Questions tagged [video-streaming]

Video streaming is the process of delivering a video from a server to a client. This is different from simply downloading the entire video file, as the client is able to watch the video while it's being downloaded.

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7 votes
2 answers

Video Streaming App using FastAPI and OpenCV

I am trying to render an HTML page that shows video streaming from a webcam. However, I am facing the following error: 500 Server Error TypeError: TemplateResponse() missing 1 required positional ...
Swaraj's user avatar
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293 votes
9 answers

Streaming video from Android camera to server [closed]

I've seen plenty of info about how to stream video from the server to an android device, but not much about the other way, ala Qik. Could someone point me in the right direction here, or give me some ...
JCL's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

How to capture multiple camera streams with OpenCV?

I have to stitch the images captured from many (9) cameras. Initially, I tried to capture the frames from 2 cameras with rate 15 FPS. Then, I connected 4 cameras (I also used externally powered USB ...
Niko Gamulin's user avatar
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134 votes
16 answers

How can I display an RTSP video stream in a web page?

I have an ip camera which provides a live RTSP video stream. I can use VLC media player to view the feed by providing it with the URL: rtsp://cameraipaddress But I need to display the feed on a web ...
elMarquis's user avatar
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40 votes
4 answers

OpenCV real time streaming video capture is slow. How to drop frames or get synced with real time?

Goal and problem I'd like to set up an opencv system to process either HLS streams or RMTP streams, however, I am running into a strange issue regarding a reduced frame-rate and an accumulating lag. ...
Conic's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Stream Video to one user and receive audio from the user

My requirement: I want to stream to a person (Larix?) With my smartphone and get the audio from that person. The latency should be as low as possible and the quality as high as possible. I want to ...
Marco Heine's user avatar
38 votes
3 answers

Post processing in ffmpeg to move 'moov atom' in MP4 files (qt-faststart)

Is it possible to run ffmpeg from the command line which will either place the 'moov atom' metadata in the beginning of the MP4 file or run the qt-faststart as a post processing operation in ffmpeg so ...
siliconpi's user avatar
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58 votes
3 answers

Playing video on TextureView

In the documentation of Android TextureView it says that you can use a TextureView to play video: But I cant seem to find any example of how to do this. Does anyone know? I need to use a ...
Zelleriation's user avatar
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35 votes
4 answers

Best way to stream files in ASP.NET

What's the best way to stream files using ASP.NET? There appear to be various methods for this, and I'm currently using the Response.TransmitFile() method inside an http handler, which sends the file ...
Mun's user avatar
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59 votes
3 answers

HTTP LIve Streaming

Ok, I have been trying to wrap my head around this http live streaming. I just do not understand it and yes I have read all the apple docs and watched the wwdc videos, but still super confused, so ...
Mike Owens's user avatar
103 votes
9 answers

How to record webcam and audio using webRTC and a server-based Peer connection

I would like to record the users webcam and audio and save it to a file on the server. These files would then be able to be served up to other users. I have no problems with playback, however I'm ...
Dave Hilditch's user avatar
92 votes
9 answers

Firebase Storage Video Streaming

I'm working on an app that has video streaming functionality. I'm using firebase database and firebase storage. I'm trying to find some documentation on how firebase storage handles video files, but ...
gcas's user avatar
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26 votes
1 answer

Low latency (< 2s) live video streaming HTML5 solutions?

With Chrome disabling Flash by default very soon I need to start looking into flash/rtmp html5 replacement solutions. Currently with Flash + RTMP I have a live video stream with < 1-2 second delay....
Titan's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Video Streaming from IP Camera in Python Using OpenCV cv2.VideoCapture

I am trying to get video stream in python from IP camera but i am getting an error. I am Using Pycharm IDE. import cv2 scheme = '' host = scheme cap = cv2.VideoCapture('http://admin:...
Moazam Shahid's user avatar
132 votes
4 answers

Play infinitely looping video on-load in HTML5

I'm looking to place a video in an HTML5 page that will begin playing on page-load, and once completed, loop back to the beginning without a break. The video should also NOT have any controls ...
stefmikhail's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

streaming video FROM an iPhone

I can get individual frames from the iPhone's cameras just fine. what I need is a way to package them up with sound for streaming to the server. Sending the files once I have them isn't much of an ...
iHorse's user avatar
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94 votes
8 answers

