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Ryan's user avatar
Ryan's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
45 votes

Javascript Typed Arrays and Endianness

14 votes

What are these strange environment variables?

9 votes

What does "<<" (double angle brackets) mean in C/C++ enum?

5 votes

Quickly testing a function that is a part of a big DLL project

4 votes

vim backspace leaves ^?

3 votes

Reverse-enginering communication protocol

3 votes

Protocol recommendation for Peer to Peer File Transfer

3 votes

Sql help in trying to get a row of data with the lowest value in one column

3 votes

workaround to skip driver signing in 64bit windows

3 votes

Facebook channelUrl recursion issue in IE7

3 votes

How to implement logout with facebook connect in cakephp while preserving facebook login?

2 votes

facebook cakephp plugin issues

2 votes

How do i get the string from after the third "/"

2 votes

Chess engine in C

2 votes

Optimal Data Storage for Web Analytics

2 votes

Fast float to int conversion (truncate)

2 votes

vmware image windows 7 cannot initialize winring0 dll?

2 votes

Ajax / js on refresh, limit content shown/gotten from php/sql

2 votes

Raphael: Gradual animation slowdown with simple infinite animation

2 votes

Get FileChannel from AssetManager Android

2 votes

MYSQL Date field showing random numbers, how to work out date?

2 votes

To multithread or not to multithread - JavaScript

2 votes

multiple instances of "the value of the local variable is not used"

2 votes

What is an alt handler, talking about the Objective-C runtime system exception handling?

2 votes

Get answer from user input and pass to another class

1 vote

check if array value exist on other array

1 vote

Javascript method definition inconsistency

1 vote

Saving 'this' in Javascript before async call

1 vote

Load .obj file out of Blender

1 vote

Adding to registry without manifest in MS Office AddIn