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Lazlo's user avatar
Lazlo's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Montreal, Canada
1 vote

Should my app assume licensed state if Google servers don't respond?

1 vote

Is there a way for EQATEC to profile system DLLs?

1 vote

Adding errors to form validation doesn't work?

0 votes

Wait for thread loop to be done

0 votes

Solve mutual recursivity in comparison

0 votes

Prepping '0' value to NULL

0 votes

Converting MySQL ANSI input to UTF-8

0 votes

CKEditor charset

0 votes

Synchronization across threads / atomic checks?

0 votes

Need help tracking a threaded freezing

0 votes

Difference between "margin-left", and "left" (or "margin-right", and "right")

0 votes

Confirm successful login

0 votes

List to two-dimensional Array

0 votes

Why can't I import this data to my RSACryptoServiceProvider? (C#.NET)

0 votes

How do I decrypt RSA data in C#.NET appropriately?

0 votes

Why doesn't .NET find the OpenSSL.NET dll?

0 votes

Thread.Abort doesn't seem to throw a ThreadAbortException because of AcceptSocket

0 votes

3D Math / 2D Rotation Calculation: Split/cut 3D model?

0 votes

checking for is letter in a string

0 votes

PHP & MySQL: how to narrow down the tag search result?

0 votes

Which is more correct: "CLR Type", "CLI Type" or ".NET Type"?

0 votes

Copy table data on same server with field remapping

0 votes

Laravel Cashier fails to connect to Stripe in Homestead due to lack of local certificate path

0 votes

How can I tell if a module (dropdown, checkbox, etc.) is already bound?

0 votes

Are there drawbacks to the generic-implementing-non-generic-interface pattern?

0 votes

Export configuration data along DLL when building

-1 votes

How to modify a RichTextBox of other Form in C#.NET