Questions tagged [windowsformshost]

Questions about the WindowsFormsHost element

79 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Windows Forms Web Browser User Control updating in WPF

I'm trying to use a Windows Forms Web Browser User Control in my WPF Application. <WindowsFormsHost Width="900" Grid.Column="0" Height="700" x:Name="WinFormsHost1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" ...
user3636535's user avatar
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Trap keyboard input in a WindowsFormsHost control in WPF

I have an ActiveX control inside a WinForms user control. My WinForms app loves it! Now, moving over to WPF, I use the user control in a WindowsFormsHost control. Works great..., but I want to treat ...
user281794's user avatar
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Difference in ComponentDispatcher.ThreadIdle and DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle

Can someone please let me know the difference between code : 1. System.Windows.Interop.ComponentDispatcher.ThreadIdle += (s, e) => System.Windows.Forms.Application.RaiseIdle(EventArgs.Empty); ...
Kamal Kr's user avatar
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WindowsFormsHost causing System.Windows.Forms.Button.Click event to not fire

I'm converting a windows forms application into WPF, and am re-using some of the winform controls for the first part of the conversion. To host the winform controls, I'm using WindowsFormsHost, and ...
Steve Van Treeck's user avatar
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WindowsFormsHost doesn't resize panel

Hi I am trying to host a Panel in a WindowsformsHost control as follows: <DockPanel LastChildFill="true" Grid.Column="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="2"> <WindowsFormsHost Name="FormsHost" ...
Jon's user avatar
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How do you capture/generate an image from a IPreviewHandler COMIMPORT in WPF/C#?

I was wondering if it is possible to generate an image (capture) of a ComImport object (like the Win7 PreviewHandler)? I've tried to utilizing RenderTargetBitmap (on the parent control hosting the ...
Mzajax's user avatar
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WPF doesn't always repaint when using WindowsFormsHost

I have a simple application which is hosting a Managed DirectX Control using WindowsFormsHost. I've overridden the paint methods in the Control to prevent flicker: protected override void OnPaint(...
sourcenouveau's user avatar
2 votes
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Display Datagridview data along with Column names in crystal report?

I want to display datagridview data along with column names in crystal report. I do not want to use database expert fields. I've tried so far this code to fetch the data within datagridview but am ...
StraightForward's user avatar
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Downscaling of remote desktop terminal control using MSTSCLib

I'm currently using the MSTSCLib (referenced through Microsoft Terminal Services) to integrate a remote desktop session to a WPF application. In detail, an instance of ...
andreask's user avatar
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Add new contextmenu items to WindowsFormsHost which has default ContextMenu in WPF

We are using some ActiveX or windows form control which don't have the WPF equivalences, so naturally we use WindowsFormsHost to host these controls. We normally make an UserControl out of it with ...
tete's user avatar
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Telerik RadPanorama control in a WindowsFormsHost control

I am building a WPF app where I work and I want to use the RadPanorama for the Start Screen or "Launching Pad" for the App. I understand, and have seen the numerous threads, that there is no ...
Refracted Paladin's user avatar
2 votes
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wpf WindowsFormHost

Hi Every Body Am Working With WPF Application I Needed To Use MS Reports In My Application So I Used WindowsFormsHost But The Problem Is That The WindowsFormsHost Can'nt Handle Touch Events How I Can ...
Muhammad Al-Own's user avatar
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WindowsFormsHost inside ViewBox or How do I rescale WindowsFormsHost content?

I have a really complex setup here. Somewhere in my code I have a WindowsFormsHost and the content (Child) of it is set to what comes out of a DLL. I only give a bitmap to a dll and say: Give me the ...
Marcel Grüger's user avatar
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Hosting windows forms in WPF grid

There are three different windows form applications projects. I decided to merge them in a wpf form application. Because i think that i am able to show forms in a grid like in wpf XAML part forms ...
Nazim's user avatar
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Dockfill not working in mstsc activeX control

I am trying to create a rdp in WPF. I used the AxMSTSCLib library to create a rdp client in my wpf application. I planned to create a usercontrol that hosts the rdp.I achieved it with the following ...
sabby's user avatar
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WPF Window goes behind previously activated window when any Window/Dialog/ProgressBar is shown on top of a Win32 window hosted using WindowsFormsHost

In the WPF application we are hosting third party application(Win32) using WindowsFormsHost control by setting a parent for the main window of that third party application. Sample Code: ...
DevMindzz's user avatar
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Usage of GridSplitter with WindowsFormsHost. Problem with proportional sizing (*)

