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How to save/export audio file with pitch value?

I have recorded an audio file, and after changing its pitch value I want to save it with new audio file how can I do this? I want to save audio when the user decided that the pitch value is correct. ...
Salman Ghumsani's user avatar
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How to stop unwanted redirect ? (redirect headers are blank , no referrer)

I am facing a challenge someone bought a domain let say and he has redirected all its traffic towards our website So when a user hit it redirects and open our ...
Kashif Abid's user avatar
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What's the correct way to import angular-mocks to prevent TS errors?

I've updated an angular 1 project from TS 1.8 to TS 2.0 and am using @types/angular-mocks for the type definitions. As it stands, i'm unable to work out how to actually import and use angular-mocks ...
james's user avatar
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Starting App on paired Android device from an android device

I would like to start an Application on an android device from another android device. I'm already able to share data via sockets between devices, but I'm not sure how to go on with starting an app. ...
Progph's user avatar
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Create "fake" user in my ASPNETUsers Table

I am running some Integration Tests and I wish to create a "fake" user in my ASPNETUsers table. I am trying to do the following with no luck. So I have the Setup as follows :- [SetUp] public void ...
JMon's user avatar
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can't fetch value of subscribed payload from paho client

i am runnig various mqtt clients in different threads and communicating the clients with the broker.I am also emulating sensor data in the form of different threads and firing them in random times (...
sense_kus bhatt's user avatar
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Operator overflow with two types

I got a problem regarding operators. class Fraction{ public: Bruch(int z = 0, int n = 1); void operator*(Fraction &b); void calculate(char operation, Fraction &b); private: } ...
HBHauke's user avatar
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AngularJS using How to render video (.wmv,.mpg,.mpeg,.mkv,.avi,.m4v) formats?

I am using HTML5 video tag but video tag only suports check Browser compatibility point I want to supports (.wmv,.mpg,.mpeg,.mkv,.avi,.m4v) formats, Provide any thaird party tool or any idea using ...
Prasanna's user avatar
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Joomla website and contact form emailing

We are using Joomla Version 3 5 1/en. we have not updated to the latest version yet as we require a process of testing before doing so. We use contact forms on our company website, via BreezingForms ...
Jarad Ducroq's user avatar
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Justify upgrade to C++11/14 from c++98 to my management

I work on a mixed codebase (Java/C++) of 1M-2M lines of code and we are upgrading our development environment to RHEL 7.3 and gcc from 4.5 to 4.8.5 which does give some (experimental) support for C++...
Stuart Smith's user avatar
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Update only part pf Jenkins job using JobDSL

There's no problem to create some template jobDSL job which will be uses for create new job basis. Generated jobs will be supplemented. But if I want to update the template and update all generated ...
aranel's user avatar
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Trying To Create a menu screen with buttons

I'm trying to create a menu screen that will have buttons like 'play' 'High-Scores' 'Instructions' and 'Close Application'. So far, i have a menu that will open and when enter is pressed, it will play ...
Kyle Mills's user avatar
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Modify a IDirect3DSurface9* with shader

I got a IDirect3DSurface9 * from a DXVA2 video decoder. I'd like to modify that surface with a shader. I' m able to render the video frames without shader by "drawing" the surface in the back buffer. ...
Gabriele's user avatar
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I can't get access to protected url after auth

I have USERNAME = USERNAME # put correct usename here PASSWORD = PASSWORD # put correct password here LOGINURL = '' DATAURL = '
Daniyar's user avatar
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AngularJS Switching Module app that have different route config on the runtime

ok,nice to meet you guys .first im a newbie with angularjs.this is my question . my application is about site that require user to login . when user still not logged in.i want to using my router ...
Gery Ruslandi's user avatar
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"dimnames_zoo" not resolved from current namespace (xts)

I have written an R script which downloads stock prices from the internet and regularly updates my database. The script uses the xts package among other things. I run it automatically every night (...
john's user avatar
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Google Maps JavaScript API stopped working

