jqno's user avatar
jqno's user avatar
jqno's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
0 votes

Code Golf: Collatz Conjecture

1 vote

Cleanly handling events

1 vote

Java many to many association map

1 vote

Object[] to Class[] in Java

1 vote

object created with "new" keyword and created with reflection

6 votes

Creating an API in Java for the first time

1 vote

how to write a block that returns a string in ruby

4 votes

Why does this split() fail?

6 votes

Which method should I use?

5 votes

Why do floats having trailing .0 when it is exactly an integer?

10 votes

How can I associate an Enum with its opposite value, as in cardinal directions (North - South, East - West, etc)?

1 vote

How to deliver a java program to a client?

28 votes

How do I hide the eol doc chars ^M in VIM

16 votes

What is this constructor call with following double braces?

10 votes

How to get rid of search highlight in Vim

15 votes

Practical examples of using symbols in Scala?

12 votes

Vim - how to store and execute commonly used commands?

4 votes

"Singleton" factories, ok or bad?

2 votes

final variable in for statement in Java 5 and 6

1 vote

What are the common tricks in eclipse when working with jsp files?

11 votes

Query ARP cache to get MAC ID

3 votes

Mocking a concrete class using EasyMock

6 votes

Avoiding Scala memory leaks - Scala constructors

23 votes

What is your most productive shortcut with Vim?

0 votes

What's the most impressive Javascript/Flash/Silverlight example you've seen?

5 votes

Initializing a lot of fields - constructor vs method return values

3 votes

How much work should the constructor for an HTML parsing class do?

9 votes

Sort array in ascending order while minimizing "cost"

16 votes

Acronyms in Camel Back

2 votes

When is it desired to not implement toString() in Java?