Questions tagged [xsd]

XSD generally refers to a document written in the W3C XML Schema format, containing a description of a particular type of XML document.

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Schematron Assert Rule Fails while setting context

I am attempting to use NMatrix's Schematron to validate XML in C#. If I leave the "f" namespace out of the namespace-manager (nsManager), I get the exception: Undeclared namespace prefix - f when ...
jlo-gmail's user avatar
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XSD to UML command line tool

I was wondering, does anyone come across any command line tool (free in preference) for translating an xml schema (xsd) to UML diagram? The .xsd is used to represent classes, thus a UML class diagram ...
nikkatsa's user avatar
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Primary key in xsd not working

I have following XML <SourceDataSet xmlns="C:/Users/AGARWALN/Desktop/NidhiTest/SourceDataSet.xsd"> <SourceSystem> <SystemCode>XTRADER</SystemCode> </...
user3182464's user avatar
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XML Validation > Showing new elements for specific enumeration value

I want to create a schema that enforces content validation across dependent elements. If the contents of the first element is "ApplicationY", then the next element must be visible and mandatory. <...
Cihan's user avatar
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How to create the binding file for changing complexType to simpleType

I had a field in XSD schema: <xs:element name="magicField"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:int"> <xs:totalDigits value="8"/> </xs:...
Gorgoth's user avatar
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How to create valid xml using xsd schema

I want to view the below defined xml schema into my expected xml. Can anyone help me what to write in XSD. Thanks in advance. XML SCHEMA: <xs:element name="Animal"> &...
user3348161's user avatar
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How to parse optional fields from left to right with BizTalk flat file parser set to complex?

I am developing a schema for flat file disassembly in BizTalk 2013. However, I have a big problem with the schema, since the parsing result is rubbish. The flat file type I am parsing looks like this: ...
ingofreyer's user avatar
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XSD restriction for string value

I need to write a restriction for a string column, so that it will include 20 letters and 3 of the following : (. , -). How can this be done? Thank You.
Yevgeni Grinberg's user avatar
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Making separate schema compilation work with JAXB 2.2

I am desperately trying to make seperate schema complilation work with JAXB 2.2 and the JAXB2 Maven Plugin 0.8.3. I have followed the official documentation but it does not reveal how an appropriate ...
Michael-O's user avatar
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How to create single xml file combining multiple xsd schema files

I have multiple xsd schemas with me and I want to generate single xml file combining all the xsds. I have tried with visual studio but I can create separate xml files from separate xsds. I also tried ...
Koustav Roy's user avatar
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Validate Xml with XSd without using XSD physical path

I am validating XML with XSD in C#. Following is the code var test = "C:/Temp/xmlconnector5.0.xsd"; var settings = new System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings(); settings.Schemas.Add(null, test); settings....
user2739679's user avatar
4 votes
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How to get the minOccurs / maxOccurs values from the XSD in Java using JAXB?

My application is calling a webservice and I have generated the Java classes from the WSDL/XSDs with the maven-jaxb2-plugin. The webservice calls worked fine for a while but recently I had a problem ...
RayBenschi's user avatar
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Mapping web form data to repeated XML elements

I have gone all over the web looking for an answer to this, and have not been able to find one anywhere. I'm trying to build a web form that uses XSLT to generate XML data. I'm basing it on other ...
Ray K.'s user avatar
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How to include MathML tags in an XSD based on Docbook tags?

I'm working on an XSD that is based on a subset of Docbook 5 tags. Here is a very small part of this XSD with a few tags just for illustrate de problem: <xs:schema xmlns:xs="
AOP's user avatar
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.NET VisualStudio wsdl multiple xsd files, overlapping definitions

I'm writing an implementation for a mailing service and I'm having trouble with the code that VisualStudio autogenerates from the wsdl file. The API contains several versions of the same objects. The ...
MrTibs's user avatar
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2 answers

XQuery: return to no namespace

Is it possible to return to no namespace by prefix? In other words when a default namespace is set in Xquery, how do I put an element in no namespace or how do I create an element without an namespace?...
Stefan K.'s user avatar
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Is it possible (or sane) to check if an octal number is in range with regular expression?

