Questions tagged [uinavigationcontroller]

The UINavigationController class implements a specialized iOS view controller that manages the navigation of hierarchical content.

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Swift UIKit integrate side menu to existing app

i am struggling to add a side menu to my already existing app. i've read all kinds of tutorials, but almost each and everyone of them uses a container ViewController, which I'd try to avoid to use.. I ...
blendstylez's user avatar
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UINavigationController status bar color is transparent [duplicate]

I am trying to figure out how to use UINavigationController. Whenever I create one, and set a UIViewController as rootViewController, It shows the background color of the UIViewController as the color ...
Build's user avatar
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SWIFT - Problems with navigationController using .xib files - when a i present a new viewController, navigation Controller does not follow up

when using storyboard, i just need to "embed Navigation Controller" to have all my viewControllers with navigationController i've started to use .xib files instead of storyboard well i've ...
Maikon Ferreira's user avatar
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Remove Navigation Bar back button text App-Wide in iOS 15 / XCode 13

So my app has been doing the following piece of code on the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method on the AppDelegate to hide the back button text on navigation bar: let itemAppearance = UIBarButtonItem....
stompy's user avatar
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How to add a TabBarItem in specific index of UITabBarController?

How to add a TabBarItem in specific index of UITabBarController? I can add a new tabbar item using, [self.tabBarItems addObject:nav]; It always adds in the last. I need to add the tabbar item in a ...
Sazzad Hissain Khan's user avatar
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Data Auto sync does not work well in android app fragment when app is exited and resumed

I am using navigation component in my android app and I have a fragment that I need to auto sync data from server and store in room database which works fine (My idea is to make sure the room database ...
Nemuga Dev's user avatar
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How to pass delegate thru Navtigation Controller?

I have 2 VC's, and one navigation controller between them. How can i set First screen as a delegate of Second? What i tried: Present SecondVC from frist (it presents it without navigation) Setting ...
Yosoff_daS's user avatar
5 votes
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Status bar style not changing in iOS 15

I want to change status bar style based on the screen content. For darker screens, status bar content should be white. For lighter screens, status bar content should be black. It seems that the ...
Thet Htun's user avatar
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Navigation controller navigationItems doesn't show up as i expected

I follow a video from youtube. And i ran into a problem when ı try to set Navigation Controller items. func setupNavigationBarItems() { let twitterImage = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named:...
erknsevm's user avatar
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Check if Popped UIViewController gets dismissed by swipe

I want to check whenever the user swipes a popped viewController away. So for example when in whatsApp a user exits the current chat by swiping from the edge. How is that possible in Swift? I don't ...
Oscar Junius's user avatar
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Why is my navigation bar disappearing on my ViewController and then re-appearing when I scroll down?

I'm not sure what changed in my App. For some reason recently when I'm trying to develop it, the navigation bar on my App has started disappearing and then re-appearing when I scroll down. Here's a ...
Mikey A. Leonetti's user avatar
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iOS: the background of the home indicator(area below toolbar) grayed for a while during push

The toolbar's translucent is false. The color of the toolbar and the area below toolbar is white. When pushing a new view controller of the same class(both have toolbar in the bottom), the color of ...
xiang's user avatar
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Navigate to another screen in swiftUI

Below is the code i am trying to push to another swiftUI when button in swiftUI is pressed. But it is not navigating to another screen let controller = DestinationHostingController(rootView: ...
sweta dodiya's user avatar
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Calling [UINavigationController pushViewController:animated:] is no-ops and it will trigger another pushViewController

I am currently working on the following situation, i need to push two viewController (A and B) in sequence in short time. So this is what i do. First call, [UINavigationController pushViewController:...
Shuyifan's user avatar
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IllegalArgumentException: Destination id == 0 can only be used in conjunction with a valid navOptions.popUpTo in NavController

In one Fragment, I am using NavController from a context menu, which has a nested menu. If I try to navigate to one of the nested menu items it gives me the following error: java.lang....
A. Cedano's user avatar
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Detecting when UINavgiationBar appearance changes from standardAppearance to scrollEdgeAppearance

How to determine if the Navigation Controllers UINavigationBar changes the appearance between standardAppearance <-> scrollEdgeAppearance as the underlaying UISCrollView changes it's scroll ...
Peter Lapisu's user avatar
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How to make a large title in the navigation controller half light, half bold?

