Questions tagged [yui3]

YUI 3 is Yahoo!'s next-generation JavaScript and CSS library. The library includes the core components, a full suite of utilities, the Widget Infrastructure, a growing collection of widgets, CSS resources, and tools. In addition there is a gallery of community contributed components that integrate with the library.

66 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Progressive enhancement with YUI3 (Y.App) and Symfony2

We actually work with the Symfony 2 PHP framework and Twig as a template engine. We think that we could avoid code duplication for the View layer and benefit from progressive enhancement (p-jax). ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Memory leak with DataTable and DataSource with polling

I have a DataTable which is populated from a remote JSON DataSource: var dataSource = new Y.DataSource.Get({ source: url }); dataSource.plug(Y.Plugin.DataSourceJSONSchema, { schema: { ...
SimonC's user avatar
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AlloyUI Scheduler

I have played around with the AlloyUI Scheduler, and it seems to be the by far best calendar out there. While poking it, a few questions have risen. I am not particularly experienced with YUI, so my ...
Kaarel Nummert's user avatar
3 votes
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YUI 3. Programmatically trigger onSubmit

How I can trigger onSubmit event using code in YUI 3? I tried this: form.simulate("submit"); But it doesn't work. EDIT: Problem description: I want to show popup (Y.Dialog) with HTML <...
WelcomeTo's user avatar
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IE8 on Windows XP is very slow compared to IE8 on Windows 7 and using YUI 3.9

I'm experiencing a very weird problem related to executing JS in IE8 on Windows XP being very slow. We are using YUI 3.9 as our JS library. We load a form with 315 fields. I used dynaTrace Ajax ...
Mido's user avatar
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YUI transition callback function not working on first click

What the script does is, when you click on any child of this #viewPlan div it, I get the index of that child, and I show the same index div in the next sibling of #viewPlan Following is the code, the ...
Pal Singh's user avatar
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YUI3, Modules, Namespaces, calling functions

I would like to port the javascript code from my page to YUI3. After reading many posts (questions and answers) here and lots of information in the YUI3 page and in tutorials I have come to the ...
user597009's user avatar
2 votes
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YUI, instantiable module that is not a widget?

If I want a module that is instantiable, let say, a module that handles storing preferences in a subcookies, and i want the main cookie to be configurable, but i don't want it to be a widget... what ...
gcb's user avatar
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YUI3: How to bundle dependencies for offline deployment?

I am building a web application using YUI3 and with it it's "Loader" and "App" components. I separate my application into different modules with YUI.add(). All is going well so far. However, the ...
Florian Sesser's user avatar
2 votes
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yui3 change iframe head

I want to inject iframe head by yui3.The sample code works in FF but IE9 shows the error "YUI is not define". I don't know what happens in IE9. <head> <script src="http://yui.yahooapis....
user1881071's user avatar
2 votes
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YUI3 - DataTable Datasource Polling

Im new to YUI3; Im trying to poll a datasource every 10 seconds to refresh a datatable. But with the code below it says there is 'No Data To Display'... Sorry for the large amount of code... YUI()....
craig1231's user avatar
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Load HTML templates using YUI 3 Loader Utility

ReqireJS allows text file dependency, is there similar way to do this in YUI3 loader utility. I have been trying to do this with module. but I would prefer if I can extend YUI3 Loader module in ...
CoderTR's user avatar
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YUI 3.5 App Framework server routing

I am currently looking at implementing YUI 3.5 pr1 (and then the final version when released) in a fairly large application. The backend is built with PHP and MySQL using a MVC structure with a front ...
F21's user avatar
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Show Data in grid from DataSource in YUI?

I have attached my code in this question. I am using YUI-3 for showing data in grid format from DataSource I could not get data from datasource.But data passing from URL. My grid showing No data ...
Nagaraj Juro's user avatar
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YUI3 Datatable Row Highlight/Link

Im using YUI3 Datatables to output data to a table, problem is im not sure how to make the rows highlight on hover / link to the corresponding account id. Normal CSS does not work as the class and ...
Kenziiee Flavius's user avatar
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YUI3 FF retrieving selected option and its background-color property

I'm trying to set the background-color of a Select element to the background-color of it's selected Option like so: YUI().use('selector-css3', 'node', function(Y) { function set_color( e ) { ...
S. Henkie's user avatar
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How to sort a list alphabetically using YUI3

I am trying to add items to a list and want the items not to be added at the end but sorted alphabetically. I am using YUI3 and I have a sorting function but when I use it, it adds the items at the ...
Danny Samuel's user avatar
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YUI 3 drag and drop with Constraints

I am new to YUI. I am wanting to achieve a drag and drop operation with contstraints. I am following the simple YUI 3 guide and was able to achieve the drag and drop according to the code they given ...'s user avatar
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jsPlumb: How to make the modification from division to endpoint?

