Questions tagged [windows-controls]

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Why the superclass'es OnPaint() method is called on pressing button?

I'm trying to implement the OnPaint() method in the subclass of the CButton MFC class. class CImageButton : public CButton public: using CButton::CButton; protected: afx_msg void OnPaint(); ...
Serge Roussak's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

TreeView Control will leak normal ImageList but ListView control doesn't?

I was using task manager to watch my dynamically created controls and found each time I'd create a TreeView with an ImageList, the GDI objects count would increase by 4 each time I destroyed the tree ...
user3161924's user avatar
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I was looking at BCM_SETIMAGELIST but it's not clear who is supposed to destroy the HIMAGELIST? If the one who created it, could WM_NCDESTROY be used to simple BCM_GETIMAGELIST and destroy it or ...
user3161924's user avatar
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AxMSTSCLib display disappear in taskbar after minimize from full-screen mode

I am using AxMSTSCLib to develop a Windows App for creating RDP connections. The steps listed below caused my remote desktop display disappear: Start an RDP connection with full-screen mode Click &...
Corey's user avatar
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Need to maintained a resized value of datagridview column after closing form /open it again

Need to set a resized value by user of datagridview column such that after closing form on which datagridview control present & open it again so the resized value of column should be the same as ...
Stack's user avatar
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"no records available" text disappears when new window pops up

I am using Telerik WinForms UI controls, Version - "2016.2.503.40" (Telerik.WinControls). Facing a weird issue with GridView control version - "2016.2.503.40" (Telerik.WinControls.GridView) When ...
user2147315's user avatar
0 votes
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Windows form Button appearance is getting changed while running application

I am working on a Windows form Application, came up with some weird behavior. The appearance of all the buttons in the form are getting changed when running the application using Visual Studio. For ...
user2147315's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to override button properies in C#(font, height, width, backcolor)

How to Override my controls using C#? Need to set button property like Font(Name => Segoe UI, style => Regular, size => 10), height => 50px, width => 250px, back color => green ...
Mohankumar Somasundaram's user avatar
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AutoScale Factor is not updating properly when we switch the scaling

Issue: Edge of the control is clipped off when swtich scaling. Windows OS:10 Im using Usercontrol which is inherited from Control in DpiAware Enabled application, I need to scale the control ...
Magesh Maggi's user avatar
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What is name of this control?

What is this control in picture in C# .Net? As I remember It was used in Windows XP environment however I don't know the name of this control.
VSB's user avatar
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How do you process the WM_COMPAREITEM message for a Combo Box?

I primarily come from a .NET background, but there is one small task that I have to accomplish for a Windows Control, specifically a ComboBox. I understand that the CBS_SORT message is needed for the ...
C. Tewalt's user avatar
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Switch focus to a different tab in a pivot control in c#

Is it possible to switch focus between tabs with code in a Pivot control in a c# uwp app? I tried using Pivot.SelectedIndex = 1; but that does not do the trick. Is it not possible or am I just doing ...
user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

How to obtain the value of a control added dynamically into Windows Form c#?

I read some articles and don't managed solved my problem, My problem is in the moment when I try obtain the value of the controls (CheckBox and ComboBox) added dynamically into Windows Form, I need ...
Fernando Bernal's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

control method of worksheet is not available

I've encountered an odd problem in proggramming add-in for excel; i wanna add controls in excel, i used this code inspiring private void ...
Technovation's user avatar
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Find position of mouse relative to control, rather than screen

I have a Picture Box called BGImage. I hope that when the user clicks on this I can capture the position of the mouse relative to BGImage. I've tried using MousePosition, only to find it gives the ...
08robertsj's user avatar
1 vote
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Folder Browser Dialog Component not showing folders list in windows forms

I have a C# library containing form in which i am using Folder Browser Dialog Component to get the folder path. Form is shown during installation of my application using Custom Installer. When click ...
user3065217's user avatar
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Getting ON_NOTIFY_RANGE to work with CSliderCtrl

I have an array of CSliderCtrl's in my windows form that I need to receive notifications from. I am using the ON_NOTIFY_RANGE declaration to map the slider updates to the appropriate handler. My ...
Ian's user avatar
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Win Phone System.Windows.Controls.Control not found

I'm developing a universal windows 8.1 app, though I'm primarily working on the windows phone version. System.Controls.control should work for windows phone, but whenever I add System.Windows....
user2015125's user avatar
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C++ - Create dialog box containing buttons and static text on click

so this project follows my last question. I implemented the buttons and found out how to render events when they are clicked, this question is a next-step for me that I am struggling with. Utilizing ...
user3251225's user avatar
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Win32 Edit Control Caret Placement Offset

I gave an English explanation of my problem below but it is a visual issue so if you don't want to read it all just look at the picture at the bottom). I'm working on building a reverse polish ...
user3010974's user avatar
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Wpf Event in XAML cannot get the right focus on button

I try to make the button move when I press an arrow key on the keyboard. But what I get is that I always need to press the button with mouse to get the right focus first, and then I can move it with ...
Pengda Wu's user avatar
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Forcing IAutoComplete to refresh dataset?

