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Don's user avatar
Don's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Sweden
478 votes

How do I create directory if it doesn't exist to create a file?

122 votes

Access PHP var from external javascript file

0 votes

Finding a cluster of words and replacing them with one word

0 votes

C# Open XML and get value

1 vote

Regex.Replace is stripping out pipe character

3 votes

Error with giving a value to int

129 votes

Local and global temporary tables in SQL Server

8 votes

"Duplicate attribute key" error when attribute is not a key

9 votes

SQL Server Insert if not exists

1 vote

Count number of occurrences in a bit column in sql

1 vote

How to get the list of columns of same datatype from datatable

2 votes

How do i sum a list of items by code(or any field)?

7 votes

Duplicate push notifications on iOS

3 votes

How do you get the Default Users folder (e.g. c:\users\Default)

0 votes

SQL Query to find a column name throughout the Database

1 vote

Retrieve different values in order if empty

0 votes

'Update' command does not work in VisualSVN

0 votes

How do I properly join tables and use a group by to summarize data in MySQL?

1 vote

Parse a custom file in C#

0 votes

how to find the lowest common denominator on one side of a many to many query

0 votes

PHP MYSQL if null statement

0 votes

How to create following string with array in it?

0 votes

Retrieve method/code from many files

2 votes

create a cyclic auto increment column in mysql

0 votes

Complex sum with grouping

0 votes

Is there a way to get all tweets from twitter for a specified user?

1 vote

T-SQL Query not bringing back a count of 0

0 votes

C# .exe upload of multiple files to PHP server - filename param?

0 votes

MySQL Search Query - Searching from tags, too :(

4 votes

Conditionally set column values in SQL result