Questions tagged [tweets]

Tweets are text-based posts of up to 280 characters, created by users of Twitter, a social networking and microblogging service.

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Parsing JSON arrays from a .txt file in R - several large files

I have recently been downloading large quantities of Tweets from Twitter. My starting point is around 400 .txt files containing Tweet IDs. After running a tool, Tweets are scraped from Twitter using ...
Christopher Loynes's user avatar
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getting timestamp of tweets with Twython

I can't find this information anywhere, even if it seems to me a pretty simple task. However no methods nor threads appeared to me while crawling for answers on the web/docs I'm using Twython to ...
Marco Pietrosanto's user avatar
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Is there a way to list all the tweets by a user?

Is there any way to list all the tweets by some user using twitter4j ? Twitter.get****Timeline() returns a List of 20 latest tweets from user's home timeline but what if I want to list all the ...
Suhail Gupta's user avatar
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iOS6 problems to Tweet in UITabBarController using image taken from UIImagePickerController

After picking image from UIImagePickerController I want to Tweet it but there is error! Warning: Attempt to present <SLTwitterComposeViewController: 0x210d84b0> on <UITabBarController: ...
ksprs8's user avatar
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Twitter on ios - How is permission granted to do tweets?

I'm wondering how are permission granted? Is there a popup that asks for permission when a tweet is about to occur or is signing in with your twitter account in your settings page permission already? ...
unwise guy's user avatar
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how to label sentiment polarity in big text file?

Need some help with it! Sorry if it's sound stupid. I am new to python and want to try this example.... but labeling was made manually which is hard work if I have two .txt files(pos and neg) each ...
Aikin's user avatar
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calculating total number of retweets in C#

I am creating a web app in C#, and I want to calculate the total number of retweets to a user. I found a lot of code snippets for calculating retweets for a specfic tweet, but I want to calculate the ...
require_once's user avatar
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How to tweet message on logeed in user profile

I Have integrated tweeter connect with my website.I have used oauth code to post on tweeter. I have mentioned part of the code what I have used below. $tweet = new TwitterOAuth($consumerKey, $...
Sakthi Ganesh's user avatar
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integrating twitter in my android application

i am integrating the twitter in to my android application. and it logins me successfully on twitter but i do not know how to get the tweets and statuses from that so i can show it in my application. ...
sajjoo's user avatar
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Tweet when comment is created with wordpress

I'm using the wp-twitter plugin (with WordPress 3.0.1) to automaticaly create tweets when a post is created and it's working great! Now I needed to create tweets when a comment is you ...
foxtrot's user avatar
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Scrape Only English Tweets using Twitter Api in R

I have been working on a project related to Sentiment Analysis of Emojis. I have used this simple code to scrape tweets specifically on the topic "Uber" but I only want tweets in English and ...
M. Talha Bin Asif's user avatar
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Extract Tweets From Twitter Using Selenium

hello all I have a problem about extract tweets from twitter I write a script to go to one of the trending page on twitter and scroll down (N Times) and when scroll it extract tweet and that is work ...
Ahmed Soliman's user avatar
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Scheduling Python to automate static tweets

Just written a short and simple Python script to post on Twitter. I'm having issues where after 30 minutes the tweet appears multiple times where it should only be posted once every half an hour. How ...
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Python Traceback Error When Reading Json File

I just extracted my all my tweeter history in a json file. so I want to do some data analysis on the tweets with python. I open the terminal and and entered the following commands to dump json from ...
miatech's user avatar
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How to extract all Twitter feeds of sinhala language language only using python?

