Questions tagged [view]

This tag is for questions about database view or UI / architectural view. See also the following tags: sql-view, android-view, uiview.

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671 votes
38 answers

Attempt to present UIViewController on UIViewController whose view is not in the window hierarchy

Just started using Xcode 4.5 and I got this error in the console: Warning: Attempt to present < finishViewController: 0x1e56e0a0 > on < ViewController: 0x1ec3e000> whose view is not in the ...
Kyle Goslan's user avatar
  • 10.9k
10 votes
4 answers

Android ImageView Scaling and translating issue

I’m developing an android application (API 19 4.4) and I encounter some issue with ImageViews. I have a SurfaceView, in which I dynamically add ImageViews which I want to react to touch events. On so ...
Tifoo's user avatar
  • 131
278 votes
18 answers

Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager

I'm trying to use Fragment with a ViewPager using the FragmentPagerAdapter. What I'm looking for to achieve is to replace a fragment, positioned on the first page of the ViewPager, with another one. ...
Noodles's user avatar
  • 3,263
460 votes
7 answers

What is the main purpose of setTag() getTag() methods of View?

What is the main purpose of such methods as setTag() and getTag() of View type objects? Am I right in thinking that I can associate any number of objects with a single View?
Eugene's user avatar
  • 59.8k
162 votes
5 answers

Android - Dynamically Add Views into View

I have a layout for a view - <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" ...
Josh's user avatar
  • 16.4k
487 votes
30 answers

Android: How do I prevent the soft keyboard from pushing my view up?

I have a vertical sliding drawer at the bottom of my app. When the soft keyboard opens, it pushes the tab for the drawer up, so it sits atop the keyboard. I actually want it to remain at the bottom of ...
Christopher Perry's user avatar
587 votes
15 answers

Difference between a View's Padding and Margin

What is the difference between a View's Margin and Padding?
Ragunath Jawahar's user avatar
729 votes
12 answers

Get root view from current activity

I know how to get the root view with View.getRootView(). I am also able to get the view from a button's onClick event where the argument is a View. But how can I get the view in an activity?
Lalith's user avatar
  • 20k
392 votes
18 answers

Animate change of view background color on Android

How do you animate the change of background color of a view on Android? For example: I have a view with a red background color. The background color of the view changes to blue. How can I do a ...
hpique's user avatar
  • 120k
344 votes
3 answers

onMeasure custom view explanation

I tried to do custom component. I extended View class and do some drawing in onDraw overrided method. Why I need to override onMeasure? If I didn't, everything seen to be right. May someone explain it?...
sennin's user avatar
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196 votes
8 answers

Set the absolute position of a view

Is it possible to set the absolute position of a view in Android? (I know that there is an AbsoluteLayout, but it's deprecated...) For example, if I have a 240x320px screen, how could I add an ...
Sephy's user avatar
  • 50.3k
76 votes
13 answers

Rotating a view in Android

I have a button that I want to put on a 45 degree angle. For some reason I can't get this to work. Can someone please provide the code to accomplish this?
Matthew's user avatar
  • 761
286 votes
11 answers

Set margins in a LinearLayout programmatically

I'm trying to use Java (not XML) to create a LinearLayout with buttons that fill the screen, and have margins. Here is code that works without margins: LinearLayout buttonsView = new LinearLayout(...
Timmmm's user avatar
  • 92.5k
71 votes
9 answers

Convert view to bitmap on Android

I need to convert a view to a bitmap to preview my view and to save it as an image. I tried using the following code, but it creates a blank image. I cannot understand where I made a mistake. View ...
SAM Bhadani's user avatar
259 votes
12 answers

setBackground vs setBackgroundDrawable (Android)

I want to set background drawable of a view. There are two methods for this (as far as I see): setBackground and setBackgroundDrawable. When I use setBackground, it says it has been added in API ...
Pijusn's user avatar
  • 11.2k
119 votes
13 answers

How can I dynamically set the position of view in Android?

How can I change the position of view through code? Like changing its X, Y position. Is it possible?
Arun Badole's user avatar
  • 11.1k
245 votes
13 answers

How to Set Opacity (Alpha) for View in Android

I have a button as in the following: <Button android:text="Submit" android:id="@+id/Button01" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"> &...
ncakmak's user avatar
  • 4,024
111 votes
3 answers

Can I create view with parameter in MySQL?

