Questions tagged [tuckey-urlrewrite-filter]

An rule-based URLRewrite filter for Java Servlet technologies, similar to apache's mod_rewrite.

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Unable to find urlrewrite conf file at /WEB-INF/urlrewrite.xml

I am implementing URL Rewrite functionality and I have included all that is necessary for it in my project i.e. urlrewritefilter-4.0.3.jar in WEB-INF/lib and urlrewrite.xml in WEB-INF and added the ...
varsha's user avatar
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urlrewrite replace header

I am trying to replace page headers served by Jetty with Urlrewrite-filter by Tuckey. I am using the following construct: <rule> <from>.*</from> <set type="response-header" name="...
Vladimir Fedorov's user avatar
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How to add some java code to be processed instead of just a rule defined in xml in tuckey-urlrewrite-filter

In tuckey-urlrewrite-filter. How to add some java code to be processed instead of just a rule defined in xml I need to capture a SOAP message and modify it before it will go to futher processing. ...
Jacek Sierajewski's user avatar
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Cleaning URL with tuckey URL Rewrite

I have a settings.jsp page which has two links account and profile. settings.jsp?tab=account will show account settings and settings.jsp?tab=profile will show profile settings, I want to clean url for ...
vikas devde's user avatar
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convert this Apache Rewrite rule to tuckey URLRewriteRule [closed]

Can URLRewriteFilter use for make browser know about compress css file like css.gz and run it well. Actually, I have used this Apache Rewrite rule to do it in PHP, and run it well ...
cakduro's user avatar
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storing url rewrite mappings in a separate file using Tuckey?

I am attempting to store URL rewrite mappings in a separate file. I found some answers for using .Net or Apache, but had no luck for how to do this using Tuckey in Tomcat. Does anyone know if ...
curious's user avatar
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UrlRewriteFilter - combining redirect and forward rules

I'm trying to tame urlrewritefilter, and it looks like like when one rule with redirect matchs another rule with forward I won't see the URL I'm redirecting in the address bar, as expected. Here is ...
shabunc's user avatar
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How to rewrite URL to hidden URL with parameter

I want to use urlrewritefilter to have customer name and language in URL and pass them as parameter to a hidden url. So that the site will open customized. Everything which comes after the language ...
user1661249's user avatar
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URL rewriting for Alias in webserver

I have two copy of our XYZ Application ( Test, Training). They are two different applications in websphere having two different datatbases. We usually tend to have one webserver per websphere ...
user1655210's user avatar
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Syntax error in urlrewrite.xml configuration file

I have an error I can't seem to resolve with my Tuckey urlrewrite configuration file in Eclipse. I've narrowed the offending rules down to these entries: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> &...
seanhodges's user avatar
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URLRewriteFilter and FW1

I'm using Framework One (FW/1), Coldfusion 10 and trying to use Tuckey URLRewriteFilter to remove the index.cfm from the URL. I have generateSES set to true and SESOmitIndex to true in the FW/1 ...
abbottmw's user avatar
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Cant build correct Regular Expression for Mod Rewrite/URLRewriteFilter. How do I negate a range?

I am having trouble building such a simple rule. I want to clean a URL only if the class 1 variable does not fall between 4000 and 5999. When the user goes to f?p=3999:1:1::::: I want the user to be ...
user1610468's user avatar
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UrlRewriteFilter rule not working with servlet url

I am trying to redirect old servlet urls to new ones with UrlRewriteFilter 4.0.3. I have a bunch of working rules but the one with a servlet url in <from></from> is not working. My rule ...
anssias's user avatar
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Require fix for Tuckey URLRewrite filter rules

I am trying to understand tuckey urlRewrite to write a rule but am unable to do it. I have a Servlet that has URL Pattern defined @WebServlet("/user/*"). At the load of Servlet I get URL like http://...
Pirzada's user avatar
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For URLRewriter tuckey how can I stop processing further rules once a rule matches

I am using tomcat with tuckey for URLRewrite. I have few rules in my urlrewrite.xml. How can I make sure that if one of the rule matches ; it stops processing further rules !
Deepak Singhal's user avatar
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UrlRewriteFilter outbound to add host/subdomains to static resource paths

I need to have a filter to add subdomain paths to image and static paths from a java application. Eg: /foo/bar/xyz.jpg would become, where the protocol should ...
Dominic's user avatar
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UrlRewriteRule using Tuckey