I want to make my title look like this (1st picture) (day and month are bold (default), year has a light font-weight) designer's sample How do I make different styles of font weight in the title in ...
Klim Postironin's user avatar
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How to remove white space on top of my navigation bar? (swift)

I made an apps with only using XIB (without storyboard). so to navigate I'm using this code to push some of the views: let vc = SecondViewController() self.navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, ...
HurtByCode's user avatar
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Swift custom xib file is not centered correctly

I am having problems with my Xib UIView.I created an xib view, added it to a uiview class, and then called this class in the main viewcontroller. In my xib view I created a label which is centered ...
Max-Hook's user avatar
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Navigation Controller doesn't show the title while working with TabBar Controller(Programmatically)

I'm using a navigationController as the window.rootViewController. And as the rootViewController of navigationController, I'm using a tabBarController. But when I run the app, the title of the ...
balbi's user avatar
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Navigation Items not showing after refactor to new Storyboard including TabBarController

For better understanding I created a new project and broke down my issue. Before, I had a Storyboard with a Main Menu and from there it is possible to jump to different Viewcontrollers. One of them is ...
Flo's user avatar
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Easiest way to setup custom NavigationBar in Swift?

What is the easiest way to setup a custom NavigationBar in iOS/Swift? I want to use a label above the navigation buttons (increased height). Is the only way to replace and hide the default ...
Dan's user avatar
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SwiftUI | Dynamic Navigation Bar Title

Hello, My app has a TabView inside the only navigation view in the whole app. To change the navigationTitle I use an extension that has a variable navigationBarTitle, that returnes different titles ...
Antonín Šimek's user avatar
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UINavigationBar LargeTitle , searchbar didn't work

enter image description here enter image description here I want to make it like the picture below, but it comes out like the picture above. Here is My Code. lazy var button = UIDropDownButton().then {...
장서영's user avatar
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Xamarin.iOS NavigationController is null after revisiting page twice

I am designing an app which enables users to login, give a list of Categories, SubCategories and SubSubCategories and then show the products inside of those chosen categories. To do this I have a ...
James McNulty's user avatar
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My tab bar and navigation controller disappears when i register for account

I am having some issues with tab bar and navigation controllers. I am new to swift so please bare with me if i don't make sense. First i have a MAIN storyboard which has a tab bar as the initial view ...
jo1's user avatar
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Fragment not switching using FragmentContainerView

I simply want to use bottomNavigation with Navigation Component. I tried multiple ways, but the fragment is not switching. Only BottomNavigation displays. I have a running sample that uses a fragment ...
Taimoor Khan's user avatar
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Hi, so for like 3 weeks i have been trying to allow my floatingActionButton with navigation to be able to allow me to move to the next fragment

so for like 3 weeks I have been trying to allow my floatingActionButton with navigation to be able to allow me to move to the next fragment in my app, I have tried, researched, everything a beginner ...
Jolasun Bankoke's user avatar
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iOS 15 Navigation Bar Transparent issue

Trying Transperent for NavigationBar in iOS 15, Its working in below version not in iOS 15. override func viewDidLoad() { // Clear the background image. self.navigationController?....
kiran's user avatar
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Fixing iOS 15 UINavigationBar

The top of my nav bar is showing gray/slightly translucent during transitions. This just started in iOS 15 I've tried fixing using the following code but no luck: extension UINavigationBar { ...
tHatpart's user avatar
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How to restart the ViewController with NavigationController previous configuration?

I am learning iOS development and I am writing an app with login/sign-up navigation flow and the TabBarViewController with 3 NavigationControllers: Home, List and Profile. On the Profile screen ...
vrgrg's user avatar
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Swift : self.window?.rootViewController doesn't work in AppDelegate

I want to navigate to a certain screen when the user press on the push notification. However, self.window?.rootViewController keeps on giving me error, which is Thread 1: Swift runtime failure: force ...
Punreach Rany's user avatar
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I have a complex UIView hierarchy and I need to do a very simple operation, setting the background color, on a child view. Any possible solution?