I have dynamical created nodes (by yui3 library). All nodes created as children of the same parent as html-elements. However in terms of design some of nodes must be endpoints of other elements. For ...
Eugene's user avatar
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Converting the Inline Json Data to Remote Json File

I used the answer at : YUI 3 -Datatable with Paginator + Query Builder + Sort tried to for the samples and which have inline json data. I ...
Satyendra Shukla's user avatar
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Creating a dynamic custom proxy element in YUI3 drag

I am currently trying to implement drag and drop using YUI3. My requirement is that when the user drags a particular division, the image inside that division must be used as a proxy and when I drop it ...
Rahul's user avatar
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YUI Datatable -- how to mark row as modified?

I'm using YUI 3.7.3, and have an instance of a DataTable. The rows in the table are represented by 'Session' objects, and the values shown in the table columns are derived from an internal list in ...
Dave Combs's user avatar
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Resizable in YUI 3.1.2

I need to switch my code base from using jQuery (1.7.2) and jQueryUI (1.8.6) components to the equivalent YUI components; and per client constraints, it must be version 3.1.2. However, I am not ...
user1270393's user avatar
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How to catch a YUI3 Sortable drag event?

The drag-n-drop sort works great but I would like to know how to catch when someone does a drag. I tried this but none of the alerts fire: YUI().use('sortable', function(Y) { var sortable1 = new Y....
Cameron McBride's user avatar
1 vote
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YUI3 event delegation not working in FF2

I am using YUI 3.3.0. Event delegation not working in FF2. Any clue ? Thanks in advance. container.delegate("click", function(e) { alert("hi"); //alerts except in FF2 },"td, li");
Aneesh's user avatar
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Load the content of a given URL in yui 3.2 using AJAX'#message').load('/ajax/test.html');'#message').load('/ajax/test.html', '#foo'); Load the content of a given URL and replace the contents of #message with it. In YUI, the node-load ...
Mayur Patel's user avatar
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Right-align YUI3 menu bar items?

I work on a project that used to use YUI2 to power it's web interface. We use the menubar plugin, and had a couple of menus right aligned. We achieved this by adding float: right to the CSS for the &...
Thomi's user avatar
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YUI3 io-upload-iframe

Can you use yui3's io-upload-iframe to send form data along with the file upload? I am setting the form's id, like I normally would to serialize the form data, but since I am setting upload : true, ...
imns's user avatar
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How to fire YUI3 mouseenter/leave events while using YUI3 Dragdrop?

I have several list items with their parent ul delegated as the node for Dragdrop, this works fine by itself - it drags, it drops. In the Droptarget, I have a DOM's worth of nodes which subscribe to ...
danjah's user avatar
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YUI Autocomplete Editing Issue

I am creating a webform and am in need of a textarea with autocomplete that pulls from a list of streets I've created. I have been using YUI3 Autocomplete widget and it has been working great, but I ...
William White's user avatar
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"minimumDate" feature of YUI 3 calendar is not working in Internet Explorer, is there any alternate hack available for the default calendar API?

My Code looks as follows. <script> var yahoo_yui=YUI(); yahoo_yui.use('calendar', 'datatype-date', 'cssbutton', function (G) { minimum_date="2016-10-7"; ...
N.Srinivasulu Rao's user avatar
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YUI 3: Set Value to Multiple Select

I using YUI 3, but I have a question about YUI usage. I have a select tag with some option tags: YUI().use( "node", "event", "cssbutton", function(Y){'body').addClass('yui3-skin-sam')...
user2235354's user avatar
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Error when using YUI3: "Y.QueryString.parse is not a function"

I'm building a Squarespace page, and I want to have an outgoing link on the page whose query parameters are set according to query parameters on the page itself. Since Squarespace embeds YUI3 in every ...
Josh's user avatar
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YUI3 DataTable add two rows

I am trying to modify the the YUI dataTable to add rows dynamically after the dataTable is created but instead of adding one new row it adds two. My code: var index = 0; YUI({ filter: 'RAW' })....
Alex's user avatar
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YUI3 view events object do not fire events

YUI3 custom view module do not calls showPanel() function whn the user clicks to the Y.SpHeader (view) should call showPanel event handler. the code Does not throw any error in console it simply do ...
encoder's user avatar
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How to scroll to bottom right after instancing a YUI 3 scrollview?

