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simonp's user avatar
simonp's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
1 vote

DynamoDB: High SuccessfulRequestLatency

1 vote

Blank time between resource loading under network inspector

0 votes

Thousands of EGL messages in my Android Eclipse LogCat

17 votes

Can Android Studio be used to run standard Java projects?

3 votes

Android switch to gradle doesn't compile JRE7 code features

156 votes

What is WindowManager in android?

3 votes

Eclipse doesn't start after upgrading from Juno to Kepler

3 votes

Git add a folder to all branches in a repository

2 votes

Perl , html data and characters encoded in utf-8

2 votes

Expose Amazon SQS directly to clients or via an Webservice as proxy

5 votes

Can Test::Class tests be run in parallel? (or how to factor out superclass tests)

2 votes

Scrambled umlauts since upgrade from JSON1 to JSON2 in Perl

9 votes

Postgres and partial dates

0 votes

Git-SVN: how can i merge branch to trunk?

0 votes

Score increases randomly onActionMove

0 votes

AndEngine - can't iterate through array items inside handler calls

7 votes

AndEngine GLES2- IndexOutOfBoundsException inside line: 1402

1 vote

git svn "Unable to determine upstream SVN information from working tree directory"

1 vote

How i can use cloud mysql database with java?

14 votes

How to avoid putting quotes around numbers with Perl JSON module?

0 votes

COPY FROM CSV to Postgres in Ubuntu

0 votes

parse JSON data with different structures

1 vote

Repeated git log entry after merge failed

1 vote

Git push to svn keep as multiple commits

0 votes

Dont want to reload Texture from Server in onResume in AndEngine Android

0 votes

After update of the JSON module i get the following warning

0 votes

Counting records separated by CR/LF (carriage return and newline) in Perl

4 votes

Determine if a string starts with an upper-case character in Perl

7 votes

AndEngine setRotationCenter moves rotated objects

10 votes

Number of messages in Amazon SQS