Questions tagged [unity-game-engine]

Unity is a cross-platform game engine by Unity Technologies. Questions should be about programming with the game engine and not usage of the graphical interface. Questions about the usage of the graphics interface are off topic.

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Vuforia/Unity Video Play back Wont display video scenes

Video will not show when target is found but i can hear the audio. I tried re-doing the whole process of image target and video player with plane and quad. There are also no errors on the script or ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Unity new build do not update

I have a project with procedural terrain generation, grass generation, working well. I make a build for my android device, everything is working. It has low fps, so I dedice to not generate grass to ...
Retnilps's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Unity MonoBehaviour Lifecycle: When are Start() and Update() Called for an Instance Created in Update()?

When you instantiate a new MonoBehaviour within another MonoBehaviour's Update() method, When will the lifecycle methods of the new MonoBehaviour be called according to Unity's execution order? For ...
Stars Zhou's user avatar
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Unity 2022.03.22f Upgrade and GPGS Import: Resolving Gradle Errors and 'Split Application Binary' Issues

After upgrading to Unity 2022.03.22f version and importing Google Play Games Services (GPGS), I am continuously encountering Gradle errors while attempting to build Android App Bundles (AAB). There ...
마동찬's user avatar
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Transfer of scripts in Unity [closed]

I have a Unity project that I work on with a buddy for a couple2-3 months now and we used Unity Version Control to transfer the data. Everything worked fined until now when on my machine everything is ...
Rusu Daniel's user avatar
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Why is Unity's gravity breaking when I attach my script to an object?

I am making a kart racer in Unity, and have developed the script for player controls. For some reason, when I attach this script to the game object, the object falls like 100x slower than it normally ...
CottonReyler's user avatar
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3D spider pathfinding

I stumbled upon a difficult problem.. I have created procedurally animated spider-like creature, and I need to bring him to life with path finding. Issue is that it has some very specific requirements:...
PHOENIX33201's user avatar
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Issue with FirebaseReference.GetValueAsync() in Unity Not Completing

I'm working on a Unity project where I use Firebase to manage user data. I am encountering a recurring issue where the asynchronous task GetValueAsync() does not complete, and the code within ...
Noel Diaz's user avatar
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Apply a force to an object relative to direction of another

I'm making an fps game, and with that in mind, strafing is important. I am trying to make the player move relative to where they are looking in-game. I have 3 Vector3s, moveDir, lookDir, & ...
Fast Snail's user avatar
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Unity "Cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section"

Just restarted my PC and opened up Unity, edited a movement script in VS code, and closed everything after and I am still getting the error: error CS2012: Cannot open 'C:\My project\Library\Bee\...
Ben Summers's user avatar
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UnityEditor.Graphs.Edge.WakeUpObject reference is not set to an instance of an object [closed]

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object UnityEditor.Graphs.Edge.WakeUp () (at <77f789c2593a4c2f85795e0341a2e4f5>:0) UnityEditor.Graphs.Graph.DoWakeUpEdges (...
Renars Paura's user avatar
-6 votes
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what are those line things used to seperate brackets in if statements in c# [closed]

making a paddle for breakout and the toturial has something between ((horizontalmovement > 0 && transform.position.x < maxX)(horizontalmovement < 0 && transform.position.x >...
Nate Binns's user avatar
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How to position randomly objects inside box collider area?

after running the game, the objects are not positioned randomly inside the box collider area. they have positioned randomly but a bit far from the box collider. this is the results: i selected all ...
Daniel Lip's user avatar
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Im trying to load the next level after all objects have been destroyed in my unity game (c#)

Im really new to coding and pretty much I have a game with a cannon at the bottom that shoots moving platforms above. I need to make it so that the next level loads after all the platforms have been ...
jlaw's user avatar
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What's keeping me from running/deleting projects in Visual Studio and Unity?

With Visual Studio, VS Code, and Unity, I keep running into the same two problems (if it matters, I'm coding in C# in all of these). When I'm trying to run (or sometimes even just open) a project, I ...
SvenBTB's user avatar
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Dead End recognizion in room generation, unity

So I've got this room generation with different rooms connected by corridors. Now I want the player to spawn at one of the dead ends of the rooms. To check for dead ends, I just scan each direction ...
Spacter's user avatar
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How does Unity manage the state of game objects in memory and how does this affect performance when working with large scenes? [closed]

How does Unity efficiently organize the state of game objects in memory at runtime, especially when working with large and complex scenes? And what memory management and performance optimization ...
WasTabon's user avatar
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How to choose the best Unity rendering pipeline?

