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Deco's user avatar
Deco's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
  • Australia
29 votes

What is the exact use of java nio package when already methods are available with io package

26 votes

Why must a Java file have the same name as its public class?

12 votes

Convert seconds to years/days/hours/minutes automatically, using JodaTime?

12 votes

Java code PMD Complains about Cyclomatic Complexity , of 20

12 votes

Why does the Double.valueof javadoc say it caches values, when it doesn't?

10 votes

Is it possible in Java to override 'toString' for an Objects array?

7 votes

Is it somehow possible to give a class a different filename in Java with Eclipse?

7 votes

Checking if a JTextfield is selected or not

5 votes

why is java MouseListener returning the same values x and y values every time I click?

5 votes

Questions about the multi-dimension array in Java and C#?

5 votes

How does this Sudoku Solver Work?

5 votes

Java - Applet simply not displaying?

5 votes

Calculating for leap year

4 votes

Refactoring an arrow head anti-pattern

4 votes

What is the hexa color of background in Java Swing?

4 votes

Why is String.length() a method?

4 votes

Print String as Bytes

4 votes

Front end Java, back end C++ , how to join?

3 votes

Use of java.lang.Class.getResources

3 votes

Java : Assume object reference or make copy

3 votes

Simple shape detection in a 1bpp image

3 votes

Infinite loop issue, comparing arrays in java

3 votes

How can I set/update PATH variable from within java application on Windows?

3 votes

Can we have multiple Java SDKs in one machine?

3 votes

two-value bitmap,white is 1,black is 0 in java?

3 votes

Passing a String from one method to another method

3 votes

Java "e" cannot be resolved as a variable in a keyPressed function

2 votes

adding buttons with shortcuts, or shortcuts only for ant tasks in Eclipse

2 votes

Where to put my taglib declaration?

2 votes

How to bypass the proxy using java