I maintain an application for iOS. In the app, I use this library: I have an issue of a ...
Alfonso Tesauro's user avatar
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Using nav host fragment and bottom navigation view inside fragment?

I have nav host fragment and bottom navigation view inside home fragment as below <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="
WISHY's user avatar
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How to set UINavigationController in SideMenu Controller using Xib (Not StoryBoards) to push new ViewController when Tableview Row Tapped in Swift 5

I am working with XIB files and make a sideMenu controller programatically using this Library I make two function to propagate sideMenu in my ...
Sipa's user avatar
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Swift iOS 15: Status bar shows incorrect style when launching the app

My app uses a Navigation controller as the initial View Controller. Please see the screenshot attached Main In the first view controller, embedded in the navigation controller, I use the view did load ...
Clément Besson's user avatar
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Pushing UIViewcontroller from a UIPanGesture

I'm attempting to push a UIViewcontroller from the right by panning it across the screen proportional to a UIPanGesture across the screen. Another way to say it is I want to push my UIViewcontoller on ...
rabus mccaleb's user avatar
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Setting navigationController?.navigationBar.isTranslucent = false in iOS 15 makes back button hit target too small and not work

Super weird bug where my Navigation Controller back button wasn't working unless I tapped really right on it. On device it barely worked, on simulator I could click around and find the veeeery small ...
teradyl's user avatar
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How To Present A NavigationController With the Second Controller [closed]

I want to present a UINavigationController modally however, I want to present the second controller within that stack rather than the root. How can this be done?
David Henry's user avatar
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Changing the back button of UINavigaitonBar with MVVM+C

I am using MVVM+C pattern to build my app. Currently I am facing a problem with changing the native back button title and image of navigation bar to the custom image without the title. I've tried a ...
Peter Hlavatík's user avatar
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Passing data between ViewControllers using Coordinator design pattern (without prepareForSegue)

My project is structured in MVVM architecture and I'm using the Coordinator design pattern to handle navigation (all programmatically, no Storyboards involved). It consists of several ...
vintinhum's user avatar
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Canceling a swipe back will cause the view action to stop working with SwiftUI

It uses navigation that allows you to go back even if you swipe the middle of the screen as shown in the code here. In this case, if a SwiftUI view exists in the viewControllers of the navigation, the ...
hemo's user avatar
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remove black background of UINavigationController

I've been adding a swipe to dismiss on the root ViewController of a UINavigationController, and it works, but as you're panning the view, there is a black background behind it. The ...
SeanT's user avatar
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How to add an image and text on the right side of navigation bar

I tried to make the navigation-bar like this but nothing is going on right. I have added rightbarbutton successfully but in the left side I couldn't add the navigation bar. I have tried these ...
JESTIN SAJI's user avatar
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from a TableViewCell Inside a TableViewCell go to a viewcontroller

Im triying to go from a table view cell inside a tableviewcell go to other viewcontroller when is tapped. when i'm implementing vc?.navigationController?.present(VC!, animated: true), this doesn't ...
Juan Camilo Rodrigez's user avatar
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Navigating to a view controller with a transparent navigation bar from a non-transparent navigation bar on iOS 15

On iOS 15, when navigating to a view controller that has a transparent navigation bar, the animation to the transparent bar isn't working as expected. However, if you navigate back to the view ...
karlingen's user avatar
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In Xcode 13 [[UINavigationBar appearance] setBarTintColor: not working properly?

I have updated my Xcode into 13, later on words in my old project navigation and tab bars colours was changed to transparent. My Code is [[UINavigationBar appearance] setBarTintColor:[UIColor ...
Naresh's user avatar
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How to avoid coupling of Activity and Fragment (MVVM/NavController)

So there is a case where I have a Single Activity Application with several fragments under it. Application uses: MVVM architecture Navigation Component for navigation within the app I need to access ...
Iraklis Inguana's user avatar

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