Questions tagged [youtube-api]

The YouTube APIs and Tools enable the integration of YouTube's video content and functionality into a website, application, or device.

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get channel's content owner details with youtube API and curl

I was going through the YouTube API documents and came across the channel:list reference document: youtube/v3/docs/channels/list I'd like to pull the content owner details from a specified YouTube ...
Amit Mirgal's user avatar
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Youtube api shorts thumbnail in portait format

I am using youtube api V3 to retrieve video thumbnails. For example video: API will return: However ...
Toniq's user avatar
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When using Youtube Data API to upload makes my videos private on upload

I have two channels. The first one i managed to write a python program in which i upload videos when i run that program. However the second channel for some reason when i upload a video through python ...
user24370838's user avatar
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Youtube Data V3 Python API add email to share private video

YouTube supports sharing a private video with certain google email addresses as shown in the screenshot However, the Python API doesn't seem to have that option as to set a video as private, you just ...
Konstantinos Kogias's user avatar
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How to get videos from "live" channel tab only?

Is there a way to specify that you only want the videos that would be found in the "Live" tab of your YouTube channel? I.e., these ones: I have been researching but so far no success.
Drewdavid's user avatar
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Youtube API search auto-complete In C#

I'm trying to find resources similar to the autocomplete feature on Google search. I came across this URL: Could someone please explain how to locate ...
Kuldip Baldaniya's user avatar
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Trying to use javascript in my cefsharp browser

I'm trying to use bind my application with youtube video playing in cefsharp browser but it's not working. I don't get what is wrong with my code: c# private async void Music_Play_Pause_Button_Click(...
Base Night's user avatar
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What are commentKey and commentSurfaceKey in the response of innertube api?

Youtube API Response This is a clip of response printed in dev console in a youtube video page. { "commentViewModel": { "commentId": "UgyOF36mgUSQ5oZ2ZFNAAaABAg&...
Shaw Pei's user avatar
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Livestream a Python window to YouTube via a Raspberry Pi?

I have a Python script running on a Raspberry Pi that currently shows live feeds of multiple 3D printers arranged in a 4 by 4 grid. The script uses OpenCV to capture and display the video streams. ...
Cameron Whiting's user avatar
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How to set video details when uploading to YouTube with Python API client

Follow-up on How to set video language when uploading to YouTube with Python API client, after successfully setting the video language. I am uploading videos to YouTube programmatically following the ...
emonigma's user avatar
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YouTube Iframe player breaks the moment a certain video id is added to the playlist

Here's an example of the issue: The video id in question is p3Geomh2EuY. The video owner might have disabled playback from embed players but the iframe should be able to ...
user24167514's user avatar
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YouTube API Refresh Token Gives Invalid Format

I am creating a small php script to add some videos to a YouTube playlist, the part of getting an access token and adding the videos is working without an issue, but once the access token expires I am ...
Ayman Roshdy's user avatar
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Addressing Errors in YouTube's Search Suggestion API Implementation

i am building youtube clone and i want to show the suggestions when a user can search something. i get a ...
Akash's user avatar
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getting longUploadsUnspecified when try to get channel status from youtube api

Im developing livestraming app with expo, and I need to check user's youtube channel if he can streaming live to youtube, from youtube api docu: ...
Razz's user avatar
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What should I add to the ID parameter in Youtube Analytics API to get information from all the video in the world?

I am trying to get the Top 100 Most Viewed Youtube video when given a country(e.g US). When I was researching on google I found that I need to use these parameters: dimensions=video metrics=views,...
Aarav Sharma's user avatar
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How to Set Youtube Video Language using Google Youtube API?

