Questions tagged [windows-phone-7.1]

Windows Phone 7.1 is the version number of the OS and developer SDK for Windows Phone "Codename Mango". Phones running this operating system are marketed as being "Windows Phone 7.5".

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windows phone 8 longlistselector selectmore adding more

i am following the sample in the phonetoolkit longlistselector and msdn. I am trying to add the showmore functionality to my application page. Typically like in longlistselector i have authors ...
maztt's user avatar
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Text in PhoneTextBox disappears

What can I do in the following situation? I have a simple page. In code behind I add PhoneTextBox control for some filtering of a data. But sometimes (frequently) when I try to write something, I see,...
Oleg Koposov's user avatar
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WP 7.1 show route from coordinates on map

I want to be able to display a route on a map, using a list of GeoCoordinates i already have. I have looked at Microsoft.Phone.Maps.Controls, but it doesn't seem to work on WP 7.1. Instead using ...
stefan's user avatar
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How to display all the Listpicker options, although placed at bottom of the page?

ListPicker working good if i placed it in the middle of the page. But as per my requirement i need to place it at the bottom of the page. So when i do it is showing only one option, and the rest are ...
Radhakrishna's user avatar
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Using `GZipSteram` and `HttpWebRequest` in Windows Phone context

I have this piece of code which works fine in WindowsForm application, but I need to re use the exact (or something similar) code in Windows Phone 7.1 application. HttpWebRequest req = (...
Dumbo's user avatar
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vertical scroll bar is not visible in windows phone while using phone:webBrowser?

<ScrollViewer> <phone:WebBrowser ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" x:Name="browser" IsScriptEnabled="True" /> </ScrollViewer> I was initialized webBrowser ...
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TLS on Windows Phone 7 - send client certificate in Bouncy Castle

I have problem with sending client certificate to server on Window Phone 7 by using Bouncy Castle. I created my own TlsAuthentication and TlsCredential class inherited from interfaces. But in method ...
Artur J.'s user avatar
4 votes
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Can't use DataContractSerializer - assembly mismatch?

I'm trying to use the DataContractSerializer to save some data in the IsolatedStorage, however I've met some unexpected problems. After adding the serializer to the code, I get the following errors ...
Kanadaj's user avatar
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Auto Black dark space on top in windows phone?

I was developing an app for windows phone OS 7. I was running my app in Emulator VGA (which has the resolution of 480*800), no problem runs perfectly. But, if i run my app in Emulator 720P or VXGA (...
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How to separate the files from Google Drive in the Response only using Rest API

Hi I'M new to windows phone Application development i'm working on how to get access the files from google drive using rest api i got the response in the response i got all the information like .pdf,...
WinitWindowsPhone's user avatar
-1 votes
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foreground color not getting applied first time in radio button in windows phone 7, if radio button is disabled

Foreground color not getting applied first time in radio button in windows phone 7, if radio button is disabled. Here is my code- RadioButton1.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, ...
Krishan's user avatar
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Do I need to add tile images to my Windows Phone 7.1 in order to target Windows Phone 8?

I have a Windows Phone app that targets OS 7.1 and I wish to be available for Windows Phone 8 devices as well. As I understand it I needn't do anything code-wise to make this possible. However, must I ...
Christian's user avatar
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how to store and use application wide object windows phone 7/8?

I have an object which i am using almost all windows phone pages, currently i am using via PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["xx"] = m_xx; NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/abc.xaml", UriKind....
Krishan's user avatar
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Image from Byte Array not showing

I have an application that takes photos, converts them into byte arrays and saves them locally in the Isolated Storage. It then reads them out and converts them back into an BitmapImage. However, I ...
Seige's user avatar
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ListBox items TextBlock changes based on condition

I am getting data in JSON and storing in List by List<Product> rootObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Product>>(e.Result); and after that, I am displaying data in ListBox ...
user1629977's user avatar
3 votes
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WP8 Emulator is not displaying contents of map

i am developing a windows phone 8 app, i have placed a map control on the xaml page, while running it in emulator only a blue square box displays in place of map. Output screen :
Kuldeep's user avatar
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WP 7.1 app shows thich Black header while running in WP8 emulator

i have developed an windows phone app in WP7.1, while running in WP8.0 it is showing a thick black top border, here is my code <phone:PhoneApplicationPage x:Class="MapTestApp7.MainPage" ...
Kuldeep's user avatar
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Modify pivot item font size and font family

