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How can you tell whether an fd refers to inside or the outside of a pseudoterminal?

On at least Linux and NetBSD, isatty returns true for fds open on either the inside (/dev/pts/0, /dev/ttyp0, etc) or the outside (/dev/ptmx, /dev/ptyp0, etc) of a pseudoterminal, and all of the ...
zwol's user avatar
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Run HQL file in Spark and pass parameters

I want to read an HQL file with multiple SQL statements that might have some variables. For example: select * from table where ds = '$ds'; select * from table2 where ds > '$ds1' and ds < '$ds2'...
Tomasz Krol's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to keep div borders the same size on zoom

I have encountered an app for Android and iOS that has a subtle but extremely neat feature: regardless of the zoom level the size the grid borders remains constant before and after zoom. The cells ...
Shadow43375's user avatar
-3 votes
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JavaScript - how to build function in this script

can someone help me with creating a function for the script available in the second 'else if' loop. I need to use the same script again and again in other else if loops.I really appreciate your help. ...
evan's user avatar
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1 answer

How to stop the text under Images of Pure Grid Div from getting Squashed

I'm using the CSS pure grid class to make a grid of images and placing a text label below each one. However, this is not working out because the text is getting squashed (see the image below): Here ...
mayankmehtani's user avatar
0 votes
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Can this layout be accomplished in BS4?

I have a website that uses BS4. There is one content block that I would like to change so that the content is stacked (Title then Image then Content) while on a mobile device and that switches to ...
swani's user avatar
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1 answer

Does ehcache calls LoaderWriter in an efficient way when dealing with concurrent requests?

(Context) I need to build a cache that loads information from database and make it available to the application. This data will not be changed in this application and will be heavily used (retrieved) ...
Robson Hermes's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

ASP.Net Core: Use Shared Project to share static assets (css / js) between many projects

Taking inspiration from here:, I'm trying to use Shared Projects to share static assets (e.g. css / js) between multiple ...
Johnny Oshika's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

removing elements in a vector that contain pure numbers in R

I have a vector that has character elements like "2-CONTROL", "DAN-COLOR", "3M", "DIPLOMVEJ 373", "ABE 34 HUN" I'd like to filter out the elements the elements that have independent numbers within ...
JGG's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Confirmed Password send to WebApi backend

Simple question. Should I send "ConfirmedPassword" in addition to "Password" to my WebApi back end? I am using ASP.Net Core 2.1preview2 and the Web Api is consumed by Xamarin.Forms clients. I feel I ...
Sigex's user avatar
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PhantomJS Record User Session Video

I'm developing an in-house solution to record the users sessions activity in the web pages visited by them. By activity I mean mouse movement and clicks. I am already recording that info with the ...
Marrone's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Monkey runner installation [closed]

I want to use monkey runner tool to automate some manual works in the android device connected to my PC. I dont know where to start and what software is required to run monkey runner scripts. So is ...
Josh's user avatar
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error trying to exec 'cc1', limited options for remediation

I am attempting to compile a file on a Debian Linux system, and I believe there is something wrong with gcc's configuration. $ gcc test.c -o test -pthread -v Using built-in specs. COLLECT_GCC=gcc ...
femtobarn's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Importing an Excel Listobject into an Access table

I have an Access database with a table named InventoryAvail. I'd like to push a button in Access and import a specific Listobject from a specific Excel file to fill the InventoryAvail table. What vba ...
Hawsidog's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How do you only capture outermost matches (throw away groups) in python regex? [duplicate]

I apologize if this is a repeated question, but I tried for a while and couldn't figure out what search to use. Previously, I had a regular expression: example_re = re.compile(r'[\(\[].*?[\)\]]') ...
whenitrains's user avatar
0 votes
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How do I get git log --follow to respect --skip?

When using git log --skip=1, when I use --follow, it seems to inhibit --skip=1. Why is this happening? Is this by design or a bug? Is there a way to prevent it from doing that?
user541686's user avatar
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How to overcome the single default export issue when using react-nav and redux

I have a button in my app that needs to navigate to another screen and change a value in redux simultaneously. Of course, export default cannot be used twice but - when I mark one of the exports as a ...
user465001's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Where does the home icon of the site come from?

