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WebKit.Net is an open source project that provides a WebKit-based browser control for WinForms applications.
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3 votes
7 answers

Opening local files in Webkit .NET

A simple WebKitBrowser1.Navigate(localfilehere) doesn't work for some reason. I tried adding "file://" to the URL but that didn't work either. This seems ridiculous but is this functionality really ...
Shawn's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

WebKit.Net and OpenWebKitSharp Error: Failed to initialize activation context

I am using both/either WebKit.Net and OpenWebKitSharp. However, as soon as I try to instantiate the WebKitBrowser, I get an error: Failed to initialize activation context Does anybody know what this ...
carlbenson's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Webkitdotnet unable to load https site

I am using this webkitdotnet in my C# project. It all went well until I had to use access site with https. I've searched their forum and found few posts about this but none of it solves my problem, ...
Nikola's user avatar
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2k views opening new tabs and windows

I can easily do this by using's context menu: private void browser1_NewWindowRequest(object sender, WebKit.NewWindowRequestEventArgs e) { ((Form1)MdiParent).AddTab(e.Url.ToString()); } ...
user2319683's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Get HTTP headers on WebKit.NET

I've been trying to figure out how to handle 401 responses on WebKit.NET and show an authentication box so that user can enter his credentials and then send them back to the server. This guy figured ...
Juan's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

Is there a way to run c# forms application without showing a gui window (like a console application)

Is there a way to run c# forms application without showing a gui window (like a console application). I'm trying to take screen shorts of webpages loaded into a control. Everything works ...
ivymike's user avatar
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