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oggy's user avatar
oggy's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
24 votes

What's the difference between operating system "swap" and "page"?

18 votes

Python Regex "object has no attribute"

16 votes

Python: List initialization differences

12 votes

Boolean evaluation in a lambda

9 votes

Fixture loading works with loaddata but fails silently in unit test in Django

9 votes

Any way to avoid using anonymous functions in jQuery?

8 votes

Checking Python code correctness

8 votes

Using map() to get number of times list elements exist in a string in Python

7 votes

Python logging for non-trivial uses?

7 votes

Why do all Haskell typeclasses have laws?

6 votes

Algorithms to Identify All the Cycle Bases in a UnDirected Graph

6 votes

How do you setup a Django project with different sites using the same data?

6 votes

Best way to handle request variables in Django

4 votes

How do I get Bzr to run an arbitrary command on commit

4 votes

Piwik Web Analytics - Anyone with experience of it?

4 votes

update query strange issue

4 votes

Copying values from a dictionary into an object in Python

4 votes

M2Crypto: verifying DSA signatures

3 votes

Django equivalent of New Relic RPM for Rails?

3 votes

What is the rationale of untyped variables in ActionScript 3?

3 votes

Install python 2.6 in CentOS

3 votes

What block cipher mode to use? CFB adequate?

3 votes

How to get \uXXXX to display correctly, using PHP5

3 votes

Django RelatedManager's .create() usage?

3 votes

Borland can't compile. What is going on? I can't even get started

3 votes

Django ModelForms: Trying to save a form using a foreign key ID

2 votes

Surprising software vulnerabilities or exploits?

2 votes

Why does A* path finding sometimes go in straight lines and sometimes diagonals? (Java)

2 votes

Can I prevent from users to delete files from the server using TortoiseSVN and RapidSVN?

2 votes

Load non-uniform data from a txt file into a msql database