I want to extract all Twitter feeds of a specific language only. (to extract Sinhala language tweets) How can I do that using python?
Ishara Malaviarachchi's user avatar
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Int and Integer in Twitter API

In Twitter API (, some of the fields are Int and some others Integer which are Nullable. For instance retweet_count ...
amiref's user avatar
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Twitter how to list screename of people who retweeted a (the same) tweet

When a tweet is tweeted how do I get the name of the people that retweeted that tweet. On Twitter you can see their profile image. But using the infos in the JSON of the tweet how can I retrieve that ...
mamesaye's user avatar
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Python Replace throwing errors when replacing "</html>"

I am very new to Python and I'm trying to understand and use the script from this link in Anaconda running on Python 3.5.2. I have had to change some things so that the script can run in this version ...
salvu's user avatar
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Regex: Extract Tweet Username and ID From URL

I'm trying to fetch the tweet URL, if found, in a message with this regex #^https?://twitter\.com/(?:\#!/)?(\w+)/status(es)?/(\d+)$#is But it seems my regex is not correct to fetch for the tweet URL. ...
S. T. Abdulrasaq's user avatar
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Twitter dataset filtering for only English language text using Python

Is there a way to filter already processed dataset for only English language text using Python? Maybe some NLTK features or something like that. The data was extracted from Twitter, and it's format is ...
mjackie's user avatar
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TweetSharp C# api Search only returns first 100 tweets

I've used TweetSharp api to work with twitter. The following code I am using to search Tweets on twitter. Problem is it does not returning more than first 100 Tweets. public List<...
Priya's user avatar
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Tracking down Twitter retweets... a fuzzy approach

i know that tracking retweets in this fashion: Source -> User1 -> User2 is not possible as Twitter only gives you the original tweet and not any retweet of a retweet. Based on this.. do you think it ...
skay-'s user avatar
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twitter api not working simple command

I am trying to extract tweets from a user using python. It is 3 lines of code, but python is giving me a hard time. >>> import twitter >>> api = twitter.Api() Traceback (most ...
user1681664's user avatar
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Twitter get tweets made by or mentioning me

I am using rails and the Twitter gem. I want to display a list of, say 10, latest tweets or mentions of my twitter user. I have had a look at home_timeline but this returns all the content. I want to ...
Ashley Bye's user avatar
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Does anyone know a simple method for posting a tweet from within a WP7 app?

Im trying create a windows phone 7 application that allows the user to click a button and login to their twitter account and then using a text box send a basic tweet to their twitter account. Is there ...
user1161118's user avatar
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Twitter: Number of tweets OR get more tweets

I would like to know how can I get all tweets from a certain hash tag? I am currently using the following code:"GET",""); This ...
Tjekkles's user avatar
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can i read the deleted statuses on twitter with ruby?

I would like to read the deleted statuses on twitter since i can already have the user_id and status_id of the deleted tatus using "on_delete" method. here is my code: require 'rubygems' require '...
fenec's user avatar
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Split words in Hive table

I'm new here I am trying to do an analysis of tweets using Apache hive. I am able to retrieve tweets in csv.file Then I simply create a table Create external table if not exists tweets3 ( id bigint, ...
Pitchaporn Keenaphn's user avatar
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Extract different hashtags "#" from a text stored in a Dataframe with the R language

I have a data frame with some tweets and i want to extract the hashtags from the tweets using the unnest_tokens() function of tidytext package , creating a tokenized data frame with one row per ...
Juan Jose Echeverry De Mendoza's user avatar
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no visible global function definition and no visible binding for global variable

I've installed an R package, to create retweet cascades from a tweet object json file (here is the github page). Their code works with their sample data. Here is the 2 lines of code to create the ...
mOna's user avatar
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Scraping one tweet per user using snscrape

I'm using snscrape.modules.twitter.TwitterSearchScraper() function to scrape tweets for a specific location and time interval. The code is the following one: loc ='40.4165, -3.70256, 10km' query = '...
AlejandroDGR's user avatar
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How to determine which topic each Test Tweet is addressing to?

I implemented LDA using python and modeled topics for a set of tweets and trying to map each tweet to topic to see which topic does the tweet belong to but I couldn't find any help online. Although I ...
Couture TXST's user avatar
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How to extract the text part of hastags using tweepy?

