2 votes

Wierd looking <vaadin-integer-field> & <vaadin-button>

It looks like there is a conflict between Lit versions. The @open-wc generator installs Lit 2 by default, but the latest Vaadin uses Lit 3: Upgrading the lit version in package.json fixes the issue ...
Sergey Vinogradov's user avatar
1 vote

Vaadin: c.v.b.devserver.DebugWindowConnection : Connection denied because of a missing or invalid token. The host is probably not on the allow list

Have you checked devmode.hostsAllowed property? More info on https://vaadin.com/docs/latest/configuration/development-mode/dev-tools https://vaadin.com/docs/latest/configuration/properties#properties
Marcin's user avatar
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Running into webpack error build time using vaadin 14

Vaadin 14 uses webpack 4.x which does not support optional chaining (?.). Your best bet would be to upgrade to Vaadin 23, which is mostly compatible with Vaadin 14, but supports Vite which deals with ...
Artur Signell's user avatar
1 vote

Vaadin - Make FlexLayout use the full page size after wrap

You could try using the utility classes: Div div = new Div(logo, buttons); div.addClassNames( AlignItems.CENTER, Display.FLEX, FlexDirection.COLUMN, FlexDirection.Breakpoint.Small.ROW, ...
Joacim Päivärinne's user avatar
1 vote

Change Font Family in Vaadin-Core 24.3.5

If you're OK with Google hosting the font, you can do the following in styles.css: @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Chewy&display=swap'); html { --lumo-font-family: "...
Joacim Päivärinne's user avatar
1 vote

Aria Isue on Vaadin Select

From aria-required - Accessibility | MDN: When a semantic HTML <input>, <select>, or <textarea> must have a value, it should have the required attribute applied to it. Seems like ...
Joacim Päivärinne's user avatar
1 vote

Using Vaadin with Astro

For those encountering this issue, here's how you can work around it. Since Vaadin components are web components, they may not function smoothly with Astro SSR out of the box. Instead of statically ...
Tomi Virkki's user avatar
1 vote

How to disable spring-security login screen?

Disabling antMatcher is not recommended, rather use lambda for Spring Security > 6.x+ @Bean public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { http....
Susobhan Das's user avatar

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