I have a view like this: CREATE VIEW MyView AS SELECT Column FROM Table WHERE Value = 2; I'd like to make it more generic, it means to change 2 into a variable. I tried this: CREATE VIEW MyView ...
ssobczak's user avatar
  • 1,815
42 votes
4 answers

Store common query as column?

Using PostgreSQL, I have a number of queries that look like this: SELECT <col 1>, <col 2> , (SELECT sum(<col x>) FROM <otherTable> WHERE <other ...
ibrewster's user avatar
  • 3,552
200 votes
22 answers

How to set background color of a View

I'm trying to set the background color of a View (in this case a Button). I use this code: // set the background to green v.setBackgroundColor(0x0000FF00 ); v.invalidate(); It causes the Button to ...
Peter vdL's user avatar
  • 4,973
323 votes
8 answers

How to create EditText with rounded corners?

How to create an EditText that has rounded corners instead of the default rectangular-shaped corners?
pixel's user avatar
  • 25.7k
286 votes
5 answers

View array in Visual Studio debugger? [duplicate]

Is it possible to view an array in the Visual Studio debugger? QuickWatch only shows the first element of the array.
user20493's user avatar
  • 5,774
63 votes
10 answers

Create a view with ORDER BY clause

I'm trying to create a view with an ORDER BY clause. I have create it successfully on SQL Server 2012 SP1, but when I try to re-create it on SQL Server 2008 R2, I get this error: Msg 102, Level 15,...
El Sa7eR's user avatar
  • 881
190 votes
5 answers

What are dictionary view objects?

In python 2.7, we got the dictionary view methods available. Now, I know the pro and cons of the following: dict.items() (and values, keys): returns a list, so you can actually store the result, and ...
Bite code's user avatar
  • 588k
141 votes
16 answers

Software keyboard resizes background image on Android

Whenever the software keyboard appears, it resizes the background image. Refer to the screenshot below: As you can see, the background is sort of squeezed. Anyone can shed a light on why the ...
Andreas Wong's user avatar
  • 60.1k
102 votes
4 answers

how to use views in code first entity framework [closed]

How can I use the database view in entity framework code first,
Sagar's user avatar
  • 1,727
60 votes
5 answers

MySQL: View with Subquery in the FROM Clause Limitation

In MySQL 5.0 why does the following error occur when trying to create a view with a subquery in the FROM clause? ERROR 1349 (HY000): View's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clause If this is ...
Daniel's user avatar
  • 1,231
254 votes
19 answers

How to make a smooth image rotation in Android?

I'm using a RotateAnimation to rotate an image that I'm using as a custom cyclical spinner in Android. Here's my rotate_indefinitely.xml file, which I placed in res/anim/: <?xml version="1.0" ...
emmby's user avatar
  • 100k
188 votes
4 answers

Android layout replacing a view with another view on run time

I have a xml-layout file main with two textviews A/B and a view C. I have two other xml-layout files option1 and option2. Is it possible to load either option1 or option2 in run time via Java into C? ...
Christian's user avatar
  • 25.8k
95 votes
6 answers

MVC Razor view nested foreach's model

Imagine a common scenario, this is a simpler version of what I'm coming across. I actually have a couple of layers of further nesting on mine.... But this is the scenario Theme contains List ...
David C's user avatar
  • 2,786
71 votes
9 answers

Laravel 5 - global Blade view variable available in all templates

How can I in Laravel 5 make global variable which will be available in all Blade templates?
Limon Monte's user avatar
  • 53.4k
11 votes
2 answers

How to implement a view holder?

i am using a viewholder to display from a dynamic works but the data displayed changes irregularly when i scroll the List.i want my List View to be populated only once ,Not all the ...
Ads's user avatar
  • 6,701
251 votes
27 answers

Is there a way to programmatically scroll a scroll view to a specific edit text?

I have a very long activity with a scrollview. It is a form with various fields that the user must fill in. I have a checkbox half way down my form, and when the user checks it I want to scroll to a ...
NotACleverMan's user avatar
192 votes
8 answers

Android - get children inside a View?

