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C# bool and bool? jQuery Validate issues

There are 2 issues here, both related. The first issue relates to the use of [Required] bool? and jQuery Validate in .NET MVC, where the form is not prevented from posting where no value is present, ...
iggyweb's user avatar
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4 answers

counting strings within strings

I have an array that looks like this: a = ['UCI_99648;102568', 'UCI_99648;102568', 'UCI_99648;102568;99651', 'UCI_99651', 'UCI_99652', 'SIB_99658;102568;506010;706080', NaN] I want to find out how ...
msh855's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to convert structure vertical to horizontal with Pandas

I would like to change structure of following Dataframe to next . | id | name | country | sort | | 1 | Foo | USA | 1 | | 1 | Foo | Japan | 2 | | 1 | Foo | China | 3 | | 2 | Bar | USA | 1 | | 2 | Bar |...
tajihiro's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

Need to find one element of table joinig 2 tables

I want to join two tables based on the result of a select (?) I want to get the distance values of a user in table A with specific unique_id and pos_id and join them with table B order_id I have this ...
blaue_uschi's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET while connecting to mqtt using ng2-mqtt

While connecting to mqtt using ng2-mqtt (paho) I'm getting the below error . mqttws31.js:979 WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: ...
lakshmi Narayana's user avatar
0 votes
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Project Euler #8 Wrong answer, explanation needed

Disclaimer :- I don't need the solution. I just want to know why my code is not producing correct answer. I made the following code for the Project Euler question 8 which basically asks to find 13 ...
luciferchase's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

perl: how to remove particular word or pattern in between two patterns

I want to remove some words within two patterns using perl The following is my text .......... QWWK jhjh kljdfh jklh jskdhf jkh PQXY lhj ah jh sdlkjh PQXY jha slkdjh PQXY jh alkjh ljk kjhaksj ...
Santhosh's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to import pypi module

I am unable to import the pypi module ( into one of my python scripts. I added the below line to my script to see which paths it's trying to get modules from: print(...
Panda Coder's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Docker run entrypoint parameters disables published port

This is working as expected: docker run -it -p 1234:1234 --device=/dev/vboxdrv:/dev/vboxdrv xxx/yyy but when I provide entrypoint parameters -a off -n on then -p 1234:1234 is no longer working ...
Jonas's user avatar
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3 answers

Using jQuery to dynamically update the DOM with .blur and .click to switch out elements [duplicate]

I am newb with jQuery and would appreciate your help. I am struggling a bit with jQuery DOM manipulation, where I have an <input>, and .on("blur") it updates the DOM, by removing the <input&...
onmyway's user avatar
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0 answers

Amazon S3 policy to allow r/w access to a single bucket

I have a problem writing AWS policy to grant user read/write access to a single bucket. Basing on examples I found online, it seems to be quite straightforward: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "...
emesik's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

Why doesn't the standard consider a template constructor as a copy constructor?

Here's the definition of copy constructor, [class.copy.ctor/1]: A non-template constructor for class X is a copy constructor if its first parameter is of type X&, const X&, volatile X& ...
geza's user avatar
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QMediaPlayer don't play before Sleep

I'm making a proyect in Qt Designer and I'm trying to play sound before a Sleep. I have a pushButton with a on_clicked where it first play the QMediaPlayer and then sleeps for 2 seconds, but the sound ...
David Tic Tac's user avatar
2 votes
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Vertically align buttons in table with varying text size above (using bootstrap grid)

Although this question seems to be a common problem, I could not find any discussion on SO with a similar problem. I am trying to vertically align buttons in a pricing table. The problem is changing ...
Greg Holst's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to code in swift using google tag manager v5 especially for the enhanced ecommerce part?

I am trying to using gtm v5 for Swift, but i found that it is not working. It is not sending any data to Google Analytics, but at the same time it doesn't give me errors. I already double check the ...
Novan Santosa's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

(Angular Unit Testing) Uncaught Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: 'B1' , (an error was thrown in afterall)

I am writing unit test cases for a small angular app. It uses routers, so I am using RouterDirectiveStub as suggested in angular docs. Scenario: In Bikes component testing on click, if I am ...
Raj's user avatar
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1 answer

Nativescript local css files

When using sidekick to build the nativescript app , the page-specific css files(css files in the same directory) are not being loaded. These work on the emulator but not when building and running on ...
Arthi's user avatar
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2 answers

How can i hide or move my background when opening a navigation bar on mobile?

