Questions tagged [vlookup]

VLOOKUP is a Spreadsheet function for retrieving a value from an array using a vertical lookup value and a positive column offset. Use with [excel-formula] or [google-sheets-formula] or any other product that supports such lookup

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#NA error in vlooup with another workbook

I want to retrieve the value of column 2 in x workbook on the basis of 20700 so if I directly give lookup value, formula is working fine but if I replace my lookup value with the range like A2[having ...
yashika vaish's user avatar
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Error 2042 ("N/A") in Excel VLookup() Worksheet Function

Need some help to figure out strange VBA VLOOKUP Type Missmatch error. The code is really simple, since sss0 is a random number and all I want is to find closest value in a range (sheet 'BMD_CDF', ...
TTT's user avatar
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Find sum in one column for rows containing the same value in another column

I have a table like this: Column I | Column J ==================== Peter 2 Martin 3 Peter 1 John 5 Peter 2 What I need is to sum the numbers for Peter, ...
romanzdk's user avatar
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Conditional Formatting using vlookup

I have Sheet 1 as AssocNum RatePlanCde RateType RateTypeDesc 272 911 2 Adjustable 472 1115 2 Fixed Many of these ...
user3033933's user avatar
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Use cell value/contents to determine an external reference file or sheet name?

I'm working on a cell formula that returns (via VLOOKUP?) a cell in a closed workbook (thus I believe INDIRECT will not work). The issue is that I want to use a value in the active sheet to determine ...
Joe K's user avatar
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Vlookup with wildcard not working (partial string match) on long values

I understand the basic use of the vlookup with wildcard but I'm running into a problem lately. I need to lookup a value that contained in a cell as a part of string. In the below Sample I look up ...
Luke's user avatar
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Excel Vlookup VBA

I need to add Invoice as a Test and then V lookup formula should run For example :="invoice"&" "&VLOOKUP(H3,FBL5N!D:G,4,0) this formula i need to covert to Macro's Let me know how to fix i ...
nikhil nik's user avatar
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Excel VBA: How to put formula in next available column for unique number of rows?

I am still new to VBA and am trying to perform a vlookup in the next available column from row 4 until the used range for the vlookup is over. In addition, once the vlookup is completed, in the line ...
cthallofamer's user avatar
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INDEX MATCH or VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP to find match among seven non-sequential cells

I built this INDEX MATCH formula, but I assume there must be a more efficient excel function to solve this. =IF(INDEX($L3:$BA3,MATCH($H3,$L$1:$BA$1,0))>0,"CategoryGreaterThan0","CategoryIsZero") ...
Dave M's user avatar
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Vlookup first four letters of first and last name

I have a list of first and last names in column A and and vlooking it against column B of first and last names. They all have the same middle name. There is also a slight variation in spelling of ...
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Excel: checking multiple vlookup instances for equality to a cell

I have an excel formula that looks like this in psuedocode: if vlookup = column name then change value of cell to x ... I need to make it something like: if ANY INSTANCE OF vlookup = ...
dan's user avatar
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Vlookup not matching what it should

What I am trying to do is simple and therefore it confuses me why does not work so my plan is to compare two columns in excel and display the match in a separate Colum a typical vlookup exercises. ...
Niko.K's user avatar
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Using a variable for column index in Vlookup?

I'm trying to use Vlookup, but I need to do it so that the column index is a variable. I tried everything, but so far I consistently get Invalid Qualifier errors. I'd really appreciate if someone ...
El Asado's user avatar
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Error when finding MAX ABS using indirect function in VLOOKUP

I am trying to set up a sheet that I can use as a template to sort data, find perticular values and create a chart. Everything is working fine for the maximum magnitude and average magnitude values I ...
George Bryant's user avatar
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how to change excel formula to reference worksheet and column based on cell values

I spent hours searching for a solution to adapt and then trying a million modifications to what I found and have finally admitted defeat. I work with survey data where a workbook has one worksheet ...
Morphasis's user avatar
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Unseen space (Char) in Excel Sheet causes 0 (N/A) as result, how to remove it?

