Questions tagged [windows-process]

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C# get info about a Windows process after it was finished

For a long time, I've been looking for a way to get info about a Windows process which has been finished having only its PID. Does anybody know if it's possible at all? If yes, then how I can do it? ...
Mykyta's user avatar
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C# exe - multiple users sharing one instance of exe file

I am experiencing some issues with running exe file by multiple users. We have 10 users, all connecting via remote desktop to the same computer (server) under different user accounts. When user opens ...
Tjasa's user avatar
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Getting "Image File" info as displayed by Process Explorer, in C# [duplicate]

I am Working with a Windows project that manages a python program as a System.Diagnostics.Process object through an C# WPF GUI. Somehow, the PyQt5-based sub-process does not quit after the process ...
Jason M's user avatar
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How can I use WM_NCHITTEST to indicate a mouse being outside the application area?

Is there any way I can handle the WM_NCHITTEST message in the window procedure such that the mouse will "fall through" to the next application below? Right now I draw a custom shadow ...
vbyzjnlehi's user avatar
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Change Application.Calculation in different Excel process

In a VBA subroutine I write values to another "Target" workbook that runs in a separate Excel process, like this: Set xlWB = GetObject(STR_TARGET_WORKBOOK_FILENAME) xlWB.Worksheets(...
feetwet's user avatar
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What's "Replace a process level token" for anyway?

Let me start by saying I know next to zero about Windows. My understanding is that processes in Windows get their privileges from a process-level token, which normally would identify the user started ...
Aayla Secura's user avatar
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There is a crash at CcInitializeCacheMap

/* typedef struct _HRFS_VOLUME_CONTROL_BLOCK { FSRTL_ADVANCED_FCB_HEADER VolumeFileHeader; ULONG nodeType; FAST_MUTEX AdvancedFcbHeaderMutex; .... }; */ DumpFileObject(*(pVolDev-&...
Overflow's user avatar
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How to start / stop Java process in the Command Prompt?

I have Java 1.8.0 running in Windows. How can i start/stop this process in the Command Prompt?
tomsmithweb's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

dotnet core how to shutdown child process gracefully

I have a dotnet core 2.2 console app. I hosted it as windows service. Service starts up another dotnet core WebAPI. The problem is, how do I gracefully shutdown WebAPI process when the the service is ...
RPrashant's user avatar
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Process.GetProcesses and IsWow64Process does not return all the running processes

Im using this simple code to list all the running processes and their architecture (32bit or 64bit) on console, And it works nearly accurate but the number of processes in result is not even half of ...
0_o's user avatar
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Where should a Windows service, running as Local System, store a private key in the file system?

I need to generate and store a sensitive file (assume that it is not a traditional PKCS format) private key and keep it accessible to the running service. Normally, when running as a service account (...
Ran Dom's user avatar
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Best way to profile long-term CPU usage of Windows process

I have an application of my own that increases the CPU usage of a process on Windows (in this case: audiodg.exe, which handles audio in 'some' way). I want to measure the overall CPU performance of ...
Yellow's user avatar
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Is it possible to start a process with uiAccess=true from another process with uiAccess=true

A process is already running that has uiAccess=true in it's manifest. Is it possible for this program to start another such process with uiAccess=true? Currently, whenever Process.Start is called for ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Getting information of Process Close Reason

Suppose I have an Application.exe running on Windows. I want to log "My process was killed.", if someone else kills my process using task manager etc. How can I get the process closure information? ...
Barış Akkurt's user avatar
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5 answers

How to kill process that run on specific port in Windows,Linux and MacOS - C# (.Net Core)

I need to kill process that uses port 8001 in Windows,Ubuntu and MacOS before starting my application via C# Code,because my application is need to use 8001 on all platform. So Please Provide me ...
Hiren Patel's user avatar
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How to kill windows processes whose resource consumption doesn't change using python?

I have a python script that tests if any firefox processes are running on my windows machine and then kills them: import os, subprocess running_processes = subprocess.check_output('tasklist', shell = ...
sudonym's user avatar
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Get-ProcessesByName in powershell to monitor individual python scripts running

I want to monitor python scripts in powershell. For that I am using Get-ProcessByName. I want to monitor individual python and JAVA scripts running and store its processId in a csv file according to ...
Khushboo 's user avatar
-1 votes
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Create process without having keyboard and mouse, interaction and focus

How to create/spawn Win32 process without mouse and keyboard focus and interaction? Can some one mentioned most appropriate Win API function to create window process without having it display as top ...
user avatar
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Filtering/Parsing list produced from EnumWindows in C++

I am using the following code to get a list of windows running on my machine #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsProc(HWND hwnd, ...
JackBoy's user avatar
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Why is jumping to the same address working with "technique" A but not with B?

First things first: I have here a few lines of a hack that I wrote: Here is the definition of a makro luaL_openlib which is actually a function pointer to 0x0090DE00: /* Type definitions for ...
Stefan Falk's user avatar
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RegOpenCurrentUser(KEY_WRITE) on newly created user

After i successfully create a new user, add user to built-in admins group, i would like to edit the newly created user's registry (this program is an elevated-as-admin program). I called NetUserAdd(), ...
Andy's user avatar
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How do I see the (default) page size for Microsoft Windows 10?

How do I see the (default) page size for Microsoft Windows 10? I want to see the default page size of my system (x64), because I want to know how many bytes are fetched on each read operation. Where ...
Shuzheng's user avatar
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How is SizeOfImage in the PE optional header computed?

How is SizeOfImage in the PE optional header computed? Trying to learn the PE format, I've come across the SizeOfImage field in the optional header. To quote the documentation: The size (in bytes)...
Shuzheng's user avatar
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Is there a limit on the number of processes, which can be started in an ASP.NET application?