I have to check if the content of a given XML element representing an octal number is in the range 0-77776. Is it possible to obtain this result only with regular expression? I have tried in many ...
sblandin's user avatar
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JAXB - IllegalAnnotationExceptions

I have an XSD like this: <xs:element name="Measure"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minOccurs="1" ref="Measure_Id"/> <xs:choice minOccurs="1" ...
Zany's user avatar
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XSD Walker - Traverse an XSD with a series of XML Tag openings and closings as input

Basically what I want is to create a state transition diagram representation of an XSD. It's not a simple state diagram; it should reflect compositors (All, Choice, Sequence), min and max occurrences, ...
Ram's user avatar
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Conditionally change the nillable property of a simple type

I'm trying to conditionally change an element from being nillable to non-nillable based on the value of 2 other elements in an XSD . Is this possible in XSD 1.1? I have 3 simple types of type xs:int :...
polydegmon's user avatar
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How to Add XSD and XSI as an Attribute

I am pretty new to this and am now stumped. I need to add the xsd and xsi under an element but am unsure how to do this. I looked around on this sight but could not not find what I was looking for (...
user3175130's user avatar
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Create Sql Database using xml schema and xml data file

How to create Database in Sql Server using xml schema and xml data file. I tried different things I cant solve the problem. I am using these files XML SCHEMA:
Ahmad Abbasi's user avatar
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Importing XSD defined with just <schema>, not <xsd:schema"

I am trying to import part of the GML geometry definition into a new schema file: This is what my definition looks like: <schema ...
superstar's user avatar
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XSD regroup schemas

I've the following schemated XSD : schema1.xsd <schema xmlns="D" targetNamespace="A"> <import namespace="B" schemaLocation="schema3.xsd"/> <import namespace="C" ...
Apaachee's user avatar
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How to generate XML in ORACLE 11g with reference to given XSD?

I am learning to generate XML in Oracle 11g PL/SQL language. I would like to generate XML depending on the data I get from the db tables, but at same time it should follow the structure and validate ...
user3325650's user avatar
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4 answers

Generating C# classes from FHIR schemas

I am attempting to generate c# classes from schemas provided by the FHIR project: I have downloaded the schemas:
jlo-gmail's user avatar
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Creating a valid sitemap with custom attributes

I'm working on a website. My website has a sitemap.xml file. That file can be seen here. If you scroll down, you will see a url entry that includes some custom tags. Those tags are prefixed with ...
Chad Campbell's user avatar
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Validation with JAXB

My problem is: check if an XML document is well-formed respect to its schema. In particular, I would like to be able to use a "validator" that returns NULL in case of any error (problems with ...
Zany's user avatar
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Web service client can not be created by jaxws:wsimport utility [binding.xsd]

I'm trying to consume a web service but I can't even start. I get an error as soon as I include the Web Service. I have researched and found similar errors but not this one. I hope you guys know a way ...
Victor's user avatar
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Error in SOAP request in PHP

I'm trying to send complex SOAP request in PHP. I think that problem might be in WSDL file which has defined namespace and schemaLocation for GSBSchema.xsd but nowhere is defined for ...
Cikson's user avatar
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Validating XML against XSD in soapui

I know this question has been asked here before but none of them are asking exactly what I am looking for. I want to know how we can validate a RESTful service response(application/xml) against an ...
Amrit's user avatar
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Inserting data into element of a generated class

I've generated a class by xsd.exe tool. Here is the relevant part of the schema: <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="propertyLine"> <xs:complexType> ...
ohadinho's user avatar
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XML xs::assert in complex type

I am trying to introduce conditional mandatory fields in my XML schema but I am getting an error that xs:assert isn't valid in context... any suggests to help please? Additional information: I am ...
Swatcat's user avatar
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Xsd Element SimpleType plus attributes