I have two Excel sheet and I am using VLOOKUP to find a value from one of the excel sheets and insert it as new column in the second sheet. However when I try following formula I get 0 for all the ...
faranak777's user avatar
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Setting Variable with VLookup & Named Ranges

I can not get the VLookup function to work when using a named range. I am sure it has something to do with how I am referencing "COA_Range" but cant find a solution that works I have tried [], ([]), (...
Reed Turgeon's user avatar
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Does anyone know what is wrong with my VLOOKUP formula? It works fine from F6-F16, except that when it comes to "Standard" category

Here is my VLOOKUP formula:=VLOOKUP(E6,$H$6:$I$9,IF(E6="Overtime",2,IF(E6="Standard",2,2)))
Susan Tandiono's user avatar
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Excel VLOOKUP Reference showing blank

My formula works for Columns U, V and X, Y but not for W. Column W is showing blanks where is should show the VLOOKUP value? =IF(ISBLANK(AD2),VLOOKUP(F2,'Raw Data'!E:Y,18,FALSE),AD2) This one is ...
designspeaks's user avatar
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How to correctly nest a VLOOKUP and COUNTIF function in Excel?

So in column B(b2:b1613) I have a list of peoples initials. In column E(e2:e1613) I have the box # they used that day (from 1-14). I have a separate table that i want to be able to calculate how ...
wh1016's user avatar
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Refering to a predefined range through r1c1 formulation

I have to look up some values from another range in another worksheet. I have defined the range as "x", and i would like to use it in the r1c1 formulation, see example: Set x = extwbk.Worksheets("...
KMO's user avatar
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Formula to compare two columns and say billed or not billed

I am looking for a formula that would to compare the two columns in Excel, find if there is a match or not, and place the number that matched in a new column, and if it didn't match, instead of ...
ForrestFairway's user avatar
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Excel compare partial cell contents

I am currently comparing two lists of email address to find matches between the two. =IF(ISERROR(MATCH(C2,Sheet1!Z:Z, 0)), "No Match", "Match") My problem is that some emails I want to INCLUDE are ...
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Excel VBA Formatting Chart Series with Vlookup

I am a new VBA user and am trying to format chart series based upon the series name. I want to use vlookup to reference the series name and return a defined MarkerStyle, MarkerForegroundColor, ...
Frank S's user avatar
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Excel | Searching table in different sheet and bringing value from column in that row

I am trying to lookup a table in one of my sheets. my table consists of three columns and an unlimited amount of rows. My table can be seen here: In my second sheet I wish to write a formula which ...
Jimmy Spanny's user avatar
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How to Assign values to varying range of cells in VBA

I am trying randomly generate a whole number between 1 and 100, whether that be in a cell or in the vba code directly. Then I want to use that value as the lookup value for a VLookup that will pull ...
Hoejanson's user avatar
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Using vlookup in vba but updating the userform live

I have an userform with a few texbox and i want that when you put the value on the first one scan the data sheet and if it found the same value it fill the rest of textboxes, i think i can manage to ...
Hahasiah's user avatar
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How do I write the lookup_value in vlookup VBA as a range

I'm new to VBA - I'm trying to write a Vlookup Function within Excel to refer to the lookup_value as a range of values. I have stored my values in a range called lookup_range, however I get N/A when I ...
ifeelcrazy123's user avatar
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VLookup Letter Number Values - Delete Rows

I'm really struggling with a VLookup situation right now. I'm trying to do something that is really over my head, but I think that with a little help I just might be able to do it. For starters, I ...
Leon Freire's user avatar
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Pandas: vertical look up with two dataframes

I have a dataframe df1 of coordinate values like this: lat lon E N 0 48.010258 -6.156909 90089.518711 -201738.245555 1 48.021648 -6.105887 93961....
FaCoffee's user avatar
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Working SUMPRODUCT function on Google Sheets does not work in Excel

I have a function here that is meant to calculate how many leads I have in each country. =sumproduct($A2=(vlookup(id_leads!$A:$A,country_leads!$A:$B,2,0))) On sheet id_leads,$A:$A contains the lead ...
Thomas Price's user avatar
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Find rows in Excel that do not have a corresponding in another worksheet

I've got two Excel-worksheets with different structures. The content is being updated every day by a SQL-data-connection and every worksheet contains more than 50k rows. Worksheet1 (Accounts payable) ...
Will's user avatar
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VLOOKUP Text that is not unique - Excel

I am trying to vlookup (bring back) all the products that are yes, but only the first result keeps coming back because the vlookup gets stuck on the first piece of data. I am using much more data ...
Ian's user avatar
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Vlookup on value given in textbox1 & textbox2 & return value in another testbox3 from sheet2

I need help in excel vba code for vlookup with 2 values provided from textbox 1 & textbox 2. I have a worksheet in Thisworkbook called lookup (dynamic table)Image Sheet with lookup data I have ...
user3094480's user avatar
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Is there such thing as a VLOOKUP that recognises repeated numbers?