Basically I have my navigation bar on my mobile web app and I want to know how to hide/move everything in the background when opening the navigation bar. I figured I'd have to use "display:none" when ...
Georges Ghafary's user avatar
1 vote
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Concatenate a string to a constant variable name and access the entire new variable from scope [duplicate]

I have a set of multiple forms to send message. Each form name starting with a fixed name like "uploadForm_" and ends with a unique id. Final name will be shows as name = "uploadForm_{{id}}" When i ...
Vishnu Sadanandan's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: org.apache.juli.logging.Log: Provider org.eclipse.jetty.apache.jsp.JuliLog not a subtype

I am newbie in spring mvc, jetty and restful. I'm trying to deploy my restful App is running perfectly when using this command > mvn clean jetty:run It gives following error: java.util....
newbiecihuy's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Which parts of the rails session object server side is actually written to the user's session cokie

We've been running into a cookie overflow issue, the cause is when a user creates a long query and then devise stores their location in the session, which is so long it causes a session overflow. ...
Thermatix's user avatar
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2 answers

Can i change the src of a img to a video src and back?

I have a stream which runs only over the <img> Tag and would like to give the opportunity to watch three different videos on the same page, using the same space. So that instead of the <img&...
Xester Menia's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How can I curve fit this particular data plot using python?

I have to make a cdm diagram using the data from a fits file. I have successfully did so. Now the next task is to make a line which goes through the most populated area. so how can I do it? I am not ...
Goutham Krishna's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

JS array apparently doesn't have a length

Hi I have come across a strange JS/JQuery issue. I have 2 arrays which contain a timestamp and a value. I have merged these 2 arrays together so that if the timestamp is the same in both arrays ...
Lukerayner's user avatar
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How can you set the datasource of a combo and set the text value on load

I want to populate combos with the same list of data from the "modules" table ...
oisin Duffy's user avatar
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1 answer

Freemarker custom characters escaping (escaping LaTeX special characters)

What is the best way to escape special latex characters when using freemarker to create a .tex file? Currently, I am passing a java function for escaping symbols and I have to wrap every variable ...
Nikita Mikhailov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to render a <template> tag as an actual DOM element?

I'm currently working on a script that uses <template> tags for obtaining markup that it should render. To be compatible with reactive frameworks like Vue, it uses a MutationObserver to find new ...
dodov's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I refresh the index.htm of an angularJS project?

I made an application with angularJs and I have a lot of views in there. I work a lot with routing as well. My problem is, I have an index page, that contains a searchbar. And this searchbar has to ...
jakob_k's user avatar
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1 answer

Translate these Methods from EF 6 to EF Core

I have been trying to implement a solution to properly set the State on Entities in a Disconnected scenario (where a new instance of the DBContext is loaded for every call to the NetCore API). There ...
axelrotter's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Error when writing drools rules in a string buffer

I am setting up the drools rules using string buffer in which rules will build from db data. Below is my code snippet to prepare the rules in a string buffer. List<DbRules> dbRuleList = ...
Rajesh's user avatar
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1 answer

adding external project in spring mvc maven project

I am new in Spring MVC. I am trying to add my core Maven project into Spring MVC Maven project. It build successfully and i can see the respective jar files in "target\project.war\WEB-INF\lib" but it ...
Sumeet Vishwas's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

I'm setting a nested list and I don't know what style should I use

I want a solution for nested list styles, see the code: <ul> <li>nesteds <ul> <li>nested 1</li> <li>nested 2</li> <li>...
Mohammad Hady Karimi's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

i use jQuery .attr in console google : "is not a function"

I am looking to recover the data of the first mail from here. I am using $('#inboxtbl tbody tr').attr('data-id') in the Google Chrome console and I get below error Uncaught TypeError: $(...).attr is ...
Benjamin Rocher's user avatar
3 votes
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I want to clean up my pip/homebrew/python installations