I'm not able figure out how to express the following with Xsd: an elment with a simpleType restriction (enumeration of values) and require an attribute on this element. For example: <myElement ...
kstubs's user avatar
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XML schema for ordered child elements with different names

I need to Deserialize an XML that contains the definition of a Profile/polygon of points and arcs. <Pt> <X>0.0</X> <Y>0.0</Y> </Pt> <Arc> <X&...
Jared Bolin's user avatar
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How to restrict the XSD of SAML 2.0 Authentication Context

I have been trying to find a solution to my problem is the last 10 days, and I found nothing. So, I am trying to restrict the Authentication Context XML Schema Definition of SAML 2.0. The XSD document ...
marloncdomenech's user avatar
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Using ref in XML schema

I am trying to create a schema that has rows reference columns via the columns id attribute. The following xml and xsd will not validate because the column cannot be found How do I create the schema ...
user3319681's user avatar
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"This element is not expected" while using 'any' with xhtml namespace

I have some issues with XML Schema. I need to put some HTML code in my XML file and I found that xs:any would help. But xmllint return me errors like this: example.xml:4: element h1: Schemas validity ...
Paweł Golonko's user avatar
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Re-arranging XSD xs:sequence using xslt to convert to another xsd

I have something like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs=""> <xs:complexType name="PRO"> <xs:sequence&...
Biju's user avatar
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Generating parent tag for a xs:sequence elements

In my xsd, I have something like this: <xs:complexType name="Disk"> <xs:attribute name="index" type="xs:int"></xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="providerId" ...
Piyush-Ask Any Difference's user avatar
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validate xml with xsd schema with attribute xmlns

I have a problem when you go to validate my xml with xsd schema, I assume that is the xmlns attribute, in my tests throws me the following error: "The {name} of an attribute declaration must not ...
user3317256's user avatar
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How to add parent "wrapper" elements and validate them in existing schema

I have created a xml schema that validates my xml instances. Since I have been working on it for a while I have been commenting off little pieces of xml code at the time in order to simplify my ...
Stribor50's user avatar
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Xml schema uniqueness in entire subtree

Hey guys I have a tricky problem that I can't see to solve. I'm trying to validate unique attribute values in all descendant nodes. Not even sure this is possible given the limited xpath subset but I ...
gettingSmarter's user avatar
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xsd validation based on two keys

I want to validate the following xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <root xmlns:xsi=""> <root1> <items> ...
vitalivanov's user avatar
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How to conditionally select a node in XPath

The XSD schema I am working with, calls for either an international or domestic address: "/mns:PhysicalAddress/mns:DomesticAddress/mns:City" or "/mns:PhysicalAddress/mns:InternationalAddress/mns:...
WinWin's user avatar
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Schema aware XQuery

Currently I'm using Eclipses XQuery plugin xqdt with the XQuery engine Zorba. I would like the XQuery engine to "type check" the correctness of my XPath expressions, e.g. if the schema defines ...
Stefan K.'s user avatar
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how to get and change xml schema by using php?

i only want to know how to get and change data from (xml schema) by using (php) , and check if the data such as ID is already in the database ?!
user3310549's user avatar
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Re-arranging xml using xslt considering element attribute value [closed]

I have the following xml: <Users> <User id="2" name="ABC" Division="HR"/> <User id="3" name="xyz" Division="Admin"/> <User id="4" name="LMN" Division="Payroll"/> &...
Biju's user avatar
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Referring xs:complexType in another complexType

I have two complex types declared as(the type SecurityRule is well defined): <xs:complexType name="SecurityGroup"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="rules" type="SecurityRule"...
Piyush-Ask Any Difference's user avatar
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how to create simple derived type from XSD

how to can I create derived simpleType in your XSD file BASED ON xs:ID. The restriction should use a pattern with a value that starts with a "_", followed by two characters that are digits in the ...
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