Questions tagged [watin]

WatiN aims to bring you an easy way to automate web testing with Internet Explorer and Firefox using .Net. Since the start of the project in 2005, WatiN has grown into an easy to use, feature rich and stable framework. WatiN is developed in C# and inspired by Watir.

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WatiN cannot find an element by Regex

I have a span on page with the text "Details for item 1 bla-bla-bla". This code works OK: IE.Span(Find.ByText(new Regex("Details for item 1"))).Click(); But this ('I' in upper case) - element not ...
SimonD's user avatar
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Watin times out when using SignalR

We are using Watin extensively for our acceptance-tests, and we are now starting to experience problems when introducing SignalR into our web pages. We are getting timeouts for things like "Button....
Marius's user avatar
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How do I use the FileUploadDialogHandler in watin to access the file upload dialog

I'm using IE8 with watin and am trying to test uploading a file via my webpage. I can't simply set the upload file using the set method like ie.FileUpload(Find.ById("someId")).Set("C:/Desktop/image....
michael's user avatar
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WatiN unreliable for repeated downloads?

WatiN seems to not handle repeated download dialogs consistently: foreach (string file in lstFiles) { // continue if no download link if (!ie.Element([search ...
John Straka's user avatar
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Watin - problems with page redirects

I'am trying out Watind. I am having problems with a Login page og the applciation, which automatically redirects to the main page (without any user intervention). It looks like WatiN has troubles with ...
matra's user avatar
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BDD of UI Components with WatiN and SpecFlow

My question is focused on if my setup is currently following a best practice approach regarding BDD with UI acceptance testing. I'm using WatiN with SpecFlow to build my UI acceptance tests and I'm ...
AngelCabo's user avatar
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Automating the Choose a digital certificate dialog

I am using WatiN ( with C# and Visual Studio 2008 to test a SSL secured website that requires a certificate. When you navigate to the homepage a "Choose a digital certificate" dialog is ...
MoMo's user avatar
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Watin: Search in children of an element

I want to do a "two step" search using Watin. For example I would like to search for a ul-tag having class "abc". Then I would like to search for a certain li-tag inside that element. The code might ...
Achim's user avatar
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Automated testing for Classic ASP

Does anyone do automated QA testing for a Classic ASP site? I started looking at WatIn and MBUnit but not sure of the best way to structer the tests.
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How to access controls in an iframe using WatiN?

I am trying to access a checkbox within an iframe, using WatiN in C#. The documentation suggests using this: var frame = browser.Frame(frameId); However, I have tried that format, like this: var ...
MaxRussell's user avatar
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WatiN: Need to find value contained in a div of SSRS report displayed in browser

I am using WatiN to launch an SSRS report, which gets displayed on a new browser window.I saw the HTML of the report and found that SSRS arranges it in a table. I am interested in fetching the values ...
Akshay J's user avatar
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Calling Javascript in Watin

I am trying to execute some JavaScript using C# eval call. browser.Frames[1].Eval("myFunctionCall(" + Id + ", 1, " + RowNumber + ");"); It cannot seem to find the function as it throws a '...
Johnny Codes's user avatar
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C# WatiN Downloading Files IE9

I am trying to download a File using Watin v2.1 with C# 4.0 in IE9 and I am not having any luck. There are other questions asking the similar question but none of the other answers correctly download ...
buzzzzjay's user avatar
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WatiN: Error when trying to TypeText("WatiN") to Google's search text box

I just recently started looking into WatiN and was following the example from Unfortunately, I am running into an issue where it is claiming that a ...
Jacob Wyatt's user avatar
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Try to get for WatiN for links/browsers

I've recently started to test and use WatiN, and i came across some of problems/errors that i cant really solve. First ill describe what i'm doing with my tests .. I'll go and get all the links in a ...
Alnedru's user avatar
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WatiN "Unable to cast COM object" exception

from time to time, my monitoring application dies for no obvious reason. It seems like "mshtml.HTMLDocument" resource isn't available. Anyone else experienced something similar? Thanks in advance. ...
Bostjan's user avatar
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Has anyone successfully run a WatiN test against FireFox 4?