I am developing one windows phone app. I have added style to Pivot Item. <phone:PhoneApplicationPage.Resources> <Style TargetType="phone:Pivot"> <Setter Property="Margin" ...
Ajay's user avatar
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PropertyChanged is always null on wp7.1 but works fine on wp8

Disclaimer: There are a lot of questions here about PropertyChanged event which is always null and I've read most of them. But I'm posting another one (and probably different from others). I have ...
Mar's user avatar
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Windows Phone 7.1 Two Way Binding doesn't seem to work

First of all I feel really bad to ask this but I hope you can help me. I have a windows phone 7.1 one application with a progressbar. I would like to bind the progressbar TwoWay mode but I have tried ...
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Predicates in Windows Phone 7

I have ran into this problem, i have a WP8 application, and i want to support WP7, so i'm Copy/Pasting the code, and have noticed that: Predicate<Contact> contactFinder = (Contact p) => { ...
Developer's user avatar
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Build "Boghe" SIP Client Library in Windows phone 8

I am implementing SIP (voip) in Windows phone 8. So i got a library Boghe by . I opened project by click on boghe-wp8.sln but i got error:- ...
user2160008's user avatar
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How I can add pushpins with name and description to bing maps

I creating app for windows phone 7 (bing maps) , and I need add something like this: when I tap on the map, I want add pushpin there, but I also need to add some information to that pushpin (like ...
Denn's user avatar
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Is there any way to send email with attachment in windows phone

Its really frustating that EmailComposeTask doesn't have any way to send attachments. I googled this and found MailMessage dll. I don't know whether it is secure or not because user gonna send his ...
mayank.karki's user avatar
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Compatibility between Windows Phone 7.1 - 7.8 apps and Windows Phone 8 devices

Do Windows Phone 7.1 - 7.8 apps run reasonably well on Windows Phone 8 devices? Is there any reason in terms of compatibility for me to choose one over the other?
Skuli's user avatar
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How to retrieve JSON data from a url and show them in a list view in Windows Phone 7.1

I use the following URL for calling JSON data to my windows phone application. But I can't call the JSON objects in ...
Prasan Yapa's user avatar
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How to upload PhotoResult to a server?

How can I upload an image properly from Windows Phone where the image source is a PhotoResult from a PhotoChooserTask? I'm using RestSharp for this, but it only uploads a big bunch of zeroes to my ...
peaks's user avatar
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Implementing pinch zoom behavior on an image inside a data template

I'm implementing pinch zoom behavior on image bound inside data template. I found the solution here: Pinch Zoom images bound in Listbox, Here's my sample code on xaml: <ListBox....
Ladz Angeles's user avatar
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Windows Phone: How do I keep ScrollViewer totally disabled until explicitly re-enabling it

My issue is that I have a very simple Listbox with a list of items. I noticed that when I disable the ScrollViewer from the MainPage_Loaded event, the ScrollViewer can be re-enabled by swiping the ...
user1058145's user avatar
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WP7 project on WP8

We wan't to support both platforms, because the code is 100% portable to Windows Phone 7 from our Windows Phone 8 project, but i have noticed a strange problem. So to support both platforms we need ...
Developer's user avatar
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Append XML using WCF

WCFService.cs [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements( RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)] public class WCFService : IWCFService{ public Boolean insertUser(String name, String ...
Sian Loong's user avatar
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C# Windows Phone - Custom Pushpins with related data

I'm trying to add a map to my app. The map needs to show customized pins (from png images) And each of them needs somehow to contain a ID that I will use to retrieve data from a database. So ...
BkdD's user avatar
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RestSharp usage for sending and receiving data

I have successfully created my app and now want to connect it to a localhost to check the working of my app. I have been suggested to use restsharp for connecting to the server using php and json to ...
nik's user avatar
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Application Icon and Tile sizes for apps which works on windows phone 7.1, WP7.8 and WP8.0

I'm jus so confused about application icon sizes that need to be used for WP. My app works on all the three, 7.1 , 7.8 and 8.0. I use Windows Phone 8 SDK. This link gives the sizes need. My question ...
alfah's user avatar
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Why TextBox property MaxLength is not working for a customised TextBox?