I have a list of values in column A on an excel TAB and on the column B next to it I have a list of words. On another TAB, I'm trying to retrieve the words from B where A has the smallest value, then ...
pedroteixeira07's user avatar
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Excel VLOOKUP on multiple columns

I have one excel sheet - "Records_Table.xlsx" with the following data - In my another excel sheet - "User_Input_Table.xlsx" , the user will input the Product and state, and the catalog number will ...
RicoRicochet's user avatar
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Vlookup VBA not bringing in all the information

I hope you can help. I have written some code below. What it does is essentially Vlookups three columns in one sheet and brings them into another sheet using the unique identifier Customer id on both ...
Philip Connell's user avatar
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Use date reference is a vlookup formula

I have attached a printscreen to make it easier to understand my question. I'm creating a supply management woorkbook. Income will refer to the purchases and outcome the resale of this purchases. ...
Adriano Matuck Sotos's user avatar
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Excel - Matching Domains from Different Sheets

I have two excel sheets with email info on them. One list has full emails, the other list has email domains. How can I see if any of the full emails, match the email domains in the other list? In ...
dianadv's user avatar
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Unable to get the VLookup property of the WorksheetFunction class Error 1004

I am trying to send a query to Access to fill in a certain value of my worksheet. I would get this worksheet by getting the current user's login name and look through a column. This column gets ...
Tomdw94's user avatar
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VBA look up/find value matching a date variable and return the date next to it

I can't seem to solve what seems to be a minor issue. I basically need to open another file, match the datetime stored in a variable with a date in the opened file, then return the datetime four cells ...
Y H's user avatar
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If and Vlookup across range in Excel

Essentially, I need to work out for each unique ID(Column A), whether or not a "Y" exists in a set range of cells for that unique ID (Column $D). Some ID's are only there once (where i would just use ...
Samuel Ellett's user avatar
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VBA using vlookup of indirect range for formula in cell

I'm sure it's an error with the way I'm using my quotes and apostrophes but for the life of me I can't fix it. I'm running a loop in VBA to add a vlookup in an indirect range. When I just use an ...
Meghan's user avatar
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VLOOKUP with never return same value

I need some help with Excel's VLOOKUP function. I have two worksheets. The first one contains running numbers with item codes and a column for batch numbers. It looks like this A B C ...
Glenn Mcshane's user avatar
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How to sumif the vlookup value of a range?

I'm not sure how to explain what I am trying to achieve so I will start with the data I am working with: 1) A table that lists IDs corresponding to Games. Each game has several IDs. 2) A table that ...
Maria C.'s user avatar
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Performing Vlookup on duplicate values

First of all I know how to perform VLookup for unique values. Now I have a set of data with me where in the 'Table Array' I have a lot of duplicate values which needs to be associated with a single '...
Anarach's user avatar
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Combine IF and VLOOKUP for blanks

I've read a few different questions can't figure out how to get them to work with my formula. I'm using a simple Vlookup to look up a price field on sheet 2 and bring back the absolute value. =...
Matthew Egan's user avatar
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VLookup Range Change when shifting and deleting columns in the range of the Vlookup function

I have the following search function: =ALS((VERT.ZOEKEN(B6;'Raw Data'!$H$1:$BB$3000;21;ONWAAR))=100;"Winkel"; ALS((VERT.ZOEKEN(B6;'Raw Data'!$H$1:$BB$3000;21;ONWAAR))=400;"Woning"; ALS((VERT.ZOEKEN(...
Koen Rijper's user avatar
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VBA Vlookup where Lookup_value column number is specifies

I'm currently writing VBA code which includes a Vlookup. The code I have at the moment is this: ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _ "=VLOOKUP(RC[-7],'[Equities EMIR New.xlsx]Valuation Summary'!R2C4:...
Hannah's user avatar
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Using VLOOKUP to return an array from drop down

This is driving me nuts, so I'll try to explain it best I can. Basically I have a spreadsheet used to track hours worked on a year's worth of paychecks. Since it's biweekly, checks are every other ...
Flynn's user avatar
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