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Rowan's user avatar
Rowan's user avatar
Principal Engineer at the Financial Times
  • Member for 14 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
365 votes

How can I add an element after another element?

4 votes

Using an IIFE and passing in parameters, when should I do it? Javascript

6 votes

How to use node's cluster module in an express website?

2 votes

JavaScript variable empty without previous alert messge

1 vote

Need a Solution for getting the website to work on disabling of javascript in the browser

2 votes

How do I export a minified CSS file using client-side less.js?

1 vote

Using iPad Double Tap plugin in coffeescript

0 votes

Unexpected box-shadow behaviour

1 vote

Compiling coffeescript test with the npm module

1 vote

Uniform formatting of a selection of cells in various tables with jQuery

6 votes

Detect if visitor is a browser and not a crawler

12 votes

Jquery Plus/Minus Incrementer

40 votes

How to make CSS width to fill parent?

12 votes

css opacity on hover of div

0 votes

Css ordering, and external style sheet combined with php

0 votes

Best way to hide a form input field from being accessed using firebug?

1 vote

How do I set the "From" address in a PHP contact form?

2 votes

keydown combination

3 votes

modrewrite or php rewrite for language subdirectories

0 votes

Retaining values in forms fields when validation of data fails

2 votes

Best way to identify an element for jQuery interaction

2 votes

Dreamweaver and PHP (Alternatives)

1 vote

JQuery: how to access multiple css classes using .attr()?

7 votes

Javascript tabs widget with drag and drop reordering

0 votes

jQuery / Javascript pass focus to next element while tabbing through page

1 vote

form elements behaving unusually inside a jquery thickbox

0 votes

When i proceed to develop a software, ui design or database design, which should be first?

1 vote

html: what effects does 'form' have on the layout of a page

1 vote

parse json array which contains sql array

1 vote

margin: 0 auto; Seems to work fine in Chrome/FF but, again, IE disagrees