HTML5 live streaming

For school I need to set up an HTML5 live stream site. They have a flash stream-player they've been using but now they want it to use HTML5 instead. How can I do this? I tried using the video tag but ...
Bernhard's user avatar
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41 votes
7 answers

How to Implement HTTP byte-range requests in Spring MVC

I have the problem with video rewind on my site. I figure out that problem with http headers. My current controller method which returns video: @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/...
gstackoverflow's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Video streaming using RTSP: Android

I'm trying to install a Wowza server on my Linux machine to enable the RTSP streaming for my Android application. On Android client side what sort of changes do I need to make in my application? I'm ...
success_anil's user avatar
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119 votes
4 answers

Live-stream video from one android phone to another over WiFi

I have searched the internet for days now on how to implement a video streaming feature from an android phone to another android phone over a WiFi connection but I can't seem to find anything useful. ...
androidu's user avatar
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99 votes
5 answers

Video streaming over websockets using JavaScript

What is the fastest way to stream live video using JavaScript? Is WebSockets over TCP a fast enough protocol to stream a video of, say, 30fps?
SMiLE's user avatar
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43 votes
9 answers

how to play video from url

I am beginner in android development and try to play video from link. But it's giving error "sorry,we can't play this video". I tried so many links but for all links its show same error. My code is ...
priyanka's user avatar
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31 votes
5 answers

Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec

I'm trying to get this to work on Android 4.1 (using an upgraded Asus Transformer tablet). Thanks to Alex's response to my previous question, I already was able to write some raw H.264 data to a file,...
gleerman's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

Converting YUV into BGR or RGB in OpenCV

I have a TV capture card that has a feed coming in as a YUV format. I've seen other posts here similar to this question and attempted to try every possible method stated, but neither of them provided ...
Seb's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Hls video streaming on iOS/Safari

I am trying to stream hls on safari iOS with Aframe that has three.js under the hood. But the video shows a black screen with just the audio playing. The video src is of type .m3u8. I tried to read ...
Mustang's user avatar
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31 votes
3 answers

Stream video in Java

What is the best way to record and stream live video to many clients? Are there any libraries?
Etam's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Live streaming dash content using mp4box

I'm trying to live stream H.264 content to HTML5 using the media source extensions API. The following method works pretty well: ffmpeg -i rtsp:// -vcodec copy -f mp4 -...
galbarm's user avatar
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60 votes
7 answers

How to process images of a video, frame by frame, in video streaming using OpenCV and Python

I am a beginner in OpenCV. I want to do some image processing on the frames of a video which is being uploaded to my server. I just want to read the available frames and write them in a directory. ...
Mehran's user avatar
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45 votes
6 answers

How to play .mp4 video in videoview in android?

I am working on a video player application, I want to play .mp4 video in the native video view. I am not able to play video using a URL. I am getting the error "Sorry this video cannot be played&...
Hiren Patel's user avatar
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31 votes
10 answers

VideoView onResume loses buffered portion of the video

I am having an Activity in which there is VideoView -- Streams a video from a webserver. Button -- Takes the user to the next activity to be shown. When the application starts, ...
Kartik Domadiya's user avatar
29 votes
5 answers

RTSP stream and OpenCV (Python)

I have an IP camera streaming on Linux through rtsp protocol and h264 linux driver. I am able to see the video in VLC with the following address and port: rtsp:// However if ...
Guadancil11's user avatar
24 votes
4 answers

Stream live video from phone to phone using socket fd

I am new to android programming and have found myself stuck I have been researching various ways to stream live video from phone to phone and seem to have it mostly functional, except of course the ...
udm_coder's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

How to transmit live video from within a Java application?