Given a View how can I get the child views inside it? So I have a custom View and debugger shows that under mChildren there are 7 other views. I need a way to access these views but it doesn't seem ...
aryaxt's user avatar
  • 77.1k
161 votes
8 answers

Measuring text height to be drawn on Canvas ( Android )

Any straight forward way to measure the height of text? The way I am doing it now is by using Paint's measureText() to get the width, then by trial and error finding a value to get an approximate ...
Danedo's user avatar
  • 2,243
76 votes
7 answers

Overlapping Views in Android

Is it possible to have overlapping views in Android? I would like to have an ImageView with a transparent png in the front and another view in the background. edit: This is what I have at the moment,...
Alexander Stolz's user avatar
61 votes
6 answers

Error referencing an inner class View in layout/main.xml

Grrr... I create a subclass of view as an inner class in my Activity. Before I simply linked to this view from my activity with: setContentView(new CustomView(this)); without problems. Now, ...
IcedDante's user avatar
  • 6,364
35 votes
13 answers

Codeigniter: Passing data from controller to view

I want to pass $data from the controller named poll to the results_view however I am getting an undefined variable error. <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed')...
Andrew Lynch's user avatar
  • 1,307
31 votes
9 answers

android: ViewPager and HorizontalScrollVIew

I have a HorizontalScrollView inside my ViewPager. I set requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true); for the HorizontalScrollView but the ViewPager is still sometimes intercepting touch events. Is ...
Android Noob's user avatar
35 votes
4 answers

ASP.NET MVC - View with multiple models

I am trying to generate such HTML <form action="/some/process" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="foo.a" value="aaa"/> <input type="hidden" name="bar.b" ...
alex2k8's user avatar
  • 42.9k
129 votes
20 answers

How to make a view with rounded corners?

I am trying to make a view in android with rounded edges. The solution I found so far is to define a shape with rounded corners and use it as the background of that view. Here is what I did, define a ...
Zach's user avatar
  • 10k
70 votes
6 answers

Android : Get view Reference to a Menu Item

I plan to use quick actions UI pattern in my application. Android Quick Actions UI Pattern . The quick action window needs a pivot view to stick to. pivotView); I intend ...
Yashwanth Kumar's user avatar
40 votes
4 answers

Redraw a single row in a listview [duplicate]

Is it possible to redraw a single row in a ListView? I have a ListView with rows that are LinearLayouts. I listen to a preference change and sometimes I need to change just one View inside the ...
Falmarri's user avatar
  • 48.2k
38 votes
11 answers

Android - cannot capture backspace/delete press in soft. keyboard

I am overriding the onKeyDown method of the view (openGL surface view) to capture all of the key presses. The problem is that on several devices the KEYCODE_DEL is not captured. I have tried adding ...
Vladimir Gazbarov's user avatar
37 votes
5 answers

Programmatic Views how to set unique id's?

I am creating in my app bunch of programmatic Views. As it appeared to be they all by default have the same id=-1. In order to work with them I need to generate unique id's. I have tried several ...
Barmaley's user avatar
  • 16.4k
31 votes
4 answers

How to convert a View (not UIView) to an image?

Similar to this thread: How to convert a UIView to an image. I would like to convert a SwiftUI View rather than a UIView to an image.
JHack's user avatar
  • 311
96 votes
5 answers

creating my own context processor in django

I have come to a point where I need to pass certain variables to all of my views (mostly custom authentication type variables). I was told writing my own context processor was the best way to do this,...
dotty's user avatar
  • 41k
51 votes
7 answers

Android - Get time of chronometer widget

How to get the time from a Chronometer? I tried getText, getFormat, getBase, etc, but none of them could work. Example code snippet: Chronometer t = (Chronometer)findViewById(; long ...
Isaac Waller's user avatar
  • 32.8k
24 votes
14 answers

Why is using '*' to build a view bad?

Why is using '*' to build a view bad ? Suppose that you have a complex join and all fields may be used somewhere. Then you just have to chose fields needed. SELECT field1, field2 FROM aview WHERE .....
Luc M's user avatar
  • 17k
175 votes
22 answers

Can we pass parameters to a view in SQL?

Can we pass a parameter to a view in Microsoft SQL Server? I tried to create view in the following way, but it doesn't work: create or replace view v_emp(eno number) as select * from emp where ...
arunachalam's user avatar
  • 1,939

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