Questions tagged [uicontrol]

In iOS UIKit, UIControl is the base class for control objects such as buttons and sliders.

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1 answer

Custom UIControl does not work with UITapGestureRecognizer

When the UITapGestureRecognizer is not added to the view, both the UIButton and CustomControl will receive the .touchUpInside event. However, when the UITapGestureRecognizer is added to the view, only ...
catmotionmachine's user avatar
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Event response priorities for gesture recognizers, UIControl, and UIButton

I have a parent view with a gesture recognizer added. The parent view contains a UIButton and a UIControl, with corresponding actions added respectively. The code is as follows class MyViewController: ...
Yasic's user avatar
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Matlab slider uicontrol: make a slider "loop back" for angles reaching 2pi or zero

I am making a user interface with an input that represents an angle, to be set with uicontrol slider elements. It is expected that angles can wrap around the circle, so I would like that when the user ...
Philippe Garteiser's user avatar
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UIControl Subclass Not triggering touch events. [iOS] [duplicate]

I have create a subclass of UIControl, where all the events is working fine when there is no gesture recogniser added to its parent view. But when I add tap gesture to its parent view no events are ...
Summit's user avatar
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CollectionView doesn't scrolling through UIControl?

I have buttons inherited from UIControl in the horizontal UICollectionView. I want to add a behavior so that even when we do horizontal scrolling through buttons, my buttons don't catch touching, and ...
Anton Timonin's user avatar
4 votes
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UIControl subclass - show UIMenu when pressing

Summary: All I am trying to do is to have a UIControl subclass that shows a UIMenu when pressed and I have read this other question but I am running into a crash when setting the ...
ashipma's user avatar
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UIControl in UITextField.rightView doesnot call actions for controlEvents

I placed a UIControl in a UIView,and set the UIView as the UITextField.rightView,but the UIControl then doesnot call actions for controlEvents I added like:[control addTarget:self action:@selector(...
Allen's user avatar
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Matlab - Multiple Plots in one Figure

I have a question about plots and subplots. I am iterating over some data and I am trying to get everything into a plot. It worked that every plot got written into one plot with hold on and figure but ...
Igor 's user avatar
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UIView hanging off edge of superview... tap events seen by *unrelated* underlying view

I've created a UIView (tooltip box) and added it as a subview of another view. Using anchor constraints, I've floated it off the edge of its superview where it hovers above an unrelated UIView (which ...
clearlight's user avatar
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How to identify the UIKeyboard predictive text selection action?

I'm working on custom UIControl where I will be opening a keyboard(The custom control is become a first responder). In this case I want to identify or detect the which suggested keyword been selected ...
Jayachandra A's user avatar
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UIContextMenuInteraction for UIControl [duplicate]

I know UIButton has a menu property so that context menus can be added to the button. But for other UIControl subclasses, such as custom UIControls, this property does not exist. I know that one way ...
ashipma's user avatar
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Is there is any component or pod that makes the same scrolling tabs in the video? [closed]

Is there is any component or pod that makes the same or near scrolling tabs in the video? I've searched a lot but all I find was for the tabbar. You're grateful if you suggest keywords that I can ...
user3704425's user avatar
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How to position UIColorwell accurately programmatically?

I'm not using interface builder/storyboard, I do everything programmatically and without auto-layout. In that context, if you setup a UIColorwell and give it a frame, the actual colorwell image (i.e. ...
Gary's user avatar
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Build error: Must call a designated initializer of the superclass 'UIControl'

I want to use one initializer or the other depending on the iOS version. If it is not iOS 14, I want to set the action to use later. My call to the super constructor happens inside an if/else: class ...
regina_fallangi's user avatar
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C# WPF Change Frame Source

I have the following folder structure in my project: In the UserControls folder are "L_Menu.xaml" and "LS_Account.xaml". These are both simple user controls. On the “L_Menu” user ...
Luuke's user avatar
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Using UIResponder methods for UIControl views

I am trying to use UIControl as the superclass for a custom ActionView , in the Apple docs it says I need to use beginTracking(.. to track interactions: Override the beginTracking(:with:), ...
regina_fallangi's user avatar
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2 answers

Removing cursor from Matlab edit uicontrol after user has updated it?