I wonder where the home icon of the page comes from (the icon marked by the upper left red circle in the image below) ? I inspected the element by chrome browser: <a ...
user120513's user avatar
0 votes
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Single view app (xamarin studio) equivalent in Visual Studio with xamarin?

Backstory I am currently in a course for learning how to create cross platform apps with xamarin. the first step is they have you open xamarin studios but I when I went to do that my research found ...
MetalMusicLover's user avatar
0 votes
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Off behaviour con promise chain

I'm facing the following issue with a chain of promises I have this chain of promises where I set a variable with what's going to be executed based on a data type if (data.type === 'type1') { ...
CJLopez's user avatar
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StMoMo package and boostrap function

I'm using the R package StMoMo on mortality data, but I'm having some problem to understand the bootstrap procedure. As I catched, the function boostrap allows to create bootstrap parameters in order ...
zick094's user avatar
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Zero Initialize a Type

Given a variable of an unsigned integral type: foo lets say I want to do this: const decltype<foo> bar{}; cout << (55834574890LL & ~bar) << endl; That gives me the expected 42....
Jonathan Mee's user avatar
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1 answer

Shouldn't this "if statement" cause a bounce?

The if statement in question is: if ( this.y + this.radius == lineInfo.loneSy && this.x + this.radius > lineInfo.loneSx && this.x + this.radius < lineInfo.loneEx ) { ...
Ghoyos's user avatar
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2 answers

How do you store evaluated ggplots in R from a list of lists by string?

I am have made a series of lists that contain ggplots. I would like to evaluate the objects in order to bite the plotting time early. I have gathered the variable names that I would like to evaluate ...
Nicholas Hayden's user avatar
1 vote
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in-vendor bundle controller autoload for use annotation

I have a problem with my project, I can't load my controller in my CoreBundle, but I manage it with Composer for updating easily in production server. All code is on my github :
GothShoot's user avatar
4 votes
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Pandas gives different results for different machines

When I upgraded from numpy 1.9 to 1.10 I started to see that the following regression model gives different results on different machines with the same hardware configuration: fitted_model = pd.ols(y=...
Darth.Vader's user avatar
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Ubuntu wrong path to [duplicate]

I appreciate if anybody could point me a solution to a problem related to the installation of oracle oci8 in Ubuntu. When i run php -m | grep 'oci8'. I get : PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load ...
Leonel Matias Domingos's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Partition sort for doubly linked list

Code translated to C from Wirth's book is following void quicksort(int *array, int left, int right) { int v=array[(left+right)/2]; int i,j,x; i=left; j=right; do { while (...
J Doe's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How can I continue an interrupted compilation after an error occurred?

After an error occurred because of a missing flag or incorrectly set environment variable, is it possible to continue compiling once the mistake has been fixed? I regularly use CMake and make to ...
miterhen's user avatar
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1 answer

Is It Possible To Copy Object From Source S3 To Specific Path In Destination S3 Using The AWS SDK?

I am able to copy an object from my source s3 to a destination s3, however my object always ends up in the root directory. Is it possible to specify a certain path during the copy_object? Are there ...
jshah's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

unresolved method captureStream on HTMLCanvasElement

I have weird situation with canvas element and method captureStream. According to documentation HTMLCanvasElement has a method captureStream. However my Angular6 app claims that there isn't such ...
Maciej Wojcik's user avatar
0 votes
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Create a task in outlook from excel vba

I have copy & pasted this code and modified it from a forum in Google to create a task in my Outlook based on what is on my form With CreateObject("Outlook.Application").CreateItem(3) ....
alainl's user avatar
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How to pipe $'\n' from sed into xargs echo correctly?