I am going to develop a Unity app that should be compatible with both desktop and VR devices. In Unity Rendering pipeline,, I see I can choose Built-in version and URP version. I have following ...
Randi's user avatar
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Where can I find avatars in your own image [closed]

I would like to find a fully automated avatar that is able to be exported into a game setting like unity. The avatar should be fully automatic can walk and change garments and interactive with a ...
Victor Watson's user avatar
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Unity. Photon PUN2. Waiting for photon.Rpc to complete

I'm creating a cooperative on Unity and I'm having a problem using remote calls. At the end of the game, the players send their data to the Master client to process it and determine the winner based ...
gizmo 's user avatar
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UI disappears at unity

In Unity, when I change the screen rate(Free Aspect), the UI sometimes disappears from the Game screen at a certain rate. When I increase the horizontal of the screen, suddenly the UI disappears at ...
codebetatester's user avatar
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Json .NET issue trying to access value

Using NewtonSoft Json.Net on Unity3D, I can update/add/remove entries except when using the following. This is the json: string remoteJson = @"{ player: 'MyName', score: 1000, ...
Everts's user avatar
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System keyboard not appearing when using XR Interaction Toolkit raycasting with TMP InputField in Unity VR

I'm encountering an issue in my Unity project where VR immersive view mode is enabled, and I'm utilizing raycasting with XR Interaction Toolkit to interact with a TextField (TMP InputField). While ...
Raja Saad's user avatar
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-2 votes
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TextMeshPro unity [closed]

my textmeshpro in the unit is broken, the font works with Cyrillic when creating regular text, but when importing it into tmp, the Cyrillic stops workingones on this tmp, other default textfont asset ...
Magnus Karlsen's user avatar
-3 votes
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There is an issue with my teleport script. How do I fix it? [closed]

So, my script is not working properly, can someone help me? Here is my script, using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class Teleport : ...
Stoowarb has Gun's user avatar
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In Unity, my FPS character accelerates when going diagonally

using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class PlayerMovment : MonoBehaviour { private CharacterController Controller; public float speed = 12f; ...
y1lm0z's user avatar
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Can you Fix Translated code : Python to C#

I have a Python script for detecting corners in a polygon, and I need to convert it to C# for use in Unity3D. The script utilizes algorithms such as convex hull or corner detection to identify corners ...
Sphelele Sphesihle Lubanyana's user avatar
-1 votes
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Syncing random movements of an object among clients Unity Netcode [closed]

I have a multiplayer game where an enemy randomly moves across the level. As a result each client is seeing the enemy at different positions. I would like to know how to sync the movements of the ...
SquidyDev's user avatar
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Is using vuforia web services possible through unity?

I've been trying to create a script to add a new target to my vuforia cloud database for about a week now and I have not been able to get it to work. I keep getting HTTP 400: Bad Request despite ...
dana's user avatar
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How to stop Character from sliding (slopes) on terrains

when moving on terrain sometimes my character slides depending on the angle of the surface. How to stop this. if the terrain is plain the movement is perfect no issue but when the surface is a rounded ...
Msaab96's user avatar
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How do I save and load the same animation I've been on when I saved?

animator.SetFloat("LastH", Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal")); animator.SetFloat("LastV", Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical")); These are what I wanna save. animator....
The Fresh Carrot's user avatar
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Send Keyboard key press event to Unity's new input system

I have a Unity application which detects some action and sends Keyboard press event to another Unity application. I use keybd_event to achieve this. Sample code: [DllImport("user32.dll")] ...
yogesh sriraman's user avatar
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Need Help Reading CSV File & Cloning From LineRenderer Prefab

I'm pretty new at C# and Unity and I'm trying to visualize a 3D network in. I have 2 CSV files: one containing 3 columns of number, each representing an X, Y, and Z coordinate for a 3D scatterplot, ...
Isabel Xiao's user avatar
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Trying to make an object clickable, turn "inactive" and another to turn active. Not sure what is wrong

Well. I am constructing a 3D point n click slice as a project in Unity with C#. It isn't meant to be complicated, and rather I have made it as simple as possible, to try and make it manageable for ...
Tnecniw's user avatar
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Firebase unity Desktop build Beta Feature

I wanted to integrate firebase firestore to my Pc build when I noticed, that its not possible. After I found out about this beta feature, which works on PC builds. The problem is that it says: ...
Tom Schmitt's user avatar
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How to link the output from a texture2D array to the vertex position in Unity URP Shader Graphs?

