Questions tagged [wsdl]

Web Service Description Language (WSDL) is an XML based, human- and machine-readable language used to describe a web service. It describes the available web service methods, the message request and response structures, the possible faults, and the communication and security requirements. This tag does not refer to any tool named "wsdl", such as WSDL.EXE from Microsoft.

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Best practice to define multi-dimensional arrays in wsdl

I'm developing a WebService with a function which returns a database result, which means an MxN array. My question is, what's the better way to define this in wsdl: Define a row as sequence of (...
strauberry's user avatar
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SOAP: How to extend a type without breaking existing clients?

I have a SOAP Service that is implemented using Apache Axis 2. It has a type Message which has the following definition <xs:complexType name="Message"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element ...
gregor's user avatar
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WSDL + PHP + Java (SOAP)

I am working with Java and Php. I'm calling the Java services via WSDLs from what i generate php-stubs with the tool WSDL2PHP. Everything works fine until now. I've added a new method to my java ...
n33dle's user avatar
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Unable to connect to Magento SOAP API v2 due to “failed to load external entity” after giving IP restriction in .htaccess file

I am unable to connect to the Magento SOAP API v2 using PHP. The error that occurs is: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [WSDL] SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 'http://www....
zafar's user avatar
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Accessing Sharepoint lists from a Standalone Application

I have a Standalone application, which needs to access a Sharepoint list. I bumped into a few articles, mentioning Web Service is the way to go about it. But I am unable to find a step by step path ...
Vijay DJ's user avatar
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WSDL.exe not round-trip?

My client has specified a WSDL file as contract for a web service that I have to implement. (It really must be that WSDL file, because it has been communicated already to other partners and so on, and ...
Koen Alban's user avatar
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SOAP request from WSDL in .net

I would like to get a sample SOAP Request for a given action from the WSDL just like SOAP UI. I would like to avoid using svcutil to generate an assembly and reflect over it, but is still acceptable. ...
Ramesh's user avatar
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Need help on Objective-C code (WSDL2ObjC generated)

In the WSDL2ObjC documentation there is a sample code like below, but in my generated code I couldnt find any class, method or property equavilant to "myOperationUsingParameters" what is that and ...
Spring's user avatar
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Sending message through SoapUI

I opened my wsdl file locally with soapUI(not using my localhost url but directly showing the wsdl from my harddisc, using localhost url can not find schemas..!) Anyway, it has loaded the wsdl, how ...
Spring's user avatar
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How to invoke this webservice method?

I can't wrap my mind around invoking a simple method of 3rd-party service. Here's the chunk of WSDL for this method: <s:element name="PushRequest"> <s:complexType> <s:...
Sergey Galashyn's user avatar
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My WCF Web Service is referencing local files

Unlike ASMX Web services, WCF Web services seem to break the WSDL up into a number of files. My problem is that when I try to generate a proxy from a server that isn't the server, it'll get to the ...
Diskdrive's user avatar
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How to consume WSDL that defines overloaded functions, using Groovy or Ruby?

It is common for WSDL generated by Java to contain multiple function definitions with the same function name, differing only by argument type or number. This poses problems when attempting to consume ...
rewbs's user avatar
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Web Service Responses of Magento API

Can some people offer some light on the following questions? I believe that the following questions are very much debatable, but I just want to know the mere facts which will enlighten me & of ...
Knowledge Craving's user avatar
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Equivalent datatypes in flex for various wsdl data types?

WSDL defines a number of datatypes supported by web service . Is there a documentation stating the various equivalents of those datatypes on flex side. In general for any language that we use to ...
deovrat singh's user avatar
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cvc-complex-type.2.1: Element 'soap:address'... WSDL Error in Eclipse

I am integrating my exsting workspace in Eclipse 3.6. This workspace was originally created using BEA Workshop 10.3 and weblogic 9.2 server and was working fine. Now I am using JDK 6 and weblogic 10.3....
dhanaji's user avatar
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wsdl bad url generation behind nginx haproxy

I am currently developing a webservice using jax-ws based on an EJB behind a nginx ssl offloader and a haproxy for the load balancing like : @WebService() @RolesAllowed("allowedOne") @Stateless() ...
Alexandre GUIDET's user avatar
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How does WCF Decide which Operation to Dispatch To?

