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dclowd9901's user avatar
dclowd9901's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
27 votes

Is there a 'has focus' in JavaScript (or jQuery)?

12 votes

Reasons against using "Git" in the enterprise

11 votes

Setting a Google Maps viewport to automatically fit pane for locations of (n) markers of various locations

9 votes

Using jQuery, how to find the index of an element amongst its siblings of a specified CSS class

8 votes

Is there a way using jQuery or Javascript to force a page to open in Firefox?

8 votes

How do i sit 2 divs left and right of eachother

6 votes

How can I collapse a nested list using jQuery?

6 votes

How do I apply css for textboxes only but not for all the <input> types like CheckBoxes, etc.?

5 votes

Creating a PHP web app to allow users to vote on submissions - How can I minimize abuse

5 votes

UITextField losing firstResponder after view appears

4 votes

How to write an element inside a div using jQuery?

4 votes

Cross Browser input field width stylization

3 votes

PHP Error: Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Node no longer exists

3 votes

How to only fade content once it is ready in Jquery?

3 votes

What are good uses of the css `content` property?

3 votes

How do I create breadcrumbs like in this Apple site?

3 votes

How can I debug why this click handler never fires?

3 votes

Condensing repeating JQuery code

3 votes

Amazon API search results vs. Amazon.com search results

3 votes

<li> styling with css (chrome problems)

3 votes

JQuery - .hover() after .load()ing the image and .append()ed to .find()div

3 votes

Set element style to the :hover style using jQuery

3 votes

top-level namespace and usage of exports of Backbone source code

2 votes

CSS: direct descedant selector. it selects elements that are not direct children

2 votes

Can you explain how this NoAlphanumeric JS code works?

2 votes

jQuery when user clicks outside the form

2 votes

CakePHP not pulling rows over a certain number for hasOne relationship

2 votes

is onchange event case sensitive?

2 votes

jquery causing “white” on load

2 votes

What's "string math" and why is it bad?