In unity 2022.3.7f1 URP shader graph, I am unable to link the output from a sample texture array2D to the input for vertex position, even though I am able to link it to a sample texture2D LOD. Shader ...
Hobgoblin's user avatar
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3 answers

Can't open a project in unity, because it keeps loading infinitely

After installing URP and Shader Graph from unity package, i closed my project, after a while I opened it again and my project stuck in "Compilling Scripts: ScriptCompilation: Running Backend"...
Skar_saN's user avatar
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URP Build looks different than Editor?

I can't seem to figure out why my URP scenes in the Editor look different than the scenes in my Build. I am on Unity 2022.3.15f1 (tested on both MacOS and Windows 10) and have had the same result on ...
Will Lacey's user avatar
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Can't run generic character animation Unity 3D

I've imported animation (separately from the model) from Mixamo and now I can't merge the model and the animation. The model can't be a humanoid because it doesn't have enough bones, and when I select ...
Ilya's user avatar
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How to use il2cpp_xxx functions to get class and method information of ilruntime hot fix dll?

For Unity games, we can use il2cpp_domain_get, il2cpp_thread_attach,il2cpp_domain_get_assemblies... functions to get c# class and method information. But now most of the unity games use ilruntime to ...
ken's user avatar
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Unity Android - Library\Bee\artifacts\Android\ManagedStripped failed with output - UnityLinker.exe

When I try to build the project, I receive the following error: Building Library\Bee\artifacts\Android\ManagedStripped failed with output: C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2023.2.18f1\Editor\Data\...
Jinn's user avatar
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Scene Transition Takes Long Time

I have a shop scene. There is a button that brings player back to menu scene. But transition from shop to menu a takes a bit long and I do not know why. I checked all codes and debugged them. Also ...
Mehmet YILDIZ's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I sequentially play all audioclips from a list, and then add one at runtime? [closed]

I'm trying to create an interesting implementation of a clone of the classic game Snake. My idea would be to loop through a kick and a snare at first, and then add an element to that sequence at ...
Marc-Antoine Giguère's user avatar
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Precalculate Rigidbody movement in 2D [duplicate]

Is there a way to precalculate movement from a Rigidbody in Unity and show this with a line renderer for example? I want to make a physics based marble game and show the path the marble is going to ...
CheckerT's user avatar
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Seeking Solutions for Disabling the Guardian Boundary in MR Games on Quest 3

We're currently developing a mixed-reality (MR) game for the Oculus Quest 3, which involves physical movement within a real-world space. To enhance immersion, we utilize the passthrough feature ...
Руслан Василев's user avatar
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Unity XRGrabInteractable weird position behavior

my code spawns 10 objects of class node, each if which move around during the lifetime of the scene. each node has a XRGrabInteractable object that allows them to be moved using a controller in VR. ...
Omar Alhussani's user avatar
2 votes
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Rotation of moving prefabs

I'm creating a game where as a player you need to dodge objects which are moving downwards. I have objects moving on the right and left side of the screen. By default my prefab is created to spawn on ...
Rayvo's user avatar
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Unity button text not displayed

I have a problem with my unity project, when I insert a UI Canva and a button with text, the text not showed up, I tried to increase the font size, the opacity, change the text color, every possible ...
Med Balali's user avatar
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Problems with the the (new) input system and controllers

I am having a small problem with unity, the input system and controllers. As a small introduction, I have a player that is using the input system as well as a camera. Both are separate. Both have ...
B. Bakker's user avatar
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Passing Custom Attributes to Spawned GameObjects in Unity Netcode

I created my first network application with unity netcode. I spawn bullets which appear on client site. But they have always the default configuration / default parameters are not overritten. I don’t ...
kuzdu's user avatar
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