Questions tagged [webmatrix]

Microsoft WebMatrix consists of a basic IDE bundled with a simple but powerful SQL database and a lightweight web server. WebMatrix is no longer recommended as an integrated development environment for ASP.NET Web Pages. Use Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code.

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WebMatrix razor C# WebSecurity Logging in but Web.Security.IsAuthenticated not returning right check

I have a quick question. In my code, I have this: if(!(username.IsEmpty() || password.IsEmpty())) { if (WebSecurity.UserExists(username) && WebSecurity....
VoidKing's user avatar
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WebSecurity and long IDs

I'm looking to use the long datatype (bigint) for various id values in a system and the current implementation for the WebSecurity class makes the assumption that the UserId is an int (smallint). I'm ...
Jammer's user avatar
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WebMatrix SQL injection & XSS concerns after paramaterizing queries

I have a simple question that concerns security in WebMatrix razor (C#) I (for a very brief period of time) considered using character checking to help validate forms to combat SQL injection, however,...
VoidKing's user avatar
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Can I use Html.Raw to set up a one letter code for card suits?

This is my cshtml file in WebMatrix (Razor syntax). Is there some way to output the suit symbols using something really short like @S? That is, I want to reduce @Html.Raw(S) to @S. Can it be done ...
soupman55's user avatar
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Linq to SQL for WebMatrix (Web Pages)

I'm wondering if I can use Linq to SQL in my webmatrix-based sites (C#/Razor etc). I love database searching and stuff and it would be awesome if I could use Linq to SQL for that - or at the least, ...
shane's user avatar
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There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 52,Token in error = ) ]

While trying to insert data to my SQl db i get the following error System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException: There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 52,Token in ...
mhcodner's user avatar
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Render html from sql - webmatrix

I'm using cshtml pages with webmatrix, i'm trying to render the html that is stored in my db, but the output is like <b>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. </b> ...
Nibbler's user avatar
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Loop through an HTML table using Razor/C# to get the data in each <tr>

I have an HTML table that can dynamically have rows added or removed via Javascript. Each row has some inputs that need to be sent to my SQLCompact database via Razor/C# in WebMatrix. For example: ...
cvdellen's user avatar
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Web Deploy 3.5 Install Error - #2738

I'm attempting to create a custom WordPress theme using MS WebMatrix and am encountering the following error when trying to install the WP app: Error 2738: Could not access VBScript runtime for ...
wahwahwah's user avatar
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Order by entry in separate table in Webmatrix

I'm trying to do something in my new Webmatrix site, and I'm not sure it is possible. I have the following 2 tables in my database. Property PropertyID, PropertyName, Primary_Image Images ...
Gavin5511's user avatar
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Creating Webservice with webmatrix

this time i learn how to create webservice with webmatrix. I try learn from this link :
yozawiratama's user avatar
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Webmatrix - Update input value from querystring

i have a super quick question for you that i would imagine you could answer quickly. I have a search page on the web site that i'm building, that uses querystring parameters to change the search ...
Gavin5511's user avatar
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Webmatrix - URL rewrite module

Does anyone have any experience with creating URL rewrites in Webmatrix? Because it uses IIS Express instead of IIS 7, there's nowhere for me to create these rules. I am deploying to IIS 7 on my ...
Gavin5511's user avatar
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How can I debug Classic ASP in WebMatrix?

I'm working with Classic ASP web Application hosted in WebMatrix. Is there a way to debug a website hosted in WebMatrix ?
Smaug's user avatar
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What using directive can I implement in my .cs file that will let me use the "WebPageExecutingBase.Href()" Method?

I have a .cs file that generates HTML. Within it, I would like to make this code a little more fool proof by using the WebPageExecutingBase.Href() method, which I have done in many cshtml files before ...
VoidKing's user avatar
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10k views Razor - Sending email from a website using GMail SMTP

(FOR FINISHED RESULT GO TO EDIT/EDIT AT BOTTOM) As the title states I am trying to send an email from a website using GMail SMTP as described in the tutorial here:
DaniB's user avatar
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Unable to successfully save umbraco content changes

Has anyone come across the problem whereby Umbraco says content changes have been saved successfully, you close everything down (including webmatrix), only to go back in and find that the changes have ...
err1's user avatar
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What is meaning of multiply a table to self and get one field?