It looks like the jssh plugin (required to run WatiN) still needs work going by FireFox Bug 586869, to quote: Probably obvious to anyone who ought to be trying to maintain jssh, but, to get it ...
dove's user avatar
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Watin Unit Tests with Nunit Timing problem

Hi i am using WatiN (version with NUnit ( if I have something like [Test] public void WebPageTest() { string url = ""; ...
Ben's user avatar
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C# - Better way than watin to scrape PDF File from a domain using Javascript

I am currently building a little application based on watin that log in into a website and then start going through a serie of URL to download PDF files using Watin. The website uses a lot of ...
Shiruban's user avatar
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WatiN - Content was blocked because it was not signed by a valid security certificate IE9 popup

I'm using watiN to test an ssl site on a test box with an un trusted certificate. As a result I'm getting lots of popups from IE9 which I'm unsure how to handle with watiN. The pink part of the ...
CraftyFella's user avatar
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WatiN hangs on "about:blank" for multiple concurrent IE8 instances

I’m trying to test several web sites using the latest version of WatiN. If a try to run several tests simultaneously, WatiN will eventually throw an exception “Timeout while Internet Explorer busy”. ...
ahazzah's user avatar
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Watin CaptureWebPageToFile() generates black image

I have a console application running on an application server which uses Watin to automate IE navigation. When I use the MakeNewIeInstanceVisible = false property, all the images created are black. ...
Sawyer's user avatar
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WatiN clear browser cache

It seems the ClearCache method doesn't quite work for IE in WatiN. at least, it doesn't work for things you've cached SINCE you've opened the instance. Any suggestions? I tried using ReOpen, but ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Create screenshot of the page with Watin-like tool

I need to create a screenshot of the page by providing a page URL to the command line tool. I found the following application: Convert HTML To Image. This tool is OK but want a more flexible ...
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Uploading File in WatiN

How do I upload a file using WatiN? Is it possible for this file to reside on a web server (as oppose to it being on user's machine)? Code snippet is highly appreciated. Thanks.
StackOverflowNewbie's user avatar
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Attaching WatiN to Firefox

Using WatiN, Im facing some issues with FireFox FF = new FireFox ("");, FireFox always crashes at this point and VS report : Unable to read data from the transport ...
Hassen's user avatar
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Starting ASP.NET Development Web Server (Cassini) as part of unit test setup?

I'm using WatiN, NUnit and ReSharper to run my ASP.NET unit tests inside Visual Studio. I'd like (if it's not already running) to start Cassini to run my tests against. Is this possible? How would I ...
Roger Lipscombe's user avatar
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WatiN error: cannot load

I am working on a new test project with watiN, but always get this error, Could not load file or assembly 'WatiN.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=db7cfd3acb5ad44e' or one of ...
Fred's user avatar
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Having trouble clicking on an element in an automated test

I am currently building a test harness for the company I work at. I have experience both with C# and WatiN and have never encountered the issue I am now having. Below, is a snippet of the markup for ...
Brian's user avatar
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WatiN clicking a button

I'm learning the WatiN API and I got to a problem. I use the WatiN api with the WebBrowser object/control and it work great for most part. im trying to do a search in google with the API but the ...
samy's user avatar
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WatiN: How to check one radio button out of a radio button group

I've been using WatiN in C# for about 2 months now for quick checks for online surveys I develop. I've gotten pretty good with it but I'm still having one issue that I can't find an answer to. I know ...
meatherly's user avatar
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WatiN and .net winforms WebBrowser control - is DialogWatcher possible?

Our target is: Watin-enabled browser testing embedded in a .net winform. Currently, we are using a .net WebBrowser control to embed browser behavior in a winform. We are attaching WatiN to the ...
user526186's user avatar
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Is there a way to prevent WatIn from timing out?

