making transitions for views on my iOS app. I'm using this way [UIView transitionWithView:self.view duration:0.5 options:UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionFlipFromRight ...
Nanoc's user avatar
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Height to 0 hover effect under Firefox

Hy I have a problem under FF. When I try to use hover on a div to transform height to 0, it just working strangely. Is there a way to make it work like under Chrome? the code is: CSS : #square{ ...
David's user avatar
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CSS3 list transition: position of bullets

I have created a menu with li elements. When li:hover, i would like to approximate list-style bullets to the text, and there would be a color changing too. (Both of them with transition, so background-...
revotyx's user avatar
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Transition is working not working on Safari

A car who dives in 4 sec from the left to the right of a div. It works on all browsers except on safari. What should I do to make it work on safari? #left { padding-top: 6px; height: 19px; ...
Lonneke's user avatar
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Ember.js: Howto create routes that only execute code

My app has a main view with some hidden elements that can be activated by the user. Like a typical sidebar on mobiles that slides in from the left. Or a cart that reveals the details when you tap on ...
Mutual Exception's user avatar
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Windows Phone Resize an Image with a Storyboard

I simply have an Image, and I set its width and height by assigning some numbers. For example, First Height and Width: 400 x 800. Second Height and Width: 200 x 400. So if you do such a mainstreamed ...
ilerleartik's user avatar
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Make projectile transition to edge of screen

I've tried googling this however the tutorials only tell you how to make a projectile transition to a certain target.In my case I want it to travel towards the target but then carry on until the edge ...
Oliver Bennett's user avatar

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