This is the Source code of WebMatrix.WebData.SimpleMembershipProvider.GetHashedPassword: private string GetHashedPassword(IDatabase db, int userId) { var pwdQuery = db....
Vahid Mehrabi's user avatar
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Why does Visual Studio rename my project?

A project I started in WebMatrix I go back-and-forth with - some things are easier to do in WebMatrix, but in general I'm more comfortable in VS, so... anyway, when I opened it in VS for the first ...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
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How to assign values to IEnumerable<dynamic>

I have the following code: var db = Database.Open("Text"); var headers = db.Query("SELECT * FROM Headers"); //headers is now an IEnumerable<dynamic> string s = headers[0].Text; // Works ...
Philipp Gfeller's user avatar
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How to manually install umbraco on webhosting?

How to manually install umbraco on webhosting? I purchased web hosting through arvixe, which provide umbraco installation (one time free, and charge for any additional upgrades like ...
Iwebmakers Web's user avatar
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Webmatrix/Razor SQL query - Websecurity variable

I am trying to write a query to show all records owned by the current logged on user but i am having issues inserting the "userid" variable into the string? @{ Layout = "~/_template1.cshtml"; var db =...
Gavin5511's user avatar
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WebMatrix - Create controller for CSHTML page

I'm working on a website with WebMatrix. I recently asked a question about fetching data from a database. When I had tried writing the data logic within my CSHTML page, I was quickly told that I was ...
Brandon Miller's user avatar
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Error when dividing results from SQL

I have a problem with a SQL query that I don'tr understand: I am using WebMatrix with razor syntax. I want to query my stock table and find how many of my top movers are in stock, as a percentage. In ...
Bevan's user avatar
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Form posts unwanted commas to database

Using in Webmatrix I created a drop menu where you select a state, and then based on that choice there is another drop menu for the user to select a region within that state. The problem I am ...
Ben's user avatar
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RenderPage() with umlaut

I'm developping a webpage with WebMatrix C# (Razor). I have a _SiteLayout.cshtml containing the layout and everything, a index.cshtml with the start page content and a set of .cshtml files with ...
Philipp Gfeller's user avatar
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WebMatrix Session variables not working

due to an oversight on my part (still new to AppState and Session variables) I have to change all of my AppStates to Session variables. WebMatrix's replace has made that part easy, however I am now ...
VoidKing's user avatar
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I have this error CS1001 (C#) and CS1026 ..But do not know how tosolve it

i got this error: Compiler Error Message: CS1001: Identifier expected from this set of code: var reqcategory=""; foreach(Request["category"] as reqcategory) { var sql5 = "...
Panda's user avatar
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ASP.NET - razor static variable life span?

I have three .cshtml created using WebMatrix: MyClass.cshtml located at App_Code: @functions { public static string x; public static void setX() { x = "some data"; } } ...
kazinix's user avatar
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Is webmatrix appropriate for a "private" web app?

I would like to build a web interface for an app I build for a client. The app itself is made with Access for the front-end, and SQL Server for the database. The idea is to allow them to check the ...
iDevlop's user avatar
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3 answers

jQueryMobile Datebox won't take a default date value - tried everything

I am trying to open a jQueryMobile datebox in a dialog mode. I am trying to set the datebox to a default value but it just won't take it for some reason. Here is my code: <!DOCTYPE html> <...
user1142216's user avatar
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What's the point of WebMatrix? [closed]

I'm not trying to be mean or imply that there isn't a point. I'm just wondering what the point of WebMatrix is, exactly? I see that it is trying to lower the barriers to entry to programming MS ...
rsteckly's user avatar
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How do I get a single json value using Webmatrix / razor?

