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Uchia Itachi's user avatar
Uchia Itachi's user avatar
Uchia Itachi
Student at Georgia Tech
  • Member for 11 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Atlanta, GA, United States
7 votes

error running a simple libpcap example

6 votes

C++ how to pass 'this' to pointer reference

6 votes

C Ansi Memory allocation closures

6 votes

Are a, &a, *a, a[0], &a[0] and &a[0][0] identical pointers?

6 votes

c++, error: Invalid use of qualified-name

5 votes

Why do I get the error "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"?

3 votes

Vector of pointers in different methods of the same class

3 votes

Static member modification in const member function in C++

3 votes

How do I fix the error "was not declared in this scope"?

3 votes

Can't Understand this simple code output

3 votes

Invalid use of non-static data memeber

2 votes

What are the practical uses of bit-fields in language C?

2 votes

circular buffer resets memory?

2 votes

Compiler warning on seemingly compatible function pointer assignment (const vs no-const)

2 votes

Struct with bit fields reordering?

2 votes

non-const lvalue reference to type cannot bind error

2 votes

Getting SIGSEGV segmentation fault in linked list structure

2 votes

Assigning variables to pointers

2 votes

Accessing member function after calling delete to an object

1 vote

How to use header file in SystemC Hello World program?

1 vote

Modify vector in function

1 vote

Const variable in C++ function body

1 vote

Strcat() returns garbage after strcpy

1 vote

c++ passing a dynamic array to a

1 vote

regarding pointers in c++

1 vote

Subclass Constructors

1 vote

Incorrect data is being pushed into stack implemented using pointers

1 vote

Why doesn't the index/list of an array begin with 1?

1 vote

Why is this for loop infinite?

1 vote

C for loop behaving strangely