I am trying to set Video Language for the video upload using Google's Youtube API. Here is the upload interface look like. I try to set it up using defaultLanguage snippet, as shown below, but it did ...
DigitalNomad's user avatar
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Opening Automatic Webcam Live Broadcast on Youtube with C# [closed]

I want to make an automatic live broadcast on YouTube with C#, but in the code below, it does not start the live broadcast, it only does planning and does not select the radio button required to open ...
Mirza's user avatar
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Is there ways to listen YouTube events in real time using their API? [closed]

The other day I encountered a problem listening to YouTube events in real time. I need to receive new comments on my YouTube video and process them. Of course there is a way to do it differently and ...
Igor's user avatar
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Resolving disputed claims / reference or ownership conflicts via Youtube Content ID API

I am using YouTube Content ID API to automate some processes of resolving issues regarding disputed claims, Reference Overlapping, Ownership Conflicts, etc. I figured from this page that the ...
Eugene Jeong's user avatar
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Can I get video statistics with the YouTube API?

I get this error when I run trying to get the statistics: 'Exception: The number of rows in the range must be at least 1.' It runs well without the last line. This is the code: function ...
Danilo Reuben's user avatar
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When or how will the problem with downloading subtitles via YouTube Data Api be resolved?

Good afternoon. I encountered a problem that when downloading subtitles, the subtitles are downloaded empty, only temporary tags are saved. Can you tell me if there will be any changes in the near ...
Aliaksandr Samasiuk's user avatar
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What kind of data can i retrieve with the Youtube-API?

I am trying to create a web app that is based on checking users' interactions with the profiles of their favorite creators, influncers and brands. I'm trying to figure out the feasibility of the idea ...
gionata capasso's user avatar
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Bug ytdl-core and m3u8stream in React

Here's my code, and no matter how many different variants I test, I always get the same error in react (jsx), whereas in a node (js) file it works perfectly. Thanks in advance for your help My code : ...
Martin KOSCIANSKI's user avatar
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How to set video language when uploading to YouTube with Python API client

I am uploading videos to YouTube programmatically following the official guide: body=dict( snippet=dict( title=title, description=description, tags=tags, ), status=dict(...
emonigma's user avatar
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Issue With Changing Category for Livestream via YouTube API

I am using the YouTube API to set a category of a livestream. This is what I have so far. When the code runs nothing seems to happen. def Setcategory(id, title): //Rest of the function ...
Mani's user avatar
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YouTube live api transition request count error

I'm using YouTube API v3 for a live streaming application that I'm developing. I follow these steps in order. I create a broadcast with the broadcast insert method I create a livestream with the ...
Ergun Altunbayrak's user avatar
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Problem with Youtube image api and nodejs https request

Im trying fetch youtube videos thumbnails using following endpoint :<Video-ID>/sddefault.jpg With my nodejs code: const https = require('https'); https .get( ...
pooriya's user avatar
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How to play YouTube videos on an iOS Native Video Player using AVPlayer?

Yes, I am completely aware of YouTube's Helper iFrame API which uses a web view to play YouTube videos. But tons of popular apps such as WhatsApp, Telegram and Musi play YouTube videos in either ...
SwiftEnthusiast's user avatar
-3 votes
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youtube api quota limit of 10000api

I m using Youtube Api key in my project and 1000 api requests ha ve been made. Does anyone know that once we reach quota limit of 10000api request with google api the quota is over forever or it will ...
rahul agarwal's user avatar
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Video insert results in "uploadLimitExceeded" exception

We are using the youtube api to upload multiple videos to channels we have permissions to. When uploading a batch of videos via the api it results in "uploadLimitExceeded" exception. The ...
Anton Bell's user avatar
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Provide an archipelago name that humans cannot utter

MobileLegends:BangBang your textMobileLegends:BangBang. Game id 129018741(2236) I really need more Diamonds to buy items in game. Provide an archipelago name that humans cannot utter. type her ``...
cody brown's user avatar
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Can I close a youtube window using javascript?

In 2022 ish I used to be able to close a youtube window with javascript var openedWindow; function openWindow() { openedWindow =' v=...
indietiredboi's user avatar
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Get ISRC from a YouTube video using YouTube Data API v3

I know that YouTube Music exists, and songs in YouTube Music are just YouTube videos, so I used the videos.list() function in the YouTube API, and I can't find the ISRC, an identifier for a specfic ...
Ricardo Kifuri's user avatar
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How can i get the top youtube search data from youtube analytics api?

