Questions tagged [xmlcatalog]

An XML catalog is a file aimed at mapping the information in an XML external identifier into a URI reference for the desired resource.

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2 votes
1 answer

JAXB separate episodes with annox customizations fails : SAXParseException2

I have 2 maven modules. First one contains only a xsd schema to generate base POJO classes. Second on contains a xsd schema that imports first one with a catalog file and generate new POJO classes. ...
Nelson G.'s user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to use saxon built-in catalog feature

I downloaded SaxonHE9-4-0-6J and want to process XHTML on CLI. However Saxon tries to load DTD from W3C and it takes too much time for every simple command. I have xml catalog, which I use ...
theta's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Resolving type definitions from imported schema in XJC fails

I've got this API using JAXB to conveniently use object models, generated from XML Schemas by the XJC (XML-to-Java) compiler, through named references. It abstracts the creation of JAXB contexts and ...
G_H's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Can XMLCatalog be used for schema imports?

Can you use XMLCatalog to resolve xsds in schema import statements? If so, what is the preferred/best practice? I want to package the xsds in a jar, so using a relative schemaLocation has not worked....
jon077's user avatar
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1 answer

Cannot find

My servlet app uses XML catalogs. First I used It finds its configuration file under WEB-INF/classes/. Then I tried the same ...
Laurent CAPRANI's user avatar
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2 answers

XML Catalog file failing to resolve

I'm using an OASIS v 1.1 compatible resolver (Norm Walsh's XMLResolver in conjunction with the catalog below. However, I'm pretty sure I've made some sort of obvious error here (this is the first time ...
Nic Gibson's user avatar
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