Problem I want to convert a string of paths (where each path may contain escaped spaces) into a printed list of paths. I'm mainly using echo and sed, and the problem lies therein (see below). For ...
Aeronautix's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Terraform functions inside conditions

I've been struggling a bit trying to join 2 strings inside a condition. here is what I have ${var.log_expiration_days == "365" ? : join("", [, var.log_expiration_days])} The error I ...
Diego Velez's user avatar
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Retrieve TYPE_TOUCH and TYPE_GESTURE in AccessibilityService

I am developing an application which is supposed to collect user's interaction with Android device (touch related data) similar to this SO post. I've tried all of the answer's suggested approaches ...
Jakub Licznerski's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to make error message appear when 2nd number in division is equal to 0 using functions VB.Net

I'm trying to get return false when a/b where b is equal to 0 so that my error message appears to the user. So far I've managed to do a check within my sub but I need the check to be within the ...
BlackDiamond's user avatar
1 vote
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Android Studio Import Project from ADT window not showing up

Simple question here, but I haven't found anyone asking this. Also, keep in mind that I'm new to Android development. So I've been learning SDL2, and got to a point where I'm trying to start making ...
Patrik Bede's user avatar
0 votes
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How to get Java version in a batch script subroutine?

From this question: for /f "tokens=3" %%g in ('java -version 2^>^&1 ^| findstr /i "version"') do ( @echo Output: %%g set JAVAVER=%%g ) How can I put this into a subroutine and call it,...
Sean McCallum's user avatar
0 votes
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matplotlib set stacked bar chart labels

I am trying to create a stacked bar chart that groups data by operating system. I'm having trouble creating an individual label for each component in each bar. What I'm trying to do is different from ...
Daniel Kats's user avatar
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Progressive Web Apps and Private SQL Credentials

I am tasked with converting a PHP application into a progressive web app. This entails converting the existing PHP logic into JavaScript that runs client-side. However, the PHP application contains ...
ph4631's user avatar
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Error using *- inner dimension matrix must agree

I got a problem with a task where I have to compare methods for solving ODEs: ode45, Euler and Gauss-Legendre methods. Here, I have to calculate errors for different steps. h=[0.01 0.05 0.1 0.5]; ...
Marta's user avatar
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How do I see all commits that modified file CONTENTS (not metadata)?

git log --follow shows me all commits for FILE, but what if I only want to see commits that changed the file contents rather than metadata (permissions etc.)? Is there a way to do that?
user541686's user avatar
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How can I make a responsive 45 degree image overlay in css

I actually have no idea how to css overlay a full width slideshow like that (picture attached). I've tried a lot of ideas with transform and rotate, but failed on responsive views. Thanks for any hint&...
Dublay's user avatar
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Can't write full text in an Entry - tkinter

I'm working on a GUI software with Tkinter which basically print a general plane of the product after pushing the "Crear" button, as you can see at the following images: GUI Interface ...
Juan David Argüello Plata's user avatar
0 votes
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Anko ListItem setOnClickListener

I'm trying to play around with some Kotlin and Anko (more familiar with iOS) and taking from their example, there is this code: internal open class TextListWithCheckboxItem(val text: String = "") : ...
Crystal's user avatar
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How to convert PNG<->JPEG<->TIFF images

is there any way I can convert PNG<->JPEG<->TIFF images in Java? I have String i/p passing parameter (PNG or JPEG converted to []byte which get converted to String) to ConvertImage(String xyz) ...
Sandeep's user avatar
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How do you make a for-loop array gives a single, non-continuous output in JavaScript?

I'm making a program that, right now, uses hitboxes to track if the player and an object collide, but cannot figure out how to make the player lose just 1 health when this happens. If necessary, the "...
jambuzz06's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I tell the size of a compressed image when decompressing to standard output

If there is a Linux.img file, I can see the actual size of the image. if there is a Linux.img.xz file, how can I tell the size of it when xz = Popen(["/usr/bin/xz", "-cdk", "Linux.img.xz"], stdout=...
Jason Liu's user avatar
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Increment/decrement button issue

Html markup: <td data-title="Qty" class="vertical_text quantity"> <button type="button" class="quantity-left-minus btn btn-danger btn-number" data-...
raju's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Why does command START used in a batch file not start a batch file?

I made a Main batch file with the lines below: @echo off color 1e title ------ Just a Test ------ start "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Desktop\Check.bat" :START echo Welcome to the Game! ... And Check.bat ...
Sheep1Man's user avatar

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