Hi to all Matlab wizards -- I apologize if this is a trivial question. How does one remove the blinking cursor from an edit uicontrol box after the user had pressed "enter" (and the callback ...
runcyclexcski's user avatar
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Octave uicontrol button elements

I'm trying now to expand the answer given by Tasos in callback function throws unexpected "nonconformant arguments" error. I would like to insert two more uicontrols in the form of buttons. ...
user5694985's user avatar
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UIControl tracking and iOS 13 presentation style cards not working together

I am using AORangeSlider which is a subclass of UIControl that overrides the beginTracking, continueTracking and endTracking methods. When this control is added to a viewController, which is presented ...
Nic Hubbard's user avatar
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callback function throws unexpected "nonconformant arguments" error

I'm using GNU Octave, version 4.4.1. I'm trying to make an interactive plot of a simple oscillator by including two sliders which would allow the initial velocity and oscillator mass to be changed. ...
user5694985's user avatar
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UISegmentedControl not responding to interaction on Simulator

I have an interesting issue that I am trying to get some clarity on. I have a UISegmentedControl on a view that works perfectly fine when deploying to a physical device (Switches indexes, valueChanged ...
Paul Morris's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Since Updating to xcode 12 I am not able to place any UIControl inside UITableViewCell

I have a search form that uses a tableview. After updating Xcode 12 today the UISwitch, UITextField, UISlider no longer work when nested inside a UITableViewCell. Is there a property that has changed ...
Jason F's user avatar
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UIRefreshControl can’t be disabled

I have a UITableViewController inside a storyboard. I’ve enabled the pull to refresh property using interface builder. I would like to disable and re enable the pull to refresh functionality ...
Yonatan Vainer's user avatar
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CAShapeLayer is off center

I have been trying to create a a custom "slider" or knob with UIControl for my app. I found this tutorial and have been using it for some inspiration, but since it does not really accomplish ...
coder's user avatar
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Why is the new iOS 14 UIControl action syntax so terrible?

New in iOS 14, we can attach an action handler directly to a UIControl: let action = UIAction(title:"") { action in print("howdy!") } button.addAction(action, ...
matt's user avatar
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UITableViewCell desn't update it's heigh to fit custom UIControl height

I've created a custom slider inherited from UIControl and pass it into UITableViewCell. The problem is that when the content of my custom slider is bigger than UITableViewCell's height, the cell won't ...
ATOM's user avatar
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Is possible use UIControl with elements like a custom UIButton?

My question could be simple to answer. Is it possible to use an UIControl that contains elements like UIStackView or labels? When I add a UIControl, I can use it like UIButton, but then I added a ...
user3745888's user avatar
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How do I set primaryActionTriggered for a custom UIControl?

I've created a custom UIControl. The closest comparison is a UIStepper but it is a subclass of UIControl because its wholly custom. For most UIControls you can create target actions with ...
Ryan Poolos's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I pass the UIButton pressed from my custom UIControl to my view controller?

I have a Custom UIControl with 3 UIButtons: This UIControl is embeded in a UIView (the Yellow Rectangle) inside a view controller: Every button has a different tag (tag1, tag2, tag3). I need to ...
Kargol's user avatar
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Height constraint animation 'jumping'

I've been creating my own UIControl subclass for use in my tweak iDunnoU. I've finished the UIControl, with the exception of the expand/collapse animation. The issue with this animation is that it '...
JacobCXDev's user avatar
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Why are the colors I assign to UIControls not the colors that show up?

Since iOS 13, the colors getting assigned to UIControls don't seem to be the same colors that ultimately end up getting displayed. Here is an example that can be copy & pasted into an xcode ...
Gagan Singh's user avatar
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How to remove "the activating a license results with one Component popup" on application start(Just for others but works fine for me)?