I'm implementing a custom IEnumString to be used as a dataset for an IAutoComplete2 object. The problem is that IAutoComplete2 appears to only call reset on my IEnumString when the first character is ...
monoceres's user avatar
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Converting ActiveX controls into windows form controls

I have an excel sheet with activeX controls. Since ActiveX controls do not function from outside of trusted locations in versions MS Office 2007 and higher, I am supposed to convert the controls into ...
user1175126's user avatar
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Setting ControlID to be used for AutoIT

I am trying to do some automated functional testing for a windows app and I just got my hands on AutoIT. Looks like most (if not all) standard windows applications have a Control ID set. Unfortunately,...
MobileTester's user avatar
12 votes
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Win32 - Appending text to an Edit Control

Trying to append text to an edit control inside a dialog box. I can't get _tcscat_s to append correctly. It crashes and says something about the buffer being too small or something about a null ...
ShrimpCrackers's user avatar
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How to get text from a windows control's textbox? and how do I know it's a textbox?

I've used spy++ to find the right handle of the wanted windows control, which belongs to a standalone application which isn't managed. Note that the spy++ "property inspector" mentions that this ...
Bar's user avatar
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How do I change the style of a tab control after it has been created?

I have a Windows form (not a WPF form) that contains a tab control from CommCtrl.h. According to the documentation, I should be able to change the "style" to TCS_BUTTONS after the control has been ...
Jason 'Bug' Fenter's user avatar
5 votes
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How to enable a WinForm button in time to receive focus by tabbing

Visual Studio 2010, C# I have a ComboBox with a DropDown, AutoComplete set to SuggestAppend and the AutoCompleteSource is from the ListItems. The user keys data into it until the have the correct ...
Rich Shealer's user avatar
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Cursor within bounds of a control

public void TapeMeasure(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (TrussManager.Truss != null) { Point containerPoint = trussEditor.PointToClient(Cursor.Position); if (!trussEditor....
jth41's user avatar
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The documentation for WM_NOTIFY is easy enough to find, however I'm finding a fair amount of sample code and articles that refer to WM_REFLECT_NOTIFY, for which I can't find any documentation. What ...
Justin's user avatar
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How to make CDateTimeCtrl have a string as default value?

I am using MFC CDateTimeCtrl in VS2010. It seems it always has a datetime value showed, default one is today. I want sort of customizing it. Would it be possible that to make it show a string say "no ...
Rob Lao's user avatar
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ComboBox with CheckBoxes in WinForms [closed]

I am trying to implement a CheckBox ComboBox. I followed this link as a reference ...
user781700's user avatar
7 votes
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Are Windows window classes case-sensitive?

MS docs being clear as mud (and the class name strings not referenced very often), I was wondering whether the class name of a Win32 window class is actually case sensitive?
Martin Ba's user avatar
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How to detect if the console does support ANSI escape codes in Python?

In order to detect if console, correctly sys.stderr or sys.stdout, I was doing the following test: if hasattr(sys.stderr, "isatty") and sys.stderr.isatty(): if platform.system()=='Windows': ...
sorin's user avatar
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12 votes
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Flowlayout and Tablelayout in windows form

What is the difference between Flowlayout and Tablelayout in windows form ? I know i can google it, but i am bit short on time. my requirement is too , that when the form is resized. Resizing for ...
Gainster's user avatar
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TreeListView control

I need to implement TreeList control same as in Process Explorer. I am quite newbie in GUI and did not write such complicated controls. As I see in Process Explorer, there is a TreeListWindowClass, ...
ToughDev's user avatar
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SetScrollRange Function

I've read about SetScrollRange but still didn't get what the range (min, max) is in scrollbar. I've set the rich edit control's vertical scroll bar range to (0, 100) SetScrollRange(...
Jack's user avatar
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Synchronized Scrolling Components Delphi

I am trying to synchronize the scrolling of two TDBGrid components in a VCL Forms application, I am having difficulties intercepting the WndProc of each grid component without some stack issues. I ...
wfoster's user avatar
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Rich Edit control: Prevent immediate repainting/updating?

I'm trying to replace some text in a range in a rich edit control. The two line way to do it is by sending a EM_EXSETSEL followed by a EM_REPLACESEL. However, this causes an annoying flickering when ...
Nick Heiner's user avatar