I'm building a WCF SOAP application. The WSDL file has numerous operations of which many have the same argument type. The WSDL file defines all soapAction attributes as "''". When I try to start such ...
rusbi's user avatar
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Consume NON WS-I complient in .NET

I have following service which needs to be consumed in Visual Studio without changing WSDL (as wsdl is third party). It is non compliant WS-I Profile. So it gives error while consuming. Is there any ...
Manish Pansiniya's user avatar
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wsdl /sharetypes in Mono 2.8

I'm having an issue using wsdl /sharetypes in Mono 2.8 I always get the following error: Error: Could not find file "/sharetypes". When I run wsdl, I also notice that there isn't a sharetypes ...
Vivin Paliath's user avatar
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Questions related to Web-Services [RESTfull, RESTless, WSDL, Security]

Thats the first time i gonna digg into webservices. Right now i am going through articles for RESTFull webservices, found from the stackoverflow discussions. Going through articles, i have few ...
x.509's user avatar
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PHP: WSDL, Web Service Client, ComplexType

I'm able to consume a local WSDL into PHP, and pass/return basic data successfully, but when I attempt to pass in objects that correspond to a complextype in the WSDL, I get the following error: ...
user464180's user avatar
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azure generating false wsdl address

I start my azure application, I browse to the svc file, and I get the usual: You have created a service. To test this service, you will need to create a ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Error when accessing access the WSDL of my WCF services: "The ... operation references a message element … that has already been exported from the …"

I experience a weird behavior when accessing my web services into a web browser and it leads to an exception while generating. Here is my scenario: Access web page: http://localhost:10100/...
Termit's user avatar
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What tools to use to generate service code from schemas (svcutil analogue), if they do not meet the DataContractSerializer requirements

We are working on SOA, both on client (Silverlight) and server (WCF) sides, but with possibility of the clients being implemented by 3rd parties (.NET, Java, etc.). We use WSDL-first approach and want ...
Alex Che's user avatar
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Consuming ASMX Web Service With WCF

I have to write a WCF service that consumes a third party 'Web Service'. They provided WSDL and the URL so that I can post the transaction. Can some body please help me how to achieve this, with some ...
BumbleBee's user avatar
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Generating XML file from WSDL

I have a wsdl file with me and want to generate a sample XML file for request/response of an API. Using soapUI I managed to generate the file but it has question marks inside, like this: <cin:...
raj_arni's user avatar
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Error while generating API docs using Enunciate

I created a webservice and would like to generate documentation for the API. So I looked into Enunciate downloaded the maven enunciate plugin. However I get the below error on compile as the ...
Vijay Kumar's user avatar
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GWT and WebServices (wsdl)

Can anyone point me a way to access WSDL webservices from a GWT client? Is that even possible? Thanks!
infinito's user avatar
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generate WSDL from java WS

Given a public SOAP web service and no WSDL, I need to build a .NET client that can communicate with this service. I'm a .NET dev looking for a simple way to generate a WSDL file given this url? I'...
nelsonwebs's user avatar
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Is it possible to call BlazeDS from Java?

Basically I'm trying to proxy some web services locally (for reasons I won't go into now) and then have a Java application call it. I'm looking at BlazeDS since it seems to do just this, mostly to ...
Stephane Grenier's user avatar
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Best practices for an internal webservice

Experience says that using WSDL-SOAP based webservice for internal consumption is an overkill. There are too many service-based POJO classes that when let into the system complicates it way too much. ...
sankara's user avatar
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Design interoperable web services

I'm designing a set of web services to allow our clients to connect from their apps to one of our systems. Our clients have their apps developed in all varieties of frameworks (.NET, Java, PHP, Python ...
Luj Reyes's user avatar
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741 views not deserializing soap response

I have been given a wsdl and have used wsdl.exe to create my proxy classes. I am able to call the function to initiate the request with some valid parameters and this returns my response object which ...
Tanya 's user avatar
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Developing .NET Web Service from WSDL file