Working at a CAD software company, clients can use google maps in their programs in an embedded browser, where they can zoom to a place, then get the elevations and build terrains in their programs. ...
Attila Balázs's user avatar
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Gradle: moving to multi project structure - cannot resolve repository

I have a project that depends on local artifactory for several dependencies. Gradle build on this project works fine, with proper settings for repository: buildscript { repositories { ...
Elad Tabak's user avatar
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LaptopModelManager for WirelessHost in callInitialize()

I'm using Inet framework and I'd like to create several wireless hosts dynamically during the simulation. For this purpose I used LaptopModelManager class, but when I get to this line: mod->...
Anisa All's user avatar
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How to make custom pages from scratch WordPress?

I have a task to create a website on WordPress but the website itself doesn't have to include any bloggy features. (I want to add recent news section at the bottom of the home page) Basically, I'm ...
AdamsRX's user avatar
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PHP - User Profile with multiple different file inputs

So I have searched a lot about this, but can't find any good answer. I have a hrm, where I add Users and each of them has their info like name, age, address, etc etc. I also add couple of files, like: ...
amircisija's user avatar
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Undefined reference to 'SSL_new' building for Android NDK

When I try to build my android app with native code that relay on and I get the "undefined reference to SSL_new" linkage error. What I'm doing wrong in my and ...
Zack's user avatar
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VBA / IE: How to use VBA to click a button on a website

I am new to VBA and hope someone here can help me with the following: I would like to use VBA to open a website and then click two different buttons on this website. My challenges with this are: 1) ...
Mike's user avatar
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Mezzanine change history in admin

In admin panel change history of page are displaying incorrect. It show some-thing like raw data Instead of describing changes, for example: [{"changed": {"fields": ["content", "keywords"]}}] Do ...
Jason McDonough's user avatar
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Open iFrame in parent Window

I have a page that has WebParts contained in it. One of the WebParts is an iFrame. Within this iFrame, the user can search for records and a grid is populated. They can then click on the results to ...
Neil Knight's user avatar
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Can nouislider connect from the center?

I've got a slider where I want to judge opinions on part of my website, from -5 (strongly dislike) to +5 (strongly like). The slider starts at 0 in the center, and it was wondering if there was any ...
Grim...'s user avatar
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No mapping found for HTTP request, Cannot go to servlet dispatcher

I am getting error and only index welcome page is displayed. After clicking on or navigating to another page it is showing me error as below. I am using Maven with all correct dependency. Controller ...
Anuj Sachan's user avatar
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Fading all but single instance of a button

I have a menu with 4 buttons. If the user taps on one, I highlight it to show that it is selected. When the user places the item corresponding to the button in the game scene, the button fades back ...
Mark's user avatar
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Update a column in MySQL after calculating the sum of the User Inputs

I have a table in MySQL Database which has the details of the user inputs.Each user will be able to input their details 3 times a day.I will have a target value for each input.By the end of the day, I ...
Pranami's user avatar
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Reading youtube name PHP bringing symbols?

I'm trying to read certain videos names off of youtube, I have it working correctly, although it seems that certain symbols will show as other weird symbols. (Unicode I think??) function ...
Bryce Harrison's user avatar
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getUserIdentityTokenAsync takes too long

I am working on an Outlook addin, and we use the JavaScript api to get the User Identity Token. I recently noticed that many times our app starts really slow in the morning, though after that first ...
Noam Gal's user avatar
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TFDUpdateSQL or TFDQuery gets error after sql execute with params ftWideString

When I Execute the sql I get an error: Database: Advantage (ADS) initialization of the update sql: procedure TWarehouseLocationAgent.InitUpdateSQL; var oCmd: TFDCustomCommand; begin inherited; ...
Ravaut123's user avatar
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Create new range from 3 other column ranges in VBA Excel

I have 3 ranges in VBA: range1 = Range("A:A") range2 = Range("B:B") range3 = Range("C:C") i want to return a new range where each row in the three ranges are added together. So if I have the data ...
Jamgreen's user avatar
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How to write CSS rule only for default Android Browser using @media queries?

