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wibeasley's user avatar
wibeasley's user avatar
Associate Professor of Research
  • Member for 12 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
13 votes

Avoiding error when using rename in dplyr and column doesn't exist

13 votes

Combine in flexdashboard with multiple pages different types of vertical_layout

11 votes

R package build failing on Unix machines due to missing GSL - GNU Scientific Library

11 votes

Get filename without extension in R

8 votes

Convert data from long format to wide format with multiple measure columns

8 votes

R: Error while recoding variables using car::recode function

7 votes

ignore NA in dplyr row sum

7 votes

install quantstrat for R latest R version ()

7 votes

rmarkdown inline code vs. code chunk

7 votes

Convert data from long format to wide format with multiple measure columns

6 votes

Interpolating a spline within dplyr

6 votes

Force ggplot scales to start on e.g. 1st of year, 1st of month etc

6 votes

ODBC/DBI in R will not write to a table with a non-default schema in R

5 votes

Passing strings as arguments in dplyr verbs

5 votes

How to use the spread function properly in tidyr

5 votes

R: Extract columns from list of data.frames in a tibble

4 votes

Replace blank cells with character

4 votes

Replace all 0 values with 1 in dataframe with multiple rows and columns at once

4 votes

Read all csv files in a directory and add the name of each file in a new column

4 votes

Pipe result to multiple parameters (with R 4.1+)

4 votes

Read all csv files in a directory and add the name of each file in a new column

3 votes

R find time when a file was created

3 votes

Simple Lightbox Example in Quarto

3 votes

Draw a Legend to an empty ggplot

3 votes

bind_rows of different data types

3 votes

Optimize calls to mutate and summarise?

3 votes

ggplot2 time series plot with colour coded wind direction arrows

3 votes

Unexpected section header '\examples' when checking R package

3 votes

Travis-CI: Knitr Not Found in loadVignetteBuilder

3 votes

entering column arguments from list dataframes in a custom function using purrr::map

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