I have instantiated a YUI and I need to scroll to the bottom right away (and also after adding some elements dinamically later). Any ideas how can I do that? Here is the code so far: yInstance = YUI(...
nastaseion's user avatar
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JS YUI: How to do column sorting of a datatable on the click of a button?

Background:- I picked up the script in the following piece of code for table sorting from here. Now I want a little change in the way it works. Question:- I want the data to be sorted on the basis ...
Solace's user avatar
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Why is my panel rendering before I tell it to?

YUI().use('node-event-delegate', 'panel', function(Y){ (function createNewMetadataPanel() { console.log('creating'); var panelContent = Y.Node.create('<div/>').set('id', '...
michaelAdam's user avatar
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YUI3 Promises not returning a value to .then()

I've been working recently developing some app using YUI3 Framework and I have problem with promises. I get no value in .then() function. Basically, .then() is not running. Why is this happening? YUI(...
sunpietro's user avatar
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How to do event handling for dynamically introduced elements in page in yui3

I am having trouble to do event handling for elements which are dynamically introduced in the page.I currently use: Y.on("click",function,'.dynamicObj'); Here suppose 'dynamicObj' is the class which ...
warcoder's user avatar
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how to log js errors at server

I wanted to know does YUI3 provides any way to try and catch errors functionality, where in after the error is captured we can show some customized error alert and simultaneously log the error at ...
warcoder's user avatar
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How can you determine if Y.add has been called for a YUI3 module?

I want to determine at runtime whether a YUI module has been defined (i. e. whether someone has called YUI.add() for that module). Based on reading the YUI code, it seems like YUI.Env.mods[moduleName]...
ChaseMedallion's user avatar
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Is there a javascript loader that supports using multiple versions of common libraries in the same browser window?

We have a system where multiple back-end services serve up front-end content that ultimately gets combined into a single web page. Currently, we use the YUI3 loader to support javascript and css ...
ChaseMedallion's user avatar
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YUI 3 Chart Axis Label Positioning?+

I have created a chart using YUI and want to display axis labels. The x axis is fine, but the y axis label appears inside of the data. Here is what is happening: 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 l | ...
Khamey's user avatar
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how to unrender an autocomplete if once it is renderd

I have text-field on which i have attached the Auto-complete plugin (Y.Plugin.AutoComplete) what I do is to render it once other fields above it are checked. My question is once the above fields are ...
warcoder's user avatar
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How to restore element's original height with YUI3?

I have an HTML element with a class that sets its height: .myelem { height: 100px; } I change the element's height programmatically based on some conditions with something like:'.myelem')....
szeryf's user avatar
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javascript internet explorer array issues

I know that Internet Explorer <9 has issues with Javascript arrays. I've tried using stopgaps but I can't for the life of me get this figured out. Basically, I have this code (pared way down): ...
devin.austin's user avatar
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Preventing list items from appearing until YUI3 Tabview loaded

I'm using YUI 3 tabview, and my page appears without tabs very briefly, and then the tabs appear. I found this page: Hiding Progressively Enhanced Markup which ...
Mike Dunham-Wilkie's user avatar
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YUI3 Scroll-Datatables in TabView don't render

I have some tabs in YUI3 Tabview. Each tab contains a couple of YUI3 Scrollable Datatables. The datatables are created but are not rendered. All I can see is a part of 1st column of each datatable. ...
the-petrolhead's user avatar
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YUI3 module change attribute after construction

I am building a YUI3 module for my workplace. I construct it like so: var testMenu1 = new Y.ContextMenu({ id: 'testmenu1', menuItems: { opsdb: { title: 'empty', ...
gdanko's user avatar
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