What's the best practices for developing a web service with a WSDL as a start point?
user285677's user avatar
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ICerfiticatePolicy and ServicePoint

So I'm using the PayPal API. They require bigger companies to send an X509Certificate along with each SOAP API request. I've never heard of using a cert, it's always been just send the API signature ...
PositiveGuy's user avatar
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Providing better WSDL from C# SOAP

I'm pulling together some services in C# that have to match specific data format; e.g. string lengths, various enumerations and formatting. I have the back-up approach to validate post the SOAP call ...
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cakephp webservice

I have problem in creating web-service using cakephp . this what i do to create this web-service . I use NuSOAP - Web Services Toolkit for PHP for this. I create a controller called WsController and ...
SMSM's user avatar
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New SSL cert broke applications abilty to use WSDL

I am very new to SOAP and WSDL. The problem: SSL certifacte has been updated (renewed and upgraded to Extended Validation), and now vendors application is no longer able to post to databse though ...
user69015's user avatar
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C# - How do I hide a web method from a derived class

I have a .NET webservice, and derived versions of it. My question is, in the derived versions, I have a method I want to hide(from WSDL and front page). I have tried overriding, marking it as ...
Robin's user avatar
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Can I make Axis2 generate a WSDL with 'unwrapped' types?

I'm trying to consume a hello world AXIS2 SOAP web service using a PHP client. The Java class is written in Netbeans and the AXIS2 aar file is generated using the Netbeans AXIS2 plugin. You've all ...
blank's user avatar
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Make an interface structure appear in a WSDL

I've exposed a method on a web service to return an interface and sending back conrete classes using the [ServiceKnownType] attribute which works very well. However, the wsdl description does not ...
Jon's user avatar
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Problem in accessing apis when wsdl is added as a reference in a C# dll

I want to access apis which i got from a wsdl file. I add the reference to this API in dll which is created using C#. The dll which I created is accessed in another C# exe. When i try to access the ...
subbu's user avatar
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Does VisualBasic support WSDL2.0?

I'm developing a new SOA system right now, and would like to use WSDL2.0, but I heard some clients are still connect using VisualBasic and WSDL1.1 (mostly from excel sheets and stuff). So I was ...
Robert Gould's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2008 not generating Web Service Reference.cs proxy class?

I just ported a project from Visual Studio 2005 format to Visual Studio 2008. This project makes heavy use of consuming web services. We use our own custom parent class for the generated proxy ...
FlySwat's user avatar
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JAXB cannot get the attached file from soap (WSDL) service

I need to call a SOAP service that returns an attachment. The XSD that defines the "attached" data is <xs:complexType name="transferableFileData"> <xs:complexContent&...
Grafana Next's user avatar
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Rename url on soap service

I have a Eclipse project with a web and a SOAP service created with Axis. It generates only one war. My url for web and web service are: http://server/webproject/index.jsp http://server/webproject/...
Homselan's user avatar
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Convert soap request xml payloads to a new xsd schema

We have a soap webservices which saves every request payload as an xml file without soap envelopes as a backup. These xml files can be used to reimport or resend the same request. We often use them ...
Flo's user avatar
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PHP SOAP - Ignore Mandatory Schema Variables

Is there a way to ignore mandatory variables in a schema with the PHP soap client using WSDL mode? We've developed an application that communicates with a SOAP endpoint that has been working for 7+ ...
dan360's user avatar
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JaxB takes into account maxOccurs="unbounded" and it it is set, creates the inner element as list for sequence, otherwise just single field

I have such types in WSDL, the only difference is maxOccurs="unbounded", however, the Java classes generated are different: <xs:complexType name="...
Eljah's user avatar
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How to send a BLOB object (image) via containers in a CICS Web Service to the calling Client

I need to send some set of images (stored in DB2 table as BLOB) in the response XML of a CICS Web Service. I'm implementing the web service using WSDL, IGOR (Wrapper and coordinator) and AOR program. ...
user21343748's user avatar

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