I am trying to scrape some data from twitter to perform sentiments analysis, I want to be able to get the username, tweets, number of likes, number of retweets, location, date and hashtag. Every other ...
PAnsah's user avatar
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Issues With Twitter API V2 Elevated Access and has:geo Query Parameter

I have Elevated access to the Twitter API V2, and I am working with the API in Postman to search for recent Tweets containing a keyword. I’d like to be able to add a further query parameter to only ...
Jake's user avatar
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Rtweet loop for get_timeline and users_data for a list of Twitter accounts

I'm looking to pull Tweets for a large list of accounts. In the recent Twitter API update, user_id and screen name associated with a Tweet aren't pulled automatically. Instead, you have to pull Tweets ...
cianna's user avatar
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Access tweet annotations via tweepy

I'm using the python library tweepy in order to extract data from the twitter api v2. The api also possesses the option to provide tweet annotations, which are basically categorization of certain ...
Infomagier's user avatar
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Sns scraper code - alteration for date range and maximum tweet count

# importing libraries and packages import snscrape.modules.twitter as sntwitter import pandas import time import pandas as pd # Creating list to append tweet data ...
Paul Corcoran's user avatar
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How to extract hashtags from Tweets in pandas data frame?

I have a dataset of tweets with several variable (columns) and I want to extract all the hashtags from a tweet (text) and place the result in a new column (hashtags). Below is what I am trying: import ...
Piyush Ghasiya's user avatar
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Getting 'parse error: unallowed token...' while parsing a big JSON with ijson

I'm trying to parse and sift through a very big JSON file, containing tweet metadata of 9gb size. That's why I'm using ijson since this was the one most recommended by the community for such files. ...
rick458's user avatar
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How to get Tweet preview image

I'm trying to get a Tweet's meta tags from its link. I can get the meta tags using a module called html-metadata-parser. My problem is when I look at Twitter's meta tags I don't see a tag for image on ...
Alp Durak's user avatar
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How to exclude retweets and replies from Twitter API Full-archive search

I am trying to extract some historical tweets using twitter API. And I want to exclude retweets and replies. I tried other suggested answers here but nothing seem to work. Can someone please help me, ...
Shane's user avatar
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Kaggle - Tweet Sentiment Extraction - What will be length of word or phrase that supports the sentiment

Kaggle Problem: We have to upload the output file with id and "" <id>,"<word or phrase that supports the sentiment>" ...
Shekhar Prasad Rajak's user avatar
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Twitter share: How to show a link on video [example inside]

How to show a floating link on a video shared on Twitter. Like the one below: It comes when the user hovers the cursor over the video. ...
Jaafar Abazid's user avatar
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Plot occurrences over time of specific words in a large dataset of texts (tweets) in Python

I need to plot the occurrence of a word over time for a pandas dataframe (time series) with a column of text. The dataframe looks like this: index, date, ... , text 2020-10-20 20:...
Nastaran Khalili's user avatar
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running df.shape on a 6.5G csv dataframe throws error

How should I handle the following situation that something as simple as finding the shape of my csv dataframe throws an error? import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv("tweets_withheader.csv") ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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How to get tweets on certain dates using Tweepy?

How to get tweets on certain dates using Tweepy The code I wrote is like this(jupyter): import tweepy as tw import xlsxwriter import datetime import pandas as pd consumer_key="#" consumer_secret="#...
Mehmet D.'s user avatar
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How to fix error code 403 on Twitter's 30 day sandbox search?

I am trying to collect tweets from Twitter's 30-day sandbox search API and write them into a csv file. I am getting error code 403 but I cannot gather any helpful information from the error message. I ...
Michael Briggs's user avatar
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Hashtag followed after by a regular text

I want to check if a hashtag is followed by a regular text or another hashtag in a python string. for example for the case: "my adjectives names #Day #Night which are in the description" , I get ...
Sam Toorchi's user avatar
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Problems with cleaning tweet (emoticons, smileys ...)

I'm facing a problem during cleaning tweets. I have a process which save tweets in a csv and then I do a pandas dataframe of the data. x is a tweet from my dataframe : 'b\'RT @LBC: James O\\\'Brien ...
Tiboo's user avatar
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How to strip hashtag and @ mentions from a tweet? - python/pandas [duplicate]

I want to write a definition that take in a string (a tweet) and creates a 2 column dataframe with hashtags in 1 column and @ mentions on the other one. I am using split right now, but would like ...
Cargino Chavez's user avatar

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