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Baruch's user avatar
Baruch's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
9 votes

selectRowAtIndexPath only works when allowsMultipleSelection is YES

9 votes

Emberjs scroll to top when changing view

8 votes

Overlapping images/ position not coming out right when using Jquery Masonry on Rails 3 app

6 votes

rails 3.1 submit an ajax (remote: true) form with a link

4 votes

Ruby sort_by with null values

2 votes

How to create a multi level document using MongoId

2 votes

Should i store my facebook_ids as Integer or as String in mongo?

2 votes

mongodb mongorestore assertion failure

2 votes

capybara: find(element) using selector to target a complex attribute name

2 votes

Do AppEngine-Go modules have to share the same code base

2 votes

Computed property in Emberjs Model

2 votes

How to use ActiveModel::Serializer with a PostgreSQL JSON column

1 vote

Serialising async hasMany relationships

1 vote

How to Query Document Created Today Using MongoDB?

1 vote

Mongoid: How to chain eager loading?

1 vote

Ember.js ember-data restadapter fail to load json

1 vote

Undefined Method 'metadata' when uploading using mongoid-paperclip gem

1 vote

Ember Data and mapping JSON objects

1 vote

Rename directory from app [Rails, Carrierwave]

1 vote

Rails nested model form is showing random order on child objects

1 vote

How do I manipulate the contents typed/pasted into a textfield and have that result saved to the db in ruby on rails?

1 vote

Rails 3, mongoid, carrierwave, nested object form

1 vote

NoMethodError in Shop#new

1 vote

Changing content with select menu

0 votes

HTML body isn't as height as page

0 votes

Could someone explain this simple code to me please?

0 votes

Google couldn't follow your URL because it redirected too many times

0 votes

Splitting Ruby strings into pages

0 votes

how to get common output in array?

0 votes

Override destroy and delete in Rails 3 and removing the callbacks