I want to get the top youtube search terms for a specific video from traffic source but unable to get it through youtube analytics api? Here is my code: import csv from googleapiclient.discovery ...
Keshav Khanal's user avatar
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How can I insert multiple language caption files into YouTube videos using batch processing mode

batch = BatchHttpRequest() requests = [] for language, caption in caption_files.items(): request = youtube.captions().insert( part='snippet', body={ ...
Maharshi Thatikonda's user avatar
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Storing data to dropbox with rdrop2 makes youtube-api act up?

In reference to a persistent issue after this question Hide/Show in shinyjs not working when videos are randomized was answered. Basically, I need to randomize whether one of three videos plays in a ...
sara_codes's user avatar
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YouTube Data API v3 check if a Video/Song has explicit lyrics

So, I am working with the YouTube Data API v3, specifically working on getting data from YouTube Music songs. On YouTube music and the actual youtube player, it tells you whether or not a video has ...
Ricardo Kifuri's user avatar
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Anyone around Good at both Javascript and Youtube api?, I am using lite-youtube js and I am confused in adding an eventlistener for onStateChange

I am new in studying and learning javascript and I am using a lite youtube js from paulirish from github I want to get onstatechange and ...
Frost's user avatar
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Hide/Show in shinyjs not working when videos are randomized

I want to make a Shiny app that randomly selects one of two videos and, only after the video has been played, produces a radio button asking if people have watched the video. This code works fine with ...
sara_codes's user avatar
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Youtube api question, make a perfect copy of a playlist

Im not experienced with webdev so i want to know if this is possible before figuring out how to do it. I want to know if im able to create to duplicate a playlist and keep all the data pertaining to ...
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How can I get posts in the community tab?

I want to get a list of posts in the community tab. I tried to use the commentThreads().list() method, but without success - when I specify channelId, I get the error: The video identified by the <...
Axaneron's user avatar
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Is there a way to use Youtube API for realtime history browser verification?

I want to make a personal project with C# that consists on using the Youtube API to verify in my browser if I'm watching too many youtube videos in an X period of time (ex: If I watch more then 10 ...
Maju's user avatar
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Auto embed youtube videos in app in android studio

How to add auto embed youtube playlist (when the video uploads in youtube it should appear the embedded video automatically in app) with iframe Youtube player and custom css style in android studio ...
kolla jeshurun's user avatar
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Youtube Caption Download gives Error 404, the caption id is valid

I am trying to download youtube captions using youtube API, I use a videoID to get caption id, when I try to download video caption using youtubeDataapi playground, I get error 404. I have checked and ...
DeadlyDuck's user avatar
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How to perform pagination in the YouTube API?

I'm trying to perform pagination on the YouTube API, but I can't get more than 12 pages. I am making the following request:
João Pacheco's user avatar
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Trying to bring access token using approval code, client id, etc

I'm using C# to implement youtube login in my application and I was wondering why it is keep returning 'bad request' message whenever I request for access token I've got client id, client secret, ...
Base Night's user avatar
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Youtube api to check if a video is only available to Premium users?

Has anyone had success with this either through a direct endpoint, or maybe a creative work around using the youtube api? Just trying to check if a video is only available to Premium users. It doesn't ...
Brandon's user avatar
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YouTube iframe Embeds: player control overlay stuck due to missing touch-up event

I'm using the YouTube iframe player inline in an iOS App with a WkWebView. When I close the App it sometimes happens that the player control bar at the bottom gets stuck and no longer disappears. This ...
fer0n's user avatar
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I want to integrate a live video viewing feature into my website. Which YouTube API should I use to implement this functionality?

I want to integrate a live video viewing feature into my website. Which YouTube API should I use to implement this functionality? I use API : but I get the ...
user23637775's user avatar
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How can I expand my YouTube Reporting API Rate Limits?

I am using the following endpoints{job_id}/reports From the YouTube Analytics and Reporting APIs in ...
Ryan Zappulla's user avatar

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