I'm trying to find ways to stream a live video generated in a Java application. The application needs to take screenshots of itself and encode these into a video stream and publish the stream. So ...
Tansir1's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

html5 video safari downloads full before playing

Im wondering why my mp4 html5 video is not "streaming" and instead waits till it is fully downloaded before it starts playing in safari. I have tried QTIndexSwapper but it says the index ...
Strutsagget's user avatar
111 votes
13 answers

TCP vs UDP on video stream

I just came home from my exam in network-programming, and one of the question they asked us was "If you are going to stream video, would you use TCP or UDP? Give an explanation for both stored video ...
Alxandr's user avatar
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27 votes
1 answer

Video Streaming and Android

Today for one of my app (Android 2.1), I wanted to stream a video from an URL. As far as I explored Android SDK it's quite good and I loved almost every piece of it. But now that it comes to video ...
Spredzy's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

How can HTML5 video's byte-range requests (pseudo-streaming) work?

If you play an HTML5 video for a video that is hosted on a server that accepts range requests, then when you try to seek ahead to a non-buffered part of the video you'll notice from the network ...
bhh1988's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

Google Drive - Video Streaming

How does Google Drive video streaming work ? Internally how does it stream the video, does it use HTTP based streaming or other protocols? I am very new to this, and I was wondering if Google Drive ...
metal7's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Getting green screen in ffplay: Streaming desktop (DirectX surface) as H264 video over RTP stream using Live555

I'm trying to stream the desktop(DirectX surface in NV12 format) as H264 video over RTP stream using Live555 & Windows media foundation's hardware encoder on Windows10, and expecting it to be ...
iamrameshkumar's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview

I've managed to get a vimeo video to load and play, using the following. However the autoplay=1 as indicated in the vimeo oembed docs doesn't auto play on load. Anyone found a way to auto play (also ...
scottyab's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

how ( stop,exit ) video in webrtc navigator user media JavaScript

how i stop and exit in pure js, stream webcam in WEBRTC api js , i have in my code the following script : <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#abrirModal")....
Fernando josé's user avatar
26 votes
4 answers

GsaIOException Buffer overflow, no available space

I have a MediaPlayer app with a live streaming function. When I test the app with a physically device(API 22 Lollipop and API 23 Marshmallow) there are no problems with starting of the stream. Today I ...
TYL's user avatar
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23 votes
6 answers

Writing an app to stream video to iPhone

I'm interested in creating an iPhone app that can stream video from a central server, YouTube style. I was wondering if anyone has ever tried to do this before, what is the path of least resistant, ...
Jameson's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

HTTP Live Streaming, FFMPEG & FFSERVER, and iPhone OS 3

In iPhone OS 3, Apple has introduced HTTP Live Streaming which should allow live streaming of video from the internet. I am currently operating a webcam, which feeds into my server, and is then ...
jcnnghm's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Realtime Audio/Video Streaming FROM iPhone to another device (Browser, or iPhone)

I'd like to get real-time video from the iPhone to another device (either desktop browser or another iPhone, e.g. point-to-point). NOTE: It's not one-to-many, just one-to-one at the moment. Audio ...
Jordan's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Python - Django: Streaming video/mp4 file using HttpResponse

I'm using Python2.7, django==1.7 and uwsgi for streaming video/mp4 file to iPhone player. My code is as below: def stream(request): with open('/path/video.mp4', 'r') as video_file: ...
Aida.Mirabadi's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Flush & Latency Issue with Fragmented MP4 Creation in FFMPEG

I'm creating a fragmented mp4 for html5 streaming, using the following command: -i rtsp:// -vcodec copy -an -f mp4 -reset_timestamps 1 -movflags empty_moov+default_base_moof+...
galbarm's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

GOP setting is not honored by Intel H264 hardware MFT

Problem statement: Intel hardware MFT is not honoring the GOP setting, resulting in more bandwidth consumption in realtime applications. The same code works fine on Nvidia hardware MFT. Background: ...
iamrameshkumar's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Streaming video in memory with OpenCV VideoWriter and Python BytesIO

I was wondering if it is possible to 'stream' data using the OpenCV VideoWriter class in Python? Normally for handling data in memory that would otherwise go to disk I use BytesIO (or StringIO). My ...
Liam Deacon's user avatar
8 votes
7 answers

How to install FFMpeg in WampServer 2.0 (Windows XP) [closed]

I need to install the ffmpeg PHP extension on my localhost so I can test few of my scripts but I am having troubles figuring out how to do that. I have WampServer 2.0 with PHP 5.2.9-2, my OS is ...
Richard Knop's user avatar
  • 82.4k

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