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Gary Gauh's user avatar
Gary Gauh's user avatar
Gary Gauh
Big Data Engineer at Letv
  • Member for 12 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
319 votes

How can I remove/delete a large file from the commit history in the Git repository?

1 vote

FST (Finite-state transducers) Libraries, C++ or java

0 votes

How to load one of same named resources from different jars in a classpath?

0 votes

JCabi aspects @RetryOnFailure how to throw exception

8 votes

Spark merge dataframe with mismatching schemas without extra disk IO

0 votes

Rewrite a URL in nginx without redirecting

0 votes

Finding Scheduler Delay for Spark

0 votes

Dynamically call method on interface{} regardless of receiver type

4 votes

codemirror autocomplete after any keyup?

1 vote

NoSuchMethodError: conflits on Elastic Search jar

10 votes

Checkstyle in Maven project. Cannot fail the project in case of violations

5 votes

Use SparkContext hadoop configuration within RDD methods/closures, like foreachPartition

3 votes

How to kill the thread of searching request on elasticsearch cluster? Is there some API to do this?

0 votes

Error 401 when pushing to Git (GitLab)

0 votes

Aliases for field names in kibana

41 votes

Celery worker hangs without any error

10 votes

Django Celery Queue getting stuck

1 vote

Courier Fetch: shards failed

1 vote

Use only some parts of Django?

1 vote

How to configure Celery loglevel in Supervisord

2 votes

Elasticsearch - Different between indices.fielddata.cache.size and indices.fielddata.breaker.limit

16 votes

Query all unique values of a field with Elasticsearch

11 votes

Is there any Python implementation of logstash's grok functionality?