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What's the difference between '&' and 'and' operator in Python?

In python, and operator is used to perform logical operations whereas & operator used to perform bitwise AND operation. Let's explain your sample code a = 14 b = 4 print(b and a) print(b & a) ...
Akarshana M's user avatar
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Is Observable's "viewof" really an operator?

While there is no strict definition for the term operator, it usually refers to a syntactical construct that lets you combine an expression from other expressions. It may also involve other ...
Bergi's user avatar
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Is Observable's "viewof" really an operator?

The term operator doesn't have a very precise definition that holds across all languages, but it usually refers to something that's used in expressions. For example, the ECMAScript spec (which defines ...
ruakh's user avatar
  • 180k
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groovy find operator produce java.io.NotSerializableException: java.util.regex.Matcher

Basically what the error says - Matcher is not serializable. Why is it a problem? Here is the short answer from Jenkins documentation: Local variables are captured as part of the pipeline’s state ...
Iterokun 's user avatar

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