Questions tagged [voiceover]

VoiceOver is a screen reader for users with visual and ambulatory disabilities built into Apple's OS X and iOS operating systems. It describes an application’s user interface and helps users navigate through the application’s views and controls.

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Informing voiceover users that they have highlighted an element within a container

I'm looking to implement something for voiceover users that is similar to how Apple handles the miniplayer in their Music app. In the miniplayer, there are a number of accessibility elements: the ...
c_booth's user avatar
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iOS UISlider VoiceOver Disable Saying Value

I have a UISlider that can seek in music. Customer requests the value change of this slider not to be announced by VoiceOver. Now the default behaviour of VoiceOver for UISlider is to announce the ...
Dombi Bence's user avatar
22 votes
6 answers

Why is .announcement, argument: "arg") not announced in voice over?

When using Voice Over in iOS, calling to announce a field error doesn't actually announce the error. I have a submit button and, when focusing the button, ...
brandenesmith's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Voice Over Not reading the content of aria-label of table row on Row selection

I am adding aria-label to row on row click event by using event.currentTarget object of onClick(event, index) method. content of the aria-label is not being reading by the Voice over. I tested on ...
supreeth mr's user avatar
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How to fix voiceover after deleting a row in a TableView

I've got some problems fixing voiceover after deleting a row. the structure is like this: I've got a tableview with 2 sections. The first section got a header of height = 0 and only one row of ...
Alastar's user avatar
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how to make voiceover read as per dom order section?

I have header and navigation and then next section with slider. since the slider section is having aria-live, screen readers read the slider contents directly. When i tab the menu navigation links, ...
user3260487's user avatar
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Set accessibility order for the element in the Xamarin IOS

I have tried to set the accessibility reading order in the voiceover when we swipe right /left .But i don't know how to set that in the xamarin IOS. I have also want to know that how to move the ...
cruzier's user avatar
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3 votes
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UIAccessibilityElement with button trait adding "one of one" after voice over speaks button

I am using UIAccessibilityElement to encapsulate information from multiple labels and buttons in a custom UITableViewCell. When Voice Over is enabled and a user swipes through each element I want ...
chickenparm's user avatar
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Is it possible to force Ios browser focus from input to another element?

Hay, I have certain problem with voiceover in Ios6 when voiceover is turn on. This is the scenario: when I click on link, say search, I give to div aria-hidden = false, and I trigger focus on an input ...
asi's user avatar
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1 answer

VoiceOver reading hidden elements

On the site I am working on we have 1) A mobile header 2) a desktop header. Both are loaded but images are lazy loaded + some of the desktop contents. We are working on making the website accessible ...
OZZIE's user avatar
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How can I get Mac Voiceover to read numbers as numbers instead of individual digits?

When I render a number in a span tag, Mac Voiceover is reading individual digits instead of numbers. For example, 10 is read as "one zero" instead of "ten". How can I make it read "ten" instead of "...
Dave Molinero's user avatar
3 votes
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How to make screenreader not recognise an element as an element group?

I'm currently trying to make a DOM element with one to several child elements as accessible as possible. The element will contain illustrative content using background images in several layers. I'm ...
jessica's user avatar
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1 answer

Make voice over focus from one view controller to another(presented modally) and vice versa

I have two view controllers : - UITableViewController - UIViewController UIViewController i present modally over UITableViewController which can be swiped to expand (like in iOS Maps app). Problem ...
sashi_bhushan's user avatar
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3 answers

Sound overlaps with voiceover and AVFoundation player

In my iOS app, I have a button which can play sound after clicking on it, however this button has a voiceover function at the same time. When I click on the button, both of the two sounds overlap.
Rayc's user avatar
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clear button on text field not accessible with voice over - swift

I'm trying to make the clear button of the text field accessible by voice over, but it doesn't seem to work. Anyone had this issue before? It's a simple text field on a blank screen. It works fine on ...
Marcela Ceneviva Auslenter's user avatar
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VoiceOver can access element behind modal even when accessibilityViewIsModal on modal is set

I have a custom view that is a popup and it has accessibilityViewIsModal = true, but VoiceOver can still focus on the elements behind the modal. Is there any other way to keep the focus inside of the ...
matchifang's user avatar
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Buttons within a slider are not called out from Voiceover (a11y)

