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MaLio's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
29 votes

BindingList<> ListChanged event

25 votes

Naming C# events and handlers properly

11 votes

How to do proper Reflection of base Interface methods

5 votes

Ignore collection properties in PropertyInfo

5 votes

Represent a Guid as a set of integers

4 votes

How to create an object with constructor arguments in an AppDomain? (.NET 3.5)

4 votes

C# - Round float every time down

4 votes

BindingList<> Listchanged event not fired

4 votes

Passing FileStream in WCF

4 votes

Pass in an object reference when Deserializing

3 votes

memcpy in C# with different dataType

3 votes

How to check if a thread is busy in C#?

3 votes

retrieve internal member of an internal nested class by reflection

3 votes

Multithreading with Task reading PDF files using C#

3 votes

Externally editable strings in .NET assemblies?

3 votes

Why are pointers reference types?

3 votes

'Static/Constant' business objects

3 votes

.net code readability and maintainability

3 votes

Why does the VS2005 debugger not report "base." values properly? (was "Why is this if statement failing?")

3 votes

Identifying a custom indexer using reflection in C#

3 votes

Synchronous and asynchronous callbacks

3 votes

If textBox1 Contains Integer

2 votes

private constructor, subclassing and sealed

2 votes

Code Commenting: Do you put your code comments on Interfaces or on Concrete classes, or both?

2 votes

How to serialize System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch

2 votes

Generate identical Hashcodes for approximately-similar numbers

2 votes

.NET SynchronizationContext - Which thread does it Send/Post to?

2 votes

WinForms control for image map editing

2 votes

Why shouldn't C# (or .NET) allow us to put a static/shared method inside an interface?

2 votes

Increase thread priority on wait handles

2 3 4 5