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Josh's user avatar
Josh's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
2 votes

:dependent => :destroy on postgresql uuid

4 votes

How do I disable webmock for a Capybara tests?

4 votes

What is a worker in ruby/rails?

2 votes

How to get ReactJS to render empty HTML attributes

1 vote

NoMethodError: undefined method `onvos_encoded_url' -- ruby on rails

3 votes

Rails webmock stubbing out localhost api call

1 vote

rubocop cyclomatic complexity challenge

6 votes

Writing an argument replacing macro

1 vote

Why is BootStrap 4 Progress Bar Not Animating

0 votes

How do I get a relation for a model that belongs_to another model in rails

0 votes

Don't display if no user input is entered

16 votes

Clojure REPL Unable to resolve symbol

3 votes

How to open gem library using with vim and console using oneliner command

0 votes

Standard Deviation in clojure

5 votes

Remove "www", "http://" from string

53 votes

Rails 4 form without model and database

2 votes

Rejecting hash contents if they are not in array

1 vote

How can I use variable request in a model?

0 votes

In Ruby FFI when I return a dynamically allocated string should I free it?

1 vote
Accepted is returning tomorrow, not today

3 votes

NameError: uninitialized constant in Rails app when attempting to import CSV

0 votes

How can I access or assign custom currency symbols when format method is called using money gem?

1 vote

Respond_to confusion

3 votes

Counting percentage of true elements in ruby

5 votes

Explanation for brew install vs. bundle install needed for PGSQL error. (How to make my PGSQL work)

1 vote

Convert haml js to slim

0 votes

Delete function does not work properly

1 vote

How to call node server to fetch data in web application using Facebook Flux?

2 votes

Ruby on Rails: proper way to return data from methods

12 votes

SQL Injection and ActiveRecord

2 3 4 5 6