Questions tagged [web-services]

A "web service" is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over the World Wide Web.

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2 answers

Maximum size of data which can be fetched using web service in Flex

I want to know the size limit of data which can be fetched in case of HTTP/Webservice/RO.
Kishor Kumar's user avatar
4 votes
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401 error code when using Soundcloud API OAuth2

I am creating an iPhone app using the TestApp application that came with the Soundcloud Coca API wrapper download. When I use the key and client id and call back URL there is no problem. I can log ...
Eric Brotto's user avatar
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With Sharepoint 2007, how to update a datasheet from a program?

I writing a tool to automatically update a datasheet on a sharepoint 2007 site. The tool runs on JVM, and seems like 2007 has no REST service support, so can anyone point me to some good resource of ...
andy's user avatar
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Convert serialized instance of C# DataTable to java

I've to get data from web service. But web service request is serialized instance of C# class DataTable. Is there any ability to convert it into any java class? Thanks
stemm's user avatar
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How to publish a Web Service over HTTPS with JAX-WS in an OSGi container?

With Java it is easy to consume a Web Service over HTTPS but how do you publish one? The standard JAX-WS implementation doesn't support it. We tried Jetty but Jetty does not have support for Web ...
musiKk's user avatar
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parsing the response and showing an alert

I am new to android and confused with my web services. I am using the following java code to get the response in log cat. but I tried a lot to parse the data to show the response alert dialouge . but ...
Randroid's user avatar
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Android: Show Dialogs Based on Logcat Response

I am working on web services. I want to show dialog box according to logcat response which come as a single string. How could i parse that single reponse and show the dialog to user. My string ...
Dhaya's user avatar
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can we send sms from cordys c3 to user directly?

the scenario is : If certain transaction is done, then can we send message to the group of users involved in that transaction. Just like sms alert systems in java?? demos or references regarding it ...
user273422's user avatar
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find which server in a web farm the web method got executed?

This question is a consequence of the following question: determining which server (in a web farm) the ajax request came from? The problem is that we commonly use automatically generated ...
deostroll's user avatar
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Cancelling async Webservice (WCF) request doesn't cancel the query execution in sql server?

I am using WCF webservice in ASP.NET application. The webservice gets dataset from database using Fill method of SqlDataAdapter. I observed that it is not cancelling the query (stored procedure) ...
Milind's user avatar
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Android: Parsing webservices response and store in a local variable

In my web services program I am getting the response as a string value to the logcat. the value is 1 if its success and 0 if its failure and -1 if field is empty. I want to Parse my response answer(...
Randroid's user avatar
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Web services for current dollar rate, gold rate and silver rate on my application [closed]

Platform: .NET with C# Windows Application I am looking for a API / Webservice(s) that could fetch me these things The current dollar rate. The current gold rate. The current silver rate.
Prashant Kadam's user avatar
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What is the preferred Restful URI design to distinguish between a collection and singleton resource?

I have a URI structure which is hierarchical for a particular data set: /Blackboard/Requirement/{reqID}/Risk/{riskId}/MitigationPlan/{planId} If the url is split at various IDs you can get that ...
PhD's user avatar
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hibernate class not found exception

before reading my problem this work in a normal dynamic web project i create a web service like this methode: using CFX 2.4 and with the 2.5 dynamic web ...
David's user avatar
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Soap Action not parsed as expected

For some reason, if I try: response = client.request 'Security_Authenticate' do It doesn't work, the response returns any random fault message. However, if I specify the SOAP Action URL: response =...
content01's user avatar
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NetDispatcherFaultException error when returning escaped xml

I have a soap web service where the response body contains some escaped xml. So in the body of the response I have : <soap:Body> <GetServiceResponse xmlns=""> ...
JD.'s user avatar
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2 answers

how to parsing .net Dataset returned by web service to android

i have a dataset returned by .net webservice and i want to parse this and obtain any object (array, list, hashtable... any, i don't mind) to work on android Dataset contains 19 tables with multiple ...
thenosic's user avatar
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How to specify BasicHttpBinding with Savon (RoR)

Im getting this error: (a:6016) The message with Action 'xxx' cannot be processed at the receiver, due to a ContractFilter mismatch at the EndpointDispatcher. This may be because of either ...
content01's user avatar
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hibernate with web service

before reading my problem this work in a normal dynamic web project i create a web service like this methode: using CFX 2.4 and with the 2.5 dynamic web ...
David's user avatar
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Savon fault response in SOAP Reques: "The message with Action 'x' cannot be processed at the receiver..."

I'm using Savon for a Web Service Client implementation. However, I get this message: (a:ActionNotSupported) The message with Action 'SearchCars' cannot be processed at the receiver, due to a ...
content01's user avatar
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Transaction scope not working for Second transaction?

In my application transaction scope is not working for second transaction..It is working fine for first transaction means if an exception is thrown first transactions got rollback but the second one ...
bala3569's user avatar
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Passing Kerberos Credentials from Web Service to WCF Service

A system I'm working on has a web service which calls a WCF service. The request to the web service is received with the user's Kerberos credentials and we want to call the WCF service using these ...
Shay Friedman's user avatar
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4 answers

Best way to handle a WCF timeout

I have a real time app that tracks assets around a number of sites across the country. As part of this solution I have 8 client apps that update a central server. My question is that sometimes the ...
Jon Jones's user avatar
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How do I completely control ASP.NET WCF return output?