Due to unknown reasons, the time it takes to log onto the application has grown significantly. This wouldn't normally be an issue; however, nothing I do seems to prevent Watin from timing out. After ...
user1706751's user avatar
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Split string by capital letters (excluding hyphenated words)

I am using WatiN to click links in the browser based on the string i pull off the site. The problem is that some of the text it pulls is off of multiple lines, so it combines the string into 1 word. ...
webminer07's user avatar
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How do I get all the <li> elements from within a div using Watin?

I have never used Watin before today. I need to get a collection of 'li' elements that are within a 'div' <div id="myDiv"> <ul> <li>a</li> <li>b</li> ...
Nick's user avatar
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Access denied error ( Visual Studio and WatiN )

I'm using the WatiN testing tool with Visual Studio 2005. When I try to select a value from my list box I am getting an "access denied" error.
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Specflow - Correct way to test grid data

So in my application I have grid with a list of all users registered to site. Now I would like to test it using specflow and WatiN. I came up with following scenario: Scenario: List of users ...
mersadk's user avatar
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WatiN - Support for firefox and chrome

Does anyone know if there is any plan to support latter versions of firefox (> 3.6) by WatiN? As currently i feel it only supports all version of IE. It only supports Firefox 2.x - 3.6 (http://watin....
Guru Kulkarni's user avatar
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Can I configure Watin to leave the browser window open when the test completes?

I've just begun trying out WatiN as part of my testing platform for web projects. For ease of setting up tests and also for allowing some "manual" intervention I'd like to set an option so that the ...
Justin's user avatar
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How to use watin with WebBrowser control?

Is there any way which would allow me to use watin's functionalities from my web browser control? simply i want to use watin with my web browser control i don't want my application to open a new ...
Saad Khan's user avatar
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How to fill a specific input field with WatiN, when multiple inputs have the same "Name"?

I'm using WatiN and C# to fill out a form online but my Search field has the same name as another element. My search field is defined as follows: <input type="text" value="" size="50" name="search"...
Fuzz Evans's user avatar
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Watin Runscript No Wait

In Watin, as we have for button.Click() and button.ClickNoWait() methods. How can we have this for ie.Runscript("Script"). In the script run actually a modal popup is opened, because NoWait or ...
Praveen's user avatar
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how to handle delays when web pages get long to load?

I am doing some unit testing using watin. but the problem is when a web page gets too long to load, the test automation fails because the required element is still not available but the control action ...
Thilina Fonseka's user avatar
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Watin & IE9 - Cant click ok buttons

I'm using Watin to navigate through a large number of different websites, and I'm using the great solution here to automatically click ok on all the javascript and ie boxes that popup. The problem is,...
chris's user avatar
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Are there page checkers in WATIN which execute on each page load?

I am writing automation scripts using WATIR and WATIN. Watir has something called page checkers, which are code snippets that run on each page load. Is there something similar in WATIN ? I want a ...
Mohit's user avatar
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Watin Test works from Visual Studio but not CCNet running as Windows Service

We have a Watin test for a page with a ajax model popup window. The test is trying to open the window, hide it then reshow it. The test runs fine when I run it from Visual Studio or our local build ...
mwissman's user avatar
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Silverlight Automation Similar to Watin

I am considering porting a WPF application to Silverlight. However, the WPF application uses Watin to spawn IE processes and automate certain tasks. My question is if there is a way to automate ...
Null's user avatar
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Improving performance and speed of Watin

We're using Watin for acceptance tests and we find it gets mighty slow once we have Web pages that are more than 100K of HTML source. I've a feeling that some of the speed issues come from iterating ...
Jeremy McGee's user avatar
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Running WatiN tests with ReSharper testrunner

I'm getting started with WatiN to test my web interface. The problem I'm having is the following: When I start the tests from within, I have no problem. If I use the ReSharper test ...
grootjans's user avatar
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How to fail tests by default if a dialog appears in watin

Whenever a dialog appears and there is no attached handler, watin auto closes the dialog. This is helpful when you don't want to add code for different/several simple confirmations the application ...
eglasius's user avatar
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