I have a video with a time bar and markers to reveal points on the timebar to access (checkpoints). I want to be able to have focus on the checkpoint marker and announce it to VoiceOver, but there is ...
kmcgrady's user avatar
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VoiceOver reads accessibility label twice when focusing non-UILabel titleView

I'm encountering a strange issue with VoiceOver. Goals: Set a UIStackView containing multiple UILabel's as my navigationItem.titleView. Mark the stack view as an accessibility element and set its ...
rzulkoski's user avatar
5 votes
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Make VoiceOver say "Swipe Up or Down to Select a Custom Action, then double tap to activate"

I have a UITextView with two different hyperlinks in it. To give the chance to choose between the two links when VoiceOver is on, I did: class MyTextView { override func awakeFromNib() { ...
regina_fallangi's user avatar
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ios voiceover slider double tap and hold, but for custom view

I've created a custom view that acts like a UISlider - there is a "track", and a handle to "grab" to change the value. For particular reasons, I can't just make it a subclass of UISlider. I'm trying ...
Hoopes's user avatar
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24 votes
5 answers

How to accessibly hide table caption element?

Is there any way to accessibly hide a table caption without breaking how screen readers interpret the rest of the table? Hiding a <caption> with typically recommended styles for hiding an ...
Scott Buchanan's user avatar
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How to Implement accessibilityCustomActions for VoiceOver on Mac?

I have a button that responds to various mouse clicks (regular click, right click, control+click, option+click, command+click...) to show different popup menus. Since it would be annoying for ...
chibop's user avatar
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UIAccessibility announcing n of n elements on custom views

When you add a UISegmentedControl to a view, UIAccessibility will focus on it and say: "(Selected) ItemName Button 1 of 2" "ItemName Button 2 of 2" I have a custom control that has UIButtons that ...
barrett's user avatar
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Mobile Accessibility : Focus moves to address bar on radio button, checkbox and button click on IOS 12.1.4 + voice over

After updating IOS version to 12.1.4, focus moves to address bar on radio button click.It's working fine on OS V-12.0.1. Steps: go to ...
Nikhil's user avatar
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How to detect if voice over is on Xamarin Forms

What is the equivalent to UIAccessibilityIsVoiceOverRunning(); in xamarin forms ? I am trying to hide a map if voice over is detected. is this possible? or is there any way to hide any readable ...
Pxaml's user avatar
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iOS VoiceOver "Heading not found"

I have a UITableView where each UITableViewCell has 2 UILabels: 1 header and 1 content. The AccessibilityTrait of the header is set to "header". I'm able to see the trait set correctly when inspecting ...
matchifang's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Under what conditions does VoiceOver automatically switch language in an iOS app

My phone is set to en_us as system language, and I have added Swedish and French to the VoiceOver rotor languages. After adding the languages I find that the VoiceOver/Safari combo automatically ...
Pacificana's user avatar
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IOS Accessibility selected marker not moving

We have invisible UIViews set up and marked as accessible for IOS voiceover. Swiping moves the outline marker from one view to another, yet if we move a view's position using SetFrame, and it is the ...
user3162134's user avatar
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Audio voiceover when iPhone is locked

Solution below I am working on a running app which gives voiceover instruction at the start of each exercise. It works as intended when the device is active but doesn't work when the phone is locked. ...
Steve Hancocks's user avatar
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VoiceOver fails to focus an input (or button) when navigating row wise inside a table

Reproduction of the bug: <table> <thead> <tr> <th><input type="checkbox" aria-label="header checkbox" /></th> ...
Ryan Badour's user avatar
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1 answer

UIPageControl voiceover issue

I have a UIPageControl in my app's onboarding process. Its purpose is not to change pages manually but as an indication of the user's process through the whole onboarding. (There's no swiping gestures ...
invalidArgument's user avatar
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How to make VoiceOver ignore UICollectionViewCell that are not visible

I have a ViewController container with 2 View Controllers inside. Both of those VC's have a UICollectionView inside. (Check video to see UI in action)
Ivan's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Use aria-label on a span

I'm showing product ratings using Unicode star symbols. iOS VoiceOver doesn't read this aloud correctly, so I thought I'd use aria-label on my span to tell screen readers what it means. <span ...
Dan Fabulich's user avatar
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7 votes
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Does Mac VoiceOver limit its functionality on Chrome / Firefox?