I've got a UserControlParent, which has a UserControlSon and a GridSplitter (All inside Grid). GridSplitter divides UserControlParent into two parts: UserControlSon SomeOtherPart UserControlSon ...
Ivan Raskatov's user avatar
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Using WindowsFormsHost in COM addin throws ApplicationException following windows update and office upgrade

I have been using the following xaml to host a windows forms control inside of my WPF dialog: <Grid x:Name="ConnectionGrid" DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" ...
Matt Binz's user avatar
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How to fix WindowsFormsHost display in windows 8 and windows server

I am using WindowsFormsHost to host a winform control in my WPF application, but problem is, it is not displaying the view when i run my application on windows 8 or windows server OS however when i am ...
John's user avatar
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How do I get the URL of the new popup window in the CreateWindow event in GeckoFX 60.0.22?

I am updating an application of GeckoFX version 45.0.34 to version 60.0.22. In version 60.0.22, in the CreateWindow event of GeckoWebBrowser, the Uri property of the GeckoCreateWindowEventArgs object ...
Omar E.'s user avatar
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Missing scrollbar from a Windows Form control if it is embedded in a WPF app

I have a windows form control which consists of a group box, a tab control, and a tab page with scroll bar, this is how it looks like in designer: After I embed this control inside a WPF control, ...
Graviton's user avatar
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Unable to draw rectangle on WindowsFormsHost using Adorners in WPF

In my WPF application, I have added WindowsFormsHost in one grid, I want to draw a rectangle on the control inside WinFormsHost. Application layout: Code I'm trying: Adorner Class public class ...
KishanRSojitra's user avatar
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ContextMenuStrip to appear when rightclick on datagridview via windowsforms host in WPF

I have a datagridview created using WindowsFormHost in WPF, code XAML: <WindowsFormsHost Margin="154,63,786,544"> <wf:DataGridView x:Name="DGV" Location="0, 0" ColumnHeadersVisible="True" ...
Joaquín Benavides's user avatar
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ILScene does not update in WindowsFormsHost

I am attempting to use an ILLinePlot to plot live data in a WPF app using WindowsFormsHost. I have made a start based on these two SO questions: ILScene in WindowsFormsHost & ILNumeric continuous ...
PatrickNorman's user avatar
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A control type was not specified

I am creating a web application in visual studio 2013 and have created a windows control using TX TextControl. This control is to be used in the web application.(
user134935's user avatar
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WPF and winform integration, catch events

Short question: How can I catch events in WPF application that have a win form panel that contains several controls (e.g buttons) and catch each button event? And is it possible to add to the win ...
ilansch's user avatar
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Mouse events on WindowsFormsHost hosting video are not fired in WPF

I have a WPF application hosting an ActiveX object streaming video using the WindowsFormsHost. Since activeX objects always render on top of the application, I am unable to handle mouse events because ...
user1991402's user avatar
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WindowsFormsHost ToolTipService

Simple case code for a problem I'm having: <Window x:Class="WFHTooltipEnableTest.MainWindow" xmlns="" xmlns:x="http://schemas....
user1630552's user avatar
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Context menu does not respond to key press when opened from WindowsFormsHost

When focus is in a WindowsFormsHost and a context menu opens, the context menu does not respond to up/down arrow key presses. The problem is illustrated by the following (almost self contained) code: ...
user1599425's user avatar
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WindowsFormsHost in WPF MDI on Aero main form (C#)

My crazy problem: I'm using a docking system (AvalonDock) on a WPF form with aero glass style background (what looks really nice). In one dockable MDI I need a WinForms custom control, so I just used ...
zee's user avatar
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WPF/Windows Forms Host on Windows7

I have a crash that's happening on Windows7 but not on XP, and was hoping for some insight. The application has an OpenGL Windows Form control used to display 16 bit grayscale images. This control ...
mmr's user avatar
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Get the child properties from WindowsFormsHost

I have added a control to a WPF project like this Dim HTMLEditor As New HTMLEditControl With HTMLEditor .Name = "EmailSend_Editor" .EnableInlineSpelling = True End With Dim WinHost As New ...
gchq's user avatar
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Graphics.DrawString not drawing when picturebox handle is outputsource of directX11 device

