Dancer is a lightweight yet powerful web application framework for Perl, inspired by Sinatra. It aims to be simple, flexible, and easy to get to grips with.

Dancer is a micro web application framework for Perl, originally inspired by the Sinatra framework in Ruby.

Dancer is designed to be as effortless as possible for the developer, taking care of the boring bits as easily as possible, yet staying out of your way and letting you get on with writing your code.

Dancer offers the flexibility to scale between a very simple lightweight web service consisting of a few lines of code in a single file, all the way up to a much more complex fully-fledged web application with session support, templates for views and layouts, etc.

There are a wide variety of Dancer plugins available on CPAN to make common tasks easy (for example, database access, sending email, sending SMS text messages, interacting with Facebook).

There are also various template engine wrappers available for common templating engines such as Template Toolkit, HTML::Template, Mason and many more; writing additional wrappers for new templating engines is easy too.

Getting help

Dancer developers tend to monitor questions on Stackoverflow tagged 'dancer'.

There is an active IRC community on (web chat client available).

There's also a mailing list.

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