Deer Hunter's user avatar
Deer Hunter's user avatar
Deer Hunter's user avatar
Deer Hunter
  • Member for 11 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
  • The Pillars of Creation, NGC 6611
41 votes

Insert line breaks in long string -- word wrap

26 votes

Does the DOT language support variables / aliases?

9 votes

Parameterized queries with RODBC

5 votes

Parse Microsoft Office files in Node.JS

4 votes

How to count unique values per category in Excel

3 votes

Ubuntu shuts down automatically on nodejs installation

3 votes

How to detect mysql server down status quickly

3 votes

A* Algorithm for very large graphs, any thoughts on caching shortcuts?

3 votes

Greatest distance between set of longitude/latitude points

3 votes

Converting GraphML to GV or Dot file

2 votes

Proper syntax highlighting in Sublime 3 for a file written in several languages

2 votes

Preventing access to an Excel file wrapped by a Dot.Net application

2 votes

How are webapps truly asynchronous?

2 votes

Find a Registry key's name by its value?

1 vote

Considerations about a simulation game

1 vote

Must-read C++ documents for "under the hood" performance understanding?

1 vote

How to mock a 3rd party web service LINQ data provider?

1 vote

Programatically extract content of PowerPoint slides into MS Word-like format?

1 vote

How to set up simulation architecture, OO design

1 vote

Should I install node.js on Ubuntu using package manager or from source?

1 vote

Is using RinRuby secure for web solutions?

0 votes

Returning the value of deep properties if they exist