How can I lowercase every letter in the url using tuckey UrlRewrite? this is what I have now, but doesn't seem to be working. <rule match-type="regex"> <from>(.*)</from> ...
Peymankh's user avatar
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Forwarding requests between contexts in Tomcat

I'd like to be able to do cross-context request forwarding in Tomcat with the Tuckey URLRewrite filter. For example, I'd like to be able to route an incoming request with an SEO-/user-friendly URL ...
jqp's user avatar
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Tuckey URL Rewriting => Issue with ? and & chars

I'm currently trying to use Tuckey and Tomcat to rewrite URLs. At the moment I'm trying to translate to
schlingel's user avatar
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UrlRewriteFilter and CouchbaseClient depend on different versions of httpclient

UrlRewriteFilter depends on httpclient-3.1, while Couchbase client depends on httpclient-4.0. I came up with two choices: Use two different versions of httpclient together Replace UrlRewriteFilter ...
philipjkim's user avatar
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remove file from url with urlrewritefilter

I have a URL like How can use UrlRewriteFilter to remove the rewrite.php from this URL e.g. i think mod_rewrite will ...
hans maeier's user avatar
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Precedence of filter over servlet in Tomcat

I have Apache Tomcat Version 7.0.26 running. A have a JAX-RS servlet under /test, which calls jsps which in tourn should be handled by the Tomcat servlet engine. E.g., /test should be handled by ...
koppor's user avatar
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URL tuckey - outbound rule

I'm having trouble with tuckey URL outbound rules. I was able to set up inbound rules, but I need to convert a URL using outbound rule. We are using tuckey with Spring. Outbound rule: <outbound-...
sam's user avatar
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escaping dot in Apache mod_rewrite

I have been using tuckey Apache mod-rewrite engine to rewrite urls. But I have problems in escaping dots to decorate URLS as shown below, -> ...
Chamika Dilshan's user avatar
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URL tuckey - query string

I have a url for ex: http://dominename:port/first/1/second/2/third/3 and want to rewrite to http://dominename:port/first=1/second=2/third=3. I can get to first and get 1. But for two and three how ...
sam's user avatar
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Tuckey urlRewriteFilter use-query-string="true" not working?

I'm trying to use Tuckey urlRewriteFilter to rewrite any URLs to https://, while preserving any query string parameters that were appended to the URL. My urlrewrite.xml file currently looks like &...
user619804's user avatar
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Getting the query string when using Tuckey URL Rewrite

I have the following rule: <rule> <from>^/users/(.*)$</from> <to last="true">/$1</to> </rule> And I want to match the following url: http://...
Fgblanch's user avatar
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Tuckey URL Rewrite - Remove .html Extensions

I have look all over the web and can't seem to figure this one out. I am using the Tuckey rewrite engine. I have read the manual and reviewed the examples without help. I want to remove ".html" ...
enigmasse's user avatar
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Tuckey urlrewrite check if cookie is set

I am trying to check if given cookie exists with given tag in urlrewrite.xml: <condition type="cookie" name="LANGUAGE" operator="notequals"></condition> but it seams not to work. Any ...
firen's user avatar
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How do I do an exact match redirection in tuckey urlrewrite?

I have tuckey URLRewrite on a Struts2 Web application. I have the following urls configured in URL rewrite.xml <rule> <from casesensitive="true">redeem</from> <...
Arvind Sridharan's user avatar
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How do I properly set up Tuckey's UrlRewriteFilter?

So I am hoping to user Tuckey's UrlRewriteFilter to redirect users attempting to access older versions of a web-service product. Simple stuff like redirecting to www....
lowell's user avatar
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Spring + Hibernate + Tuckey Urlrewrite = LazyInitializationException

Domain Description I am using a combination of Spring + Hibernate + Tuckey Urlrewrite In a Spring Framework Web app. I have a simple data strucutre Special has 1:Many Image object I am using the ...
concept's user avatar
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URL Rewriting in Java and Spring

I am new to Java and spring.I need to know how we can achieve URL rewriting in Java and Spring. For example in .NET environment we can achieve this by using following code: Global.asax.cs: protected ...
Kiran's user avatar
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URLRewrite filter not working with multipart form

I am using tuckey URLRewrite filter having one of its rules as follows: <rule> <name> Proxy URL with jession ID's </name> <note> </note> <condition ...
Wojciech Owczarczyk's user avatar
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Tuckey UrlRewrite filter doesn't work properly with JSF forms

I integrated Tuckey UrlRewrite filter in my JSF application. My URLs now look like: http://localhost:8080/myapp/page instead of http://localhost:8080/myapp/faces/page.xhtml The problem is that ...
Mahmoud Saleh's user avatar
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How do you override the Tuckey use-query-string setting?