I have an ASP.NET WCF .svc interface which is accepting a POSTed form. I cannot control the POSTing client at all (which happens to be the IBM Lotus Forms Viewer application), but its behavior is ...
Scott Stafford's user avatar
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Creating a web service in C#

I have sybase stored procedures that I have written which we use in our c# application and all is working well. Now I am trying to use an IPAD and be able to call those stored procedures. From what ...
Saro Khatchatourian's user avatar
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Web service instance creation

Is web service instance creates for every request? Can I declare field in web service and be sure, that it will not be intersected for different users?
Sergey Metlov's user avatar
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problem hibernate in web service

before reading my problem this work in a normal dynamic web project i create a web service like this methode: using CFX 2.4 and with the 2.5 dynamic web ...
Dilllllo's user avatar
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4 answers

when web services should be used?

I have a web based enterprise application. One problem we are facing is that the backend is tightly coupled with our front end. Now we want to come up with mobile apps plus a desktop client for our ...
Mohit Jain's user avatar
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how to deploy web application and web service in glassfish server

I want to deploy web application and web service in a glassfish server . How can I do it? can I deploy two applications on different port? I can't combine the web application and RESTful web service. ...
sudo's user avatar
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What is the best way to send xml data to a web service rather than using CDATA?

I have a web service that takes a single string parameter. In my case I need to send a string which is an xml document where one of its elements contains an xml fragment (which I will use to create a ...
JD.'s user avatar
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Change soap address in web service made in Netbeans, made from java class

I am new in creating webservice with Netbeans. I have successfully created a web service on localhost, and the wsdl soap address is: http://localhost:8084/DemoWeb/MyWebService The class (MyWebService)...
Daniel's user avatar
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Android: Same response in Toast for async task onpostexecute()

I am deling with web services and I got a problem with my Toast in onpostexecute() method. I am trying to show the toast according to the logcat response.resultsRequestSOAP is a string value I am ...
Raj's user avatar
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Android: Retrieving Password via registered Email on My Server

i am working on retrieving password to the user when he submits his mail id that he registered on my server. I need to check whether he entered correct registered id and give him response by sending ...
Raghavan'G''s user avatar
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How to separate these two processes?

I have an website that stores events inside a database table. Then I have a windows service app that reads those events and performs appropriate actions. Currently its possible for the two ...
Roman's user avatar
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Is it possible for Spring RESTful services to privde a WADL or something similar?

Situation: We are planning to build a set of new services a long side a set of old SOAP (Spring, apache CXF) web services. Our customers are used to being able to use ?wsdl to get a wsdl describing a ...
drekka's user avatar
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Error when executing web service client

I was trying the example in JavaBoutique tutorial and I get this error message when try to execute the web service client: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache....
Iso's user avatar
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Consuming Multiple .NET Web Services from Javascript in Parallel

I have two ASMX web services consumed from javascript. The first service performs a long operation and updates a database table on its progress. The second service polls that same database table in ...
Adam's user avatar
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Best Practice for Storing and Updating External API Passwords

I have a ASP.Net C# application that needs to connect to an external API using WebServices every 5 minutes. The requirements of the External Webservice are as follows: Username and Password are ...
Jon's user avatar
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Question about distributed database system

I am currently creating a site(php,css,html,ajax,MySql) which will have heavy user usage of space(regarding data). These data are quite essential and the can NOT be lost, it is really essential. I am ...
MayTheSchwartzBeWithYou's user avatar
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C# Web service client Thread was being aborted

in this opportunity i'm facing a very weird problem when try to call a web service method multiples times. for some reason after several invokes i get the following exception. Thread was being aborted ...
rfders's user avatar
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Email Parsing Cloud Service [closed]

I was looking for a cloud email service that offered the following: Garauntee deliveribility of emails Have the ability to parse an email and post accordingly to a HTTP endpoint I swear I had seen ...
Khalid Abuhakmeh's user avatar
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ASMX Javascript proxy using different host headers

I am using an ASMX service in my app and would like it to point to a particular web service URL. I have defined it as below: string serviceUrl = SPContext.Current.Web.Url + "/_vti_bin/MyService.asmx"...
Moon's user avatar
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Best practice of consuming remote web services reliably in ColdFusion?

How should one carry out web services call in ColdFusion reliably? How do you handle situations like the remote server is down / busy? and lead to page timeout? How to implement retry every x ...
Henry's user avatar
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Consuming a Web Service from a Class Library

Using Visual Studio I have a Class Library (C#) where I added a reference to a Service (more preciselly a Web Service). The Web Service classes and interfaces where generated correctly, and I am ...
RedEagle's user avatar
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@WebService Annotation not working on Weblogic 10.3

I have the class below embedded in an EAR file i have deployed to Weblogic 10.3. I thought that it was all i needed in order to have the Web Service become available for use. In the console - when ...
Neo's user avatar
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Best way to secure a PHP web service / relevant connection data?

So I am currently building an application that uses PHP as a web service which subsequently talks to the database in which I store my data. I have chosen to take this route because I am going to have ...
MoarCodePlz's user avatar
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1k views Custom error page redirect fails when error occurs in webservice?

We have custom error page for a webservice. The custom error page is displayed properly in test environment. The same fails in production environment, a 'Runtime Error' page displays showing how to ...
Pradeep's user avatar
9 votes
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Creating a basic web services in php

I want to find how to create a simple web service using PHP. I am new to web service. Is there any tutorial so I can learn it from the start. Thanks all. I want to host this webservice so I can use ...
sandy's user avatar
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webservice availability check in android

What should be the factors considered while checking if webservice is available or running in android? FYI I am using HTTPGet object to send a request. I am currently checking only timeout exceptions. ...
nilMoBile's user avatar
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4k views Unexpected end of file from server

We are developing an application for an academic course of software architecture and we must use Java EE to implement that. Essentially we have to implement a distributed Hearts game(you know the ...
Tappof's user avatar
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