Questions tagged [trap]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What exactly is a trap?

From what I understand, there are software interrupts and hardware interrupts. Software interrupts include exception and trap, where a trap is called explicitly (such as in the case of systemcalls) ...
Roee Toledano's user avatar
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Does the xv6 kernel pagetable have the mapping of trapframe page by default?

I am learning the trap mechanism in xv6, getting confused when I enter the kernel and see some code like p->trapframe->epc = r_sepc(). I am wondering when do the kernel put this trapframe ...
Wang's user avatar
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React.js mobile view, focus is moving outside the modal after the last modal element and it's focusing on a parent element when using Google TalkBack

I have react JS web application with mobile view also. When i clicked on a button called view coupon focus is start working from Close button and end on Condition text but after this last element in ...
PARAG DOUNDE's user avatar
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SysDebugStr() Equivalent in Xcode Debugging?

Back in the day on the Mac in debuggers we were able to call a function: SysDebug(); or SysDebugStr( aString ); which would in the first case stop in the debugger as if a manually set break point ...
Cerniuk's user avatar
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