I have a signalr server which is hosted in IIS. There is a function in the hub which starts 600 processes in windows and then kills them. //start 600 processes for (int i = 0; i < 600; ...
F.Gu's user avatar
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How To Copy Process CMD.exe line to Textbox C#

I need to Copy The Output CMD lines to textbox is that possible ? if yes please Show me Some to know the way to deal with it enter code here private void pictureBox1_Click(object sender, ...
Abdo Hurbly's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is there any way to track wm_messge (or wm_command) of other proccess?

My computer got a virus that closes google chrome every time I open it. I tried every related tools and malware removal I found in internet but the problem still lasts. Now I want to create a tool(...
nAviD's user avatar
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C# git command line process

Our organization utilizes VisualStudioOnline, GitHub and BitBucket for various repositories. I've been trying to figure out a way in c# to automate the pull of changes from various git repositories on ...
peinearydevelopment's user avatar
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Stop all processes and services from accessing a specific folder in Windows (and keep them out)

in Windows Server 2008 I need to stop every process accessing a specific folder in order to apply some changes. Then i need to restore all the stopped processes. Is there any tool that can do that? ...
Giorgos Al's user avatar
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What does « program is not responding » mean?

What does this message means, is there an API to « respond » to Microsoft Windows status queries ? I'm looking for a technical answer. Thanks :)
Nope's user avatar
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How to end a process using C# [duplicate]

I am attempting to end a process in C#, the current code I have is this: foreach (var process in Process.GetProcessesByName("chromedriver.exe")) { process.Kill(); } In Task manager, under ...
ism's user avatar
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WampServer 2.5 php-win.exe task

WampServer 2.5 starts a php-win.exe process on (re-)start. This process uses a lot of CPU and I/O, causing slowdowns on one of my harddisks and effectively 100% use of one of my CPU cores. I ...
Martijn's user avatar
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Shut down the computer quickly?

I'm using an application which shuts down my computer after a fixed amount of time, using Process.Start("shutdown", "-s"). It takes about half a minute to shut down when this event is fired, as ...
Lou's user avatar
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How to get HWND of new process created by CreateProcess

i am developing an App for windows that will start some third party executable files such as cmd, paint, notepad etc using CreateProcess function. I want the functionality to hide and show the window ...
user2886374's user avatar
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Hooking into a running process to monitor its status

I'm new to C# hooking and am looking for a little information on where to do my research. I figured there are some folks here who may have done this before that might have a good idea of where to ...
C Smith's user avatar
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Is there a way in Perl to tell if a Perl process in Windows is using a specific file?

Background information: I have a Perl script converted to a EXE file, script.exe, that runs on Windows. Script.exe reads and will update at times to/from a configuration file, config.ini. Script.exe ...
user1279586's user avatar
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Check if a process started with Process.Start is still running?

From my application, I allow the user to open the help file. The help file is only only a *.chm file which is opened with the default help. I open it with the following command Process.Start(...
J4N's user avatar
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Communication between processes in Windows [closed]

What project (C#) type would you suggest for this situation? Having one application for communicating with distance server from one side (I have API for communication with that server) and ...
Vasoli's user avatar
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InterProcess Communication using Pipes and Files

I am learning Windows System Programming. I have come across "IPC using Anonymous Pipes " and "IPC using files". But I get confused between "IPC using Anonymous Pipes" and "IPC using Named Pipes". As ...
suraj_fale's user avatar
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I am working with PEB. I have managed to get inside _RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS. My Aim-> To know the memory address of argc and argv .( and if possible their values too ) only by using a binary file ...
Worlock's user avatar
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How to pass a message from windows service to windows desktop application using c#?

I want to pass a message from windows service to an windows desktop application that is already running. I have implemented a timer on windows service. after an interval the service send a message to ...
Aminul Islam's user avatar
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WIA driver close,OK,Cancel button handling

I am working on some modifications in WIA driver( VC6). My modifications are done in the property sheet, the only area we can modify. But I have to do some changes in a bin file when the user clicks ...
Mash's user avatar
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Find name of a windows process to kill it in task manager

Let us say my IE stopped working, so I go to windows task manager and go to Processes and select 'iexplore.exe' and 'End Process'. I can also use the 'Applications' tab to end the process but lots of ...
Victor's user avatar
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VB6 Application Stops Responding

I Have a program written in VB6 that reads a long text file and performs a very long operation. I have also implemented progress bar, but my problem is that, after while my program says "Not ...
Vinay K's user avatar
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3 answers

How do i create a running windows process when a c# windows form loads?

I need to create running windows process (the one seen on task manager) when a Windows form loads because I need this application to be monitored by nagios ( So when the form ...
light's user avatar
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Get command line string of 64-bit process from 32-bit process

The code below works for me well to get command line string of 32-bit process from a 32-bit app, 64-bit process from a 64-bit app and 32-bit process from 64-bit app. This will break if I try to use ...
Kartlee's user avatar
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PCSP hanging when user not logged in

I am having problem with PCSP hanging. PCSP is called from within a WCF service running in IIS on Windows 2008 r2. The service is running under an app pool that is running as a domain user the host ...
KiwiInLondon's user avatar
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Windows: Getting the version of a running process

I want to get an overview of all the programs that are being used and how many versions of this software that is being used. I do not need to know the exact version number (though it would be nice), ...
David's user avatar
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Maximize another process' Window in .NET

I have a handle on another process' main window in .net (proc.MainWindowHandle). How do I maximize the window inside of .net?
dko's user avatar
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How do I provide the "Find Window's Process" feature in Process Explorer (sysinternals)

I'm developing an application for debugging purposes. I want the user to be able to select the process to be debugged using the mouse. Process Explorer does a great job of this with the "Find Window's ...
GrantJ's user avatar
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