Questions tagged [uibarmetrics]

UIBarMetrics are the Constants to specify metrics to use for appearance of UIBArButtonItem in iOS sdk.

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Why am I getting an UIBarButtonItem customization warning?

I have a simple storyboard with a table view inside a navigation view controller that pushes from the table view to another view controller that has a full screen image view. The table view has a ...
Steve Moser's user avatar
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How would I find a UINavigationBar's current UIBarMetrics value?

I'm using the setBackButtonTitlePositionAdjustment:forBarMetrics: method on UIBarButtonItem's appearance like so: UIBarButtonItem.appearance().setBackButtonTitlePositionAdjustment(UIOffsetMake(12, -1)...
chrishale's user avatar
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Wrong background image for navigation bar

I ran into this issue in iOS 8 where the wrong background image for the navigation bar is displayed in any of these situations: the view controller-based status bar appearance is set to YES (default) ...
albertamg's user avatar
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Changing UIToolbar UIBarMetrics

Is there anyway to have the UIBarMetrics of a custom UIToolbar change when the device is rotated? I would prefer it happen automatically but if there is something I can do during rotation that would ...
drewag's user avatar
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Setting image on UINavigationBar gives black status bar

The problem is the navigation bar's image sits below the status bar. I had this previously working by adding a subview to the navigation bar but it seems stupid to do that when I only want an image. ...
Ste Prescott's user avatar
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Setting UIToolBar Background image swift

I am using swift to make an IOS application. I have a UIToolBar in my application and I need to change its background. I use the following code in Objective-C to do that: [topBar setBackgroundImage:[...
Harikrishnan's user avatar
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converting to boxing syntax requires casting UIBarMetrics Warning

[self backgroundImages][[NSNumber numberWithInt:barMetrics]] = backgroundImage; How can I solve this warning?
Erhan's user avatar
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Swift 4 : Navigation Bar looks different for the next page

I just removed the navigation bar shadow line with the following code : self.navigationController?.navigationBar.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(), for: UIBarMetrics.default) self.navigationController?....
jorjj's user avatar
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