Picturebox handle is set as the outputSource of DirectX11. directX is rendering on the picturebox handle. I am also drawing text on the picturebox in paint event. But the text is not shown. If i don't ...
Quraishi sazid's user avatar
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How to create Entity Framework in Visual Studio for Windows Forms (.NET framework)

I have installed Visual Studio 2022 and created a "Windows Forms App (.NET framework)" project (target is .NET framework 4.8). Then I installed Entity Framework v6.4.4 and Microsoft....
Shabs's user avatar
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Using WindowsFormsHost inside WPF with two way binding MVVM - Get values from windows control on Save

I am new to WPF and am trying to use a Windows form control inside WPF in the MVVM pattern with two way binding using dependency objects. I found the following code online and made it work with ...
Vinod's user avatar
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How to implement a VTK Application using CLR embedded in WPF

I want to create a VTK Project that should be using WPF for creating the GUI. I found the following post that also tries to explain this problem(VTK Rendering without ActiViz). I created a CLR class ...
DummeFragen's user avatar
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WPF Popup and WindowsFormsHost Problem (unresponsive or doesn't close on click outside popup)

my issue is basically a duplicate of unresolved WPF Popup and WindowsFormsHost Problem , but I was hoping after 10+ years somebody might know an answer. I'm adding a WindowsFormsHost inside a popup. ...
Ardos's user avatar
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specified colums not found in windows form application

Hay guys I'm new to programing and I'm making a sample app with user authentication. the database is connected and all working fine except for when I try to fetch the user Role from DB at login this ...
zaka ullah's user avatar
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CefSharp in a window opened with ShowDialog doen't work

In WPF, I use CefSharp for WinForm that runs in a WindowsFormsHost in a Window. Everything works like charm when I display the Window using Show(). But if I use ShowDialog(), CefSharp seems not to ...
Thunderseb's user avatar
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update field in database with combobox item

i have data base and repository class plus interface like that\now i wana use some combobox with static items liek 100 200 300.. and whene i choose one of those item and prees the button i created ...
Pouya Mohammadi's user avatar
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Embedding Excel into WPF with Winforms control

I am trying to embed the Excel into the WPF application. The reason is, the user of mine must open a large (5000+ lines, 100+ columns) readonly excel, filter it, and then I have to extract the lines ...
Petr Osipov's user avatar
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WindowsFormsHost in WPF UserControl

Is it possible to place WindowsFormsHost in WPF UserControl, if so how pls. I have already used the same control on a WPF Window, which works fine, but it does not show up on WPF UserControl.
Enobong Adahada's user avatar
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why i am not getting Grid view is not getting top in WindowsFormsHost with panel

On Button click i have to show my grid view content on WindowsFormsHost(Panel),my grid view is accessible but WindowsFormsHost(Panel) is not hidden.
Thirumoorthi.M's user avatar
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WindowsFormsHost control not displaying in Prism Region

I am using the pdf viewer on this link It is displayed properly in the window and everything works as expected. But when I added my view to region, it ...
Erhan Urun's user avatar
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Is there a difference between using reportViewer in winforms vs windowsformshost

new to visual studio and cant figure out the difference. In my project if I try to do winformshost the reportviewer doesn't show up in my toolbox. If I do new winforms item it does show in toolbox. ...
brock 's user avatar
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vs2015- setup.exe windows application is not working in other machines with same machine configuration

I have created windows application in vs2015 and run the application and build the application. i need to create that application to installable exe files could be run on other machines. When ...
Mohamed Sahir's user avatar
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How to Deploy windows form to other computer using Mysql Database

I want to deploy my project to other computer. So I create a sample project Step 1: I create a windows form and add button Step 2: I add this code: Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient 'TO CONNECT MYSQL ...
Mathew Magante's user avatar
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WPF Setting winforms picturebox image from WPF Window loaded event

I have a WPF splash screen and I want to put an animated gif so I have used a winforms picturebox as explained here (WPF MediaElement is not working for me). Below the code using winforms picturebox: ...
Willy's user avatar
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WPF: Changing tabs makes Windowsformshost child disappear

if you can spare the time, I am working on a problem for which I can't find a solution on the internet. I need two tabs' richtextboxes to bind the same property. Both RichtextBoxes are hosted in WPF ...
Apfelsaft23's user avatar
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WindowsFormsHost control not following the Size set in the constructor

I have a windows form user control: partial class LOLControl { private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null; #region Component Designer generated code private void ...
Graviton's user avatar
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