ANSI C is an informal term sometimes used when referring to the C programming language standard published by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1989 .

"ANSI C" is an informal term used to refer to the 1989 version of the C language. The formal name for this version of the language is ISO/IEC 9899:1990. Informally it is also known as "C89" or "C90".

This is because the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) first published this standard in the year 1989, as a national standard for the USA. It became international ISO standard in the year 1990. So ANSI C, C89 and C90 all refer to the same technical standard.

It is a common misunderstanding that "ANSI C" means standard compliant C. The ANSI standard institute haven't had anything to do with C since 1989. The language is maintained by ISO SC22/WG14. Yet the term "ANSI C" is sometimes used to mean standard compliant, particularly in old books and by old compilers.

Because of this ambivalent meaning, please avoid using this tag. For questions regarding the C89/C90 version of the C language, please use . For questions regarding standard-compliant C, simply use the tag.

Further information about the different C standard versions.