I am trying to grab just a single value from some json and am using Chrome's javascript console to try and debug it. I have tried Request["id"], and Request.Params["id"] and it doesn't grab anything. ...
cpeele00's user avatar
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Webmatrix: passing ModelState to partial page

I am building a WebPages site and have an issue when I try to pass ModelState data to a partial page. Here is the code for Create.cshtml: @{ Page.Title = "Create Fund"; var name = ""; ...
Patas's user avatar
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Razor View - Troubles with section

I just got some error that I don't expected to see... To be clear, I'll show working code and code with error: This is working _MainLayout.cshtml <div id="content"> <h1>@Page....
RAMe0's user avatar
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Using WebMatrix.Data in Visual Studio with the facebook helpers

I installed the facebook helper package in my Visual Studio 2010 MVC project. Using it currently breaks my site because it can't find the classes it uses from the WebMatrix.Data and WebMatrix.WebData ...
Syg's user avatar
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Why do I get an SQL parsing error when I use parameters?

I'm working on a database application in Webmatrix. I have a cshtml file which is supposed to update a record in the database. Everything works correctly if I use string concatenation for the SQL ...
Lemniscate's user avatar
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Using wildcards when mapping routes with MapWebPageRoute

In an ASP.NET Web Pages project (not Web Forms, not MVC) I am using Mike Brind's More Flexible Routing For ASP.NET Web Pages. I want to create a route that picks ups any number of route elements but ...
johna's user avatar
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OAuth.dll using higher version than referenced assembly of and webmatrix.webdata

I am getting this error: Assembly 'Microsoft.Web.WebPages.OAuth, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' uses 'WebMatrix.WebData, Version=, Culture=neutral, ...
neo's user avatar
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Recently Viewed Cookie

I'm trying to create a cookie that stores a list of properties that a user views. I have created a test, and it works in part. Currently, each time i visit a page, it pulls the property ID from the ...
Gavin5511's user avatar
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Ensure page is served in HTTPS in WebMatrix

How do I ensure a page in my site is ALWAYS served securely? I've been doing some investigation, and it looks like I can use the following class: HttpContext.Current.Request.IsSecureConnection; ...
Gavin5511's user avatar
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webmatrix - sql query relationship

I have two tables in my database, one with info on properties in my database, and one with all the images for those properties. The table layout looks like this. Property Table: PropertyID, ...
Gavin5511's user avatar
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WebMatrix - Server.MapPath issues

I am having an issue with the server.mappath method. My current code is: var imageroot = Server.MapPath("~/Images/Property/"); var foldername = rPropertyId.ToString(); var path = Path....
Gavin5511's user avatar
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WebMatrix - Inner Join and Foreach loop

i'm trying to do something which i see a lot, but im having trouble working out the best way to do it. I have the following query: "SELECT * FROM Property_Info INNER JOIN RateInfo ON Property_Info....
Gavin5511's user avatar
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Webmatrix - List item as a search term?

I have a search page, and i am trying to pull search terms from a query string, and search some text for that term using the LIKE SQl command. here's the code: string searchTerm = ""; List<string&...
Gavin5511's user avatar
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How can I resolve GIT conflicts in Webmatrix 3?

I'm using Webmatrix3 and GIT on a project with another developer. Now we have a conflict on a file. I've resolved it, but I can't find a command in Webmatrix GUI to let GIT accept my resolved version ...
kiks73's user avatar
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Basic questions regarding the use of Webmatrix and AJAX

I have been experimenting and researching the use of Webmatrix with AJAX for the last few days and unfortunately I can't seem to find enough information to help me get my project to work. I'm hoping ...
chuls's user avatar
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Sum of a column in Webmatrix

I have searched for too many hours. Calculate TotalAmount from all Rows in Table was as close as I could find but could not get it to work. I have a table called "ServiceEntered" and I need the SUM ...
James's user avatar
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Best platform for developing website visual web express 2010 or webmatrix [closed]

I am fluent in Classic ASP, VB Script, SQL and have always used MS Access in my small scale websites. I am not a developer by trade, but have always done my own websites to sell the products I made. I ...
Steve's user avatar
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How can I use the minimal amount of Twitter Bootstrap to get the fluid benefits?

I want my sites to work well on all form factors (phones, tablets, desktop/laptops) and orientations (vertical and horizontal). Twitter Bootstrap's "fluid" example seems great for this. I have to say ...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar

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