I have activated the one component license and used it in one of the application and created a .exe for that application. It's not popping up for me but when any third user is installing that .exe and ...
ksrds's user avatar
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How to access the value of a UIControl from another UIView class

Beginner question. I have a UISlider on the storyboard, and in another UIView class besides the ViewController I would like to use the slider's value to change path/shape variables within the ...
Paul's user avatar
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UICollectionView in UIControl - delegate & datasource

I've added a UICollectionView to a UIControl (which is being called in a UITableViewController section header) and the UICollectionView is appearing (background color shows), but the datasource and ...
I'm Joe Too's user avatar
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Setting CALayer color in article

I have a question about this article I substitute var trackTintColor = UIColor(white: 0.9, alpha: 1) { ...
Yun's user avatar
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Swift: UIScrollView & UIControl - addTarget | addGestureRecognizer - Not working as expected

I am working with UIScrollView and UIStackView to scroll horizontally and select a UIControl element. I have addTarget set on a UIControl element as follows inside a UIStackView: i.e ...
user12564133's user avatar
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Use UIControl Component in SwiftUI

I'm first in SwiftUI and IOS. I want to use SimpleCheckBox in my SwiftUI. But I only get Error:(14, 18) static method 'buildBlock' requires that 'Checkbox' conform to 'View' This is my code. var ...
ParkMinchul's user avatar
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did select row at indexpath not working after context menu disappears in iOS app

I am implementing UIContextMenu in my App. It runs very well. Only one problem, once context menu has appeared and disappeared, tableView delegate didSelectRowAt indexPath does not work on first tap, ...
Shubham Singh's user avatar
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implement while loop without starvation for redrawing an image in wpf

i have a wpf form and a canvas in it and an image in canvas. i want this image to move randomly to directions every n milliseconds. i used while loop but it stocked in starvation. so i had no way to ...
siamak work's user avatar
-1 votes
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Changing QLabel of PyQt from other python script

Script1 has Qlabel and Script2 is calculating some value. What I want to is change Content of Qlabel from coding in Script 2. For example, I wrote self.button_A.clicked.connect(test) I wrote, ...
Dongseok Yang's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Custom UIControl slider doesn't work when embedded in iOS13 modal viewController

When I embed a custom UIControl inside a ViewController that's presented modally with the new iOS13 automatic style, touchesCancelled is called whenever a pan gesture moves more than a few points. ...
thattyson's user avatar
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How can I put an image on a Matlab uicontrol button?

I have Matlab 2019b, GUI Layout Toolbox 2.3.4 and t all runs on MacOs 14 Mojave. I want to create button in in a UI that have icons/images instead of text. I have seen here: https://...
Peter Harrison's user avatar
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Why is my CGPoint returning other characters?

Hi there I am trying to add a label to the centre of the thumb on a custom UIControl. I need to find the centre on the thumb. I have a function that I'd like to return the thumb centre as CGPoint. ...
Reiss Zurbyk's user avatar
2 votes
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How to add touch event for custom UIControl and determine the touched item in swift 5

I have created a custom UIControl. The UIControl contains multiple items like drawings and labels. I want to be able to catch a tap on a label inside the ViewController. Note that I add components ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Xcode11 - controls like UIButton height is 48, in AppDelegate only in XR/XSMAX device

In iOS13 alone, for the iPhone XR/XS/XSMax or in the simulator, in the delegate method didFinishLaunchingWithOptions I created an arbitrary UI controls, such as a UIButton, UILabel. With or without ...
D.Wade's user avatar
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Swift Automatically change text field after pasting

I have 3 textFields set up and I can manually type in the verification code and the cursor will move to the next textField after 4 characters. But I also want this to happen when I paste the code ...
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How to add a listener to a subclass of UIControl

To customize the appearance of native iOS date picker(UIDatePicker), I found a code on GitHub. (Reference: Now I want to add an event listener for the picker....
Yuan's user avatar
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Octave Change UIControl Position

The following is example code from Matlab. It doesn't run in Octave. The code is: f = figure; b = uicontrol(f,'Style','pushbutton'); b.Position = [100 100 50 20]; It is from the online documentation:...
kainaw's user avatar
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Is there a way to make octave interpret strings in static text of uicontrol using TeX (Greek letters, subscripts, superscripts etc.)?

I am writing a GUI in GNU octave (5.1.0). It is supposed to read some input values, make some calculations, plot some graphs and write the results. Everything works well besides the unwanted fact that ...
Tomáš Hofer's user avatar
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Add UIControl programmatically

I try a adding UITableView into scrollview programmatically. I have set anchors and datasource, delegate. You can see in codes. But I can't. I put a breakpoint and everything run. But I can't see in ...
Adnan Ertörer's user avatar

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