I want to clean up my installations on my MacBook Pro at the moment. In the past, I have installed things like homebrew, pip, python, nnpm and some other things that I don't even remember. Recently, ...
Shawn's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Manipulating Date with Conditional Statements

I'm trying to add and subtract days from my date-time but facing some issues. Reproducible Example df = data.frame(date1=c("2017-07-07", "2017-02-11", "2017-05-22")) library(lubridate) df$date1 &...
Javier's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Firebase onAuthStateChanged is being called twice upon login

I am new to firebase. I'm trying to login using React + Redux. When I click 'Login', it will log me in once, then the onAuthStateChanged is called again with res being null which logs me back out ...
Ben's user avatar
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1 answer

Set autodelete and exclusive properties in NServiceBus with RabbitMQ

does anyone know how to set autodelete and exclusive in NServiceBus for RabbitMq queues? I tried the following but it's not working: protected override void OnConfigurationStarting(...
MeTitus's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there any way to automatically have the API Keys in Azure API Management also be used with function level authentication for Functions?

If I expose an Azure Function with function level authentication through Azure API Management (APIM) then I want the same API Key from APIM to be used in the Function. Is there any way to achieve this ...
Peter148's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Check if string contains number? If yes then replace that number with another string

I m having a string, I need to check if that string contains any number or not. I found so many answers which only returns true or false Like this. But what I want to do is identify that number and ...
Ushma Joshi's user avatar
0 votes
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Amazon EC2 And Web API

Folks, I am new to Amazon AWS and currently using the free tier for the 12 months, has anyone got stung with bad bills through that period. Also if you took a basic API and a windows EC2 t2 ...
dotnetdevcsharp's user avatar
0 votes
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XA transaction MongoDb and Rabbit MQ

I have case of xa transaction between mongo db and Rabbit mq. Data should get commited in both and should rollback. Commit in mongo db and post message to rabbit mq. If one fails it should ...
Ashok's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Javascript filter array of objects by key of another array of objects

I have an array of products and an array of products that a user has access to. They share a common ID. I want to filter the array of products to only return those that the user has access to. All ...
timelfelt's user avatar
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Hibernate Search - Wildcard and space

I am using Hibernate Search with multiple words/fields and it works as expected until I enable Wildcards. This is my Entity Analyzer: @AnalyzerDef(name = "autocompleteAnalyzer", tokenizer = @...
Raffaeu's user avatar
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Unable to resolve IPs using dns for Azure Container Instances

I have just tried to run a windows container using Azure Container Instances, however it seems the container can't resolve DNS for the server i would like it to connect too. Unhandled Exception: ...
Rasmus Hansen's user avatar
-2 votes
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How could i center my navigation content?

My navigation content is up there isn't centered and I do not know why. Any help or possible fix would help me! I am lost I tried everything so far I have read on google and you will see in my code ...
Blacky's user avatar
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Paginated Scraping using Scrapy and Python

I'm trying to scrape all of a site's entries and available content to try to learn using scrapy. So far, I've been able to scrape all of the blog entries on a page and then go to the next page and ...
Elle Stewards's user avatar
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Calling a Python subroutine at the precise instant when clock seconds value changes?

In my app I display a clock. The string representing time is updated once a second when the seconds number changes. I do this by polling the system clock to generate a 'seconds' property. A change in ...
Eugene B's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How can i sum specific month value with date in pandas frame?

I have a dataset like this ID,DATE,NO,MONTH 1,24/04/2019,6,2019/09 1,24/04/2019,7,2019/09 And i have months to ad for DATE column. For example i want to see 24/04/2019 add with 6 month -> 2019/10 ...
Sevval Kahraman's user avatar
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stl: priority_queue not sorting same priority elements in FIFO order

I have the following code for C++ STL priority_queue implementation. But priority queues should arrange identical priority elements in FIFO order. However, the output of the code suggests differently. ...
Anirban's user avatar
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How do you pass a string via props then use that as a value in the component tag in React Native?

I have a String name tag and I passed it from 'Main' component to 'Details' component via props and want to use that tag string to use in the render function of Details like Tried this in the ...
shahriar hasan's user avatar

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