I need to apply CSS rule only for default Android Browser using @media queries. Not for Chrome, but for default browser in Android. Does such query exist? Important to say, that there are too many ...
splash27's user avatar
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Laravel withCount, dont count comment if parent comment user is inactive

I came across a weird problem that i cant find the answer how to resolve. For example i have commenting system on a social network site, which has unlimited level replies to parent comment on a ...
Jernej's user avatar
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Linq to Entities - complex search matching criteria

I have a table of objects in the database, which each have a dictionary of key/value pairs as metadata associated with them. I need to be able to pass in to my function a list of search criteria and ...
NZJames's user avatar
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encode all columns of a dataframe to UTF-8 in R after pulling from mysql for C50 algorithm

I am facing a weird problem, I hope it is related to utf-8 correct me if i am wrong. I am pulling data from mysql as below library(C50) library(RMySQL) library(DBI) fetchRecordsQuery<-"SELECT ...
DileepGogula's user avatar
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Is it right to set setSmallestDisplacement to 0 in LocationListener

I am trying to get user location, when he crosses 1000 meters or if he is in the same place for 6 Hours. First condition was working fine by implementing LocationListener. But for second condition ...
dev90's user avatar
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Many components communicating simultaneously in Angular 2 app - should I use Redux or ngrx

I am building a reactive Angular 2 application. It's a content analytics app with interactive charts. Every time user interacts with one of them, different data is displayed and other charts that were ...
codeepic's user avatar
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Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource, missing token ‘cache-control’ in CORS header

I have the following function which should pass a JSON value to an external API: ack_receipt(); function ack_receipt() { var app_name = "Test Trial Account for infobip"; $.ajax({ url: "http:/...
H Dindi's user avatar
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jPlist plugin - how to reinit plugin after html change

I am using this plugin for pagination and sorting. Plugin works well, but i've noticed that i have problem. Content that is searchable is changed 4 times, i am using ajax call to split big amount of ...
user3573535's user avatar
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Can I connect to a custom Parse server using Parse4J or something similar in a Java web app?

Is there any way to connect my database hosted at Back4App ( to Java web application using Springboot? I saw this library:, but it doesn't ...
Martin Erlic's user avatar
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Additional makefile target with added compiler option in qmake

I have several Qt projects with dependencies on each other. Two projects build executables with different purposes (namely my main app and the unit tests) and depend on the same libraries. Those ...
sigy's user avatar
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MySQL not retrieving data when using an OR clause on VARCHAR type

Real Final edit (since it seems like people think is a null :P): Let me rephrase it, since it is hard to explain and it seems no one can help me. I made 2 stored procedures in MySQL with phpMyAdmin. ...
Jorge Rodríguez González's user avatar
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data not gettinf inserted in mysql table

<?php include 'dbh.php'; session_start(); if (isset($_GET['gmail'])) { $gname = $_GET['gmail']; } $gname = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $gname); $_SESSION['myusername'] = $gname; $...
tushar's user avatar
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Are the variable declared inside main in java static by nature?

Since static methods can access static variables . So any variable inside them should be static . Is this correct ? class abc { public static void main (String xc[] ) { int a; // Is variable ...
steve's user avatar
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How to convert the loaded csv data to JSon object in AngularJS

I have to load a CSV file using upload and then use the contents of this file(converted to JSON) to call a REST Interface using $http post request. This request wants input data in JSON format. ...
Saahil Shah's user avatar
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Error 500 while trying to save .pdf in server using DOMPDF

I have read lots of questions about this topic, but none of their solutions have been useful to me. I am trying to upload a pdf file created by DOMFILE to my server, but I get 500 error. I have ...
alberzyzz's user avatar
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Sort JXL Sheet alphabetically in JAVA

I need to sort a column in alphabetical order. The excel sheet is generated with groovy (or java) with the JXL API. I found a class in jxl 2.6.12 that implements a new feature jxl.write.biff....
Hamza Amamy's user avatar
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numpy error when saving png with pyplot polar projection

This code (simplified version of import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='polar') plt.savefig("fig.png") ...
Anthony's user avatar
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