Black's user avatar
Black's user avatar
Black's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Germany
181 votes

What is object slicing?

17 votes

SIGKILL while allocating memory in C++

9 votes

Oracle Date - How to add years to date

9 votes

Is NNTP dead / NNTP successor?

8 votes

Is it possible to obtain warnings from javadoc when something missed in javadoc-comments?

8 votes

What are your Java 'rules'?

8 votes

Is there a way to simulate the C++ 'friend' concept in Java?

8 votes

Memory leak traps in the Java Standard API

7 votes

Ideas on setting up a version control system

7 votes

Protecting executable from reverse engineering?

7 votes

Why can't the default constructor be called with empty brackets?

5 votes

Best practice to run Linux service as a different user

5 votes

Why is it considered a good practice to store radically different data types in separate repositories while using SVN?

5 votes

What exactly is the purpose of using schemata in genetic algorithm?

4 votes

SELECT FROM one table and INSERT INTO another; using WHERE & AND

4 votes

What does 'const static' mean in C and C++?

3 votes

Why should i use Serialization instead of File I/O in java

3 votes

SIP command not found

3 votes

does presence of mutex help getting rid of volatile key word ?

3 votes

Need help in deciding the software design/architecture for product development?

3 votes

Issuing SSL certificates myself for subdomains of a domain I have an SSL cert for

3 votes

Application rebrands - when should a branching strategy be employed?

3 votes

Initialize a static private map as empty

3 votes

Stop two instances of my application writing to the same folder simultaneously

3 votes

Value after call function which passing by reference to pointer in C++?

3 votes

i declared label in java but still it shows 'the label is missing'

3 votes

Making variables persist even after program termination

2 votes

Drools recursive rules not firing

2 votes

Is kernel a special program that executes always? and why are these CPU modes?

2 votes

Are C++ Templates just Macros in disguise?