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Alex Basson's user avatar
Alex Basson
Software Engineer
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
0 votes

Guard let construction, still getting fatal error: Index out of range

3 votes

How do you run one XCTestCase subclass's test method from inside another XCTestCase subclass's test method in XCode 7?

3 votes

What is the difference between .enabled and set enabled

1 vote

Editing value in NSTableView results in error

0 votes

If we have tab bar with a bunch of navigation controller, when a tab is selected, would the navigation controller pop back to bottom?

1 vote

Objective C - iPhone: different DetailViewControllers for TableView?

6 votes

UICollectionView created programmatically doesn't scroll

3 votes

XCode Semicolon after Autocomplete

2 votes

What HTML5 features are available for Dashcode widgets in iBooks?

5 votes

CMS + Ecommerce - Which opensource program is best?

7 votes

LaTeX: set custom line spacing except for some document parts

25 votes

HTML 5 <video> tag vs Flash video. What are the pros and cons?

4 votes

Looking for ideas on a computer science course project

2 votes

What is polymorphism, what is it for, and how is it used?

0 votes

Theorem numbering in LaTeX

4 votes

Is Html style font-family prioritized by order?

0 votes

Create a Flash frontend for WordPress?

2 votes

What is a Namespace?

0 votes

What is the preferred way of notating methods in comments?