I wanted a password box with numeric input scope, Unfortunately the PasswordBox does not allow developers to specify a numeric InputScope. So I have achieved this objective through customize TextBox....
shaby's user avatar
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Sorting data placed in isolated storage

I know how to store and retrieve data using isolated storage. My problem is how to sort the data I want to recover from that has already been stored previously. All my data is stored in a single file. ...
nik's user avatar
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how to find screen coordinate in canvas to plot my own map tile in wp7 and wp8

currently i'm plotting my own map tile in canvas in WP7 and i want to find screen south west lat-lon and northeast lat-lon.Like in Bing Map there LocationRect class ,but can't use this in my map tile. ...
Uma Shankar Pathak's user avatar
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Edit or remove contacts using Windows Phone SDK

I am currently trying to develop an application for Windows Phone 7.1 and above, and the main goal of the latter would be to edit Contact details, specifically the Phone Numbers. Is it even possible? ...
Jean-Paul Manuel's user avatar
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StaticResource for StringFormat in win phone not working

I have declared a resource in Application.Resources like <sys:String x:Key="DecimalFormat">\{0:F2\}</sys:String> Now on textbox I giving this static resource as StringFormat but its ...
mayank.karki's user avatar
2 votes
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How to make a function to wait for a specific time in Windows phone?

I am building a Windows phone application with lots of animations. What I need is that when the application starts, it should be done finishing the first animation, say myS() is the name of the ...
Siddharth Thevaril's user avatar
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BackgroundAudioPlayer in windows phone

Is there any explanation about playing an audio from URL in windows phone in background using BackgroundAudioPlayer.? Why has it to be so complex to code this thing in Windows Phone. Can I get any ...
Aishvarya Jaiswal's user avatar
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Cannot load WP8 Projects in PixPresenter Sample

I've installed VS2012 update 3 and WP7.8 & WP8 SDKs prior to opening the solution. This is the entry from the activity log: 286 2013/07/15 04:50:09.817 Error VisualStudio ...
Vinny Marquez's user avatar
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How do I save a string response using HttpWebRequest on Windows Phone?

Im trying to get the string response from this request: void GetRequestStreamCallback(IAsyncResult asynchronousResult) { HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)asynchronousResult....
juancarlos's user avatar
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How to discard old toast notifications without closing push channel?

According to MSDN, MPNS will put the notification requests in queue for delivery, so there is always time delay for them to get to device. My problem is that, sometimes, for example when the device ...
David To's user avatar
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Volume slider c# windows phone 7.1

I have some problem with a slider volume in my windows phone app 7.1 this is the XAML <Slider Name="volumeSlider" VerticalAlignment="Center" ValueChanged="ChangeMediaVolume" Minimum="0" Maximum="...
user2437305's user avatar
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PhoneCallTask fails

This is a really simple task but somehow it fails... private void TextBlock_Tap_1(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e) { if (WasSwipe != true) { //...
Developer's user avatar
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RelayCommands get executed multiple times

I am using MVVM Light in a Windows Phone 7 (7.1 using the wp8 SDK and VS Ultimate 2012) application that asynchroneously retrieves data from a web service application. I use RelayCommands on each page ...
ZipionLive's user avatar
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Image transition effect on single page

In my application I have a image on UI and when user swipe on a image, I update the "image.Source" property. So the image get updated, but I want to show an animation same as windows phone picture hub ...
Khayam Gondal's user avatar
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how to get the source of a website in (Windows phone 7.1 - 8.0) C#

So in a nutshell I want to get the source of any website in Windows Phone 8 SDK using C#. When I put this code in regular C# Visual Studio it works fine, but when I put this code in Windows Phone 8 ...
user1564622's user avatar
3 votes
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What is x-wmapp2 and x-wmapp1?

I am getting x-wmapp2:/app/www/index.html as output when I try to console.log(windows.location.href); in my Windows Phone PhoneGap app when I try to run in emulator. When I try to run actual device, ...
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