I'm trying to add a query param to a redirected url like this in urlrewrite.xml: <rule> <condition name="host"></condition> <from>^/foo/bar</from> ...
tkane2000's user avatar
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Setting parameter variables using UrlRewrite in Struts 2

I'm using Tuckey UrlRewrite in combination with a Struts2 application. I'm trying to convert following URL: /promotions/abcdef-987 to /dopromotions/detail passing variable id as 987. My rewrite rule ...
Bart Vangeneugden's user avatar
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Need help in URL rewrite Spring framework J2EE using Tuckey Filter

Im using a J2ee application with spring framework 2.0 on a apache tomcat 5.5. I have used URL mapping to change the extension from .jsp to .htm. I have an URL which looks like this localhost:8080/...
Maxim Dsouza's user avatar
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Why Doesn't Tuckey UrlRewrite Filter call chain.doFilter after a rule is matched?

Using Spring Framework here... I created a filter to change the response body of css files and if I call a url directly it runs. However, if a urlrewrite rule is matched the filter is skipped. ...
tkane2000's user avatar
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tuckey urlrewritefilter problem for https to http redirection

I want to redirect to HTTPS for all but 3 URLs. The redirect to HTTPS is working fine, but the redirect rule from HTTPS to HTTP is not .. here it is : <rule> <condition type="scheme" ...
rabbit's user avatar
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urlrewrite and opensessioninviewfilter doesn't work together

I started my new Spring mvc project and I decided to go with SpringSource ToolSuite. When I create a project it automatically creates urlrewrite filter in my web.xml, which I'm enjoying very much. ...
beku8's user avatar
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Got Problems with Tuckey UrlRewriteFilter and Spring 3 Web MVC

I have a Spring Web MVC application and I want to use RESTful URLs. Regrettably I haven't found any configuration that works for me with Tuckey's UrlRewriteFilter. I'm using the "...
Benny Code's user avatar
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mvc:annotation-driven Spring mvc 3 and Tuckey URL Filter

I was using Tuckey url for url re-writing. This is how it looks: rule from / from to /pf/welcome to (changed format to enter into this forum, regular xml tags are used) rule and ...
logixplayer's user avatar
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How can I convert this Apache Rewrite rule into a Tuckey UrlRewriteFilter Rule?

I have the following Apache Rewrite rule <IfModule rewrite_module> RewriteEngine on RewriteMap tolowercase int:tolower RewriteCond $2 [A-Z] RewriteRule ^(.*)/(.*).html$ $1/...
braveterry's user avatar
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Why use a Url Rewrite Filter in Spring?

A Spring app I'm using declares a Tuckey UrlReWrite Filter and then sets up a rewrite rule as the following: <rule> <from>^/(.*)$</from> <to last="true">/app/$1</to&...
peasoup's user avatar
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Does anyone use URL Rewriting in production?

I've used tuckey's UrlRewriteFilter in small projects, but I'm hesitant to use such a thing in a production environment that could touch tens of thousands of paying customers (it feels kludge-y). Is ...
Duke of URL's user avatar
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Is it possible to use UrlRewriter outside servlet and filter in Java?

I have set up UrlRewriterFilter (Tuckey) with many rules and it is working very good for my servlet. But I want to use the same config to rewrite urls outside servlet - in code that generates e-mails ...
WildWezyr's user avatar
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14 answers

Spring ROO issue with UrlRewrite in STS (eclipse)

I'm having trouble figuring out how to solve this issue. I have a file called: "urlrewrite.xml" which was automatically generated by spring ROO after running the "controller" command in ROO Shell. ...
user224270's user avatar
1 vote
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Can I do a URL Rewrite to a different Tomcat instance?

Is is possible to use Tuckey's URL Rewrite to rewrite to a different Tomcat instance? I have it working using crossContext="true" rewriting to a different servlet on the same tomcat instance, but our ...
RodeoClown's user avatar
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why tuckey UrlRewriteFilter outbound-rule mapping did not work?

I'm using urlrewritefilter to pretty up my product links for a better google indexing (removing product parameter). example: .../product/snowboarda is transferred via url rewriting rule to .../...
kiyaser's user avatar
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