I'm doing some accessibility testing on my company's website. I have been doing the majority of the screen reader testing using Mac's VoiceOver tool, paired with Chrome. For the most part, it has ...
Tim Winfred's user avatar
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Screenreaders fail to read out checkbox label on mobile browsers

Been running into some screenreader issues with both Mobile Chrome + TalkBack, as well as Mobile Safari + Voiceover. Thought it might have been my code at first, but encountered the same problems ...
Johnny's user avatar
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Simulate Braille display

We've received reports from users that our app doesn't work correctly in iOS VoiceOver when using a Braille display. I've tested our app on iOS VoiceOver with sound, and it works correctly. Is there ...
Dan Fabulich's user avatar
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Why does VoiceOver read ranges / the word "to" in a weird way?

When I use a range in my web page, for example "4 - 6" or "4 to 6", VoiceOver reads it out as something that sounds like "4 simmul 6" and I don't know why. Originally, I assumed it was something to ...
Chris Worfolk's user avatar
2 votes
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React-Native iOS: How to determine that the Switch Control accessibility feature is enabled?

I have a React-Native application. I made an alternative view for one screen for the case when VoiceOver accessibility feature is enabled. I made this using AccessibilityInfo. But I can't figure out ...
Andriy Trubchanin's user avatar
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iPhone VoiceOver doesn't pronounce text for the arrow

I have this tested page (which might be edited here Unfortunately, when you visit it from iPhone with turned on ...
Haradzieniec's user avatar
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Unable to type in textbox containing inside Iframe in MAc safari with voiceOver

If there is text box inside iframe and user navigates to textbox using standard voice (Mac Safari desktop) over accessibility keys i.e. ctrl+option + right arrow, she is not able to type inside text ...
user1461826's user avatar
7 votes
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VoiceOver capitalized small words are read as abbreviations

I have the following header <h1>ADD MONEY</h1> and it is being read by VoiceOver as a-d-d money whereas if I change the text to lowercase it will read it properly as "add money". Do ...
user10791022's user avatar
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Make VoiceOver announce text pre-10.9

I want VoiceOver to speak some text in an NSTextView that it won't say spontaneously, basically text added programmatically while the view has focus. OS X 10.9 added the ...
Petter Sjölund's user avatar
-1 votes
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IOS Voiceover not read div content

When I using div content for showing under the image or graphic I must closed these visual contents for accessibility options. And I wannat just showed ( voice over speak ) my aria-label content but. ...
Ozan türcan's user avatar
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Focus reverts to text input on first attempt to transfer it to another element; only when VoiceOver is active

Note: This question is specific to desktop/non-touch keyboard navigation on OS X. The question comes from a use case revealed in QA. The issue was not reported for Windows running NVDA or the like. ...
Ito Pizarro's user avatar
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4 votes
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Trap focus with in popup modal only IOS voiceOver

I have clickable link on the parent component which will launch custom modal on top of it. I am having big big issue trapping focus with in the modal only on safari ios VoiceOver. On swiping focus is ...
Arpitha Mamidala's user avatar
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Prevent Voice Over from reading readonly attribute in text input

Is there a way to prevent VoiceOver/TalkBack to read readOnly attribute from a text input using javascript/CSS? <input type="text" readonly> I don't want this readonly attribute to be read on ...
Shubham Chawla's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

VoiceOver reads table header twice and always adds the word "heading"

Here is my code: func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, viewForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> UIView? { return self.setupFriendsHeaderView() } func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, ...
f3dm76's user avatar
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Make an HTML textarea Voice Over readable

<div> <textarea placeholder="Type a message...."> </textarea> </div> How to make this text area readable by the voice over software?
Chinmaya Ranjan Biswal's user avatar
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NSScrollView Accessibility issue in 10.9

I'm writing a macOS app in Objc. I have a NSScrollView with a button A in its documentView ,and a view B have the same super view as my scroll view(NSScrollView). I want to press key board (control ...
王文东's user avatar
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Voice over: Read items of table cell separately - not as a whole

Voice over reads the whole cell (all the items without pauses and a need to select next element), then after each right swipe it reads each of the items again